Top 15 Altruisme Quotes

#1. No matter how beautiful the theory, one irritating fact can dismiss the entire formulism, so it has to be proven.

Michio Kaku

Altruisme Quotes #24491
#2. Is typecasting really a problem?

Christopher Walken

Altruisme Quotes #94118
#3. You yourself are indeed Bhagwan [God], but the qualities of God have not yet manifested.

Dada Bhagwan

Altruisme Quotes #344848
#4. If I could give you only one advice, I would say: Don't identify with anything. Be completely empty - no one. Be no-body and see if you lose anything but delusion.


Altruisme Quotes #465744
#5. I help others because I can, not because I expect something in return.

Amy Manemann

Altruisme Quotes #543548
#6. Blonde hair drawn into a no-nonsense bun, her new manicure the deep red of fresh blood, she'd even donned a blouse and slacks for the occasion, something Neve had forgotten Veronica owned.

Katherine McIntyre

Altruisme Quotes #614542
#7. Who did you pray for?"
I stared down at the lake. "I prayed for Mandy."
"That's so sweet."
"Yeah, I asked God to make her less annoying.

M.K. Schiller

Altruisme Quotes #634509
#8. History is not to be whitewashed "by a screening out of the importance of suffering."

Johann Baptist Metz

Altruisme Quotes #689785
#9. She would hang a sign in the restaurant window--Owt to luntsch. Bee bak in a whale. For she could not spell either.

Marguerite Young

Altruisme Quotes #954468
#10. I love Washington, but it is a self-important town.

Lady Bird Johnson

Altruisme Quotes #1244789
#11. Whoever possesses something that is at once valuable and fragile is afraid of other people's envy, in so far as he projects on to them the envy he would have felt in their place.

Sigmund Freud

Altruisme Quotes #1265691
#12. I feel sorry for people of good heart who have never had a chance to learn the realities of Native American everything - not just our history but the sweetness and the beauty and the reasons why were so close to Mother Earth.

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Altruisme Quotes #1299176
#13. When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn't healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits - anything that kept me small.
My judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving.

Kim McMillen

Altruisme Quotes #1399582
#14. For me, it's just going up on the mound and trying to get outs.

Masahiro Tanaka

Altruisme Quotes #1580432
#15. You can pay attention to the fact, in which case you'll probably become a mathematician, or you can ignore it, in which case you'll probably become a physicist.

Len Evans

Altruisme Quotes #1812992

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