Top 11 Almira Quotes

#1. The risen sun too bright in her losing eyes.

John Green

Almira Quotes #99194
#2. To-day, to-day, be wise, be wise.

James Jean

Almira Quotes #100170
#3. Something about this small glimmer of happiness feels wrong, but I can't think about that. I just hold onto the glimmer, the shred. I let myself feel a tiny bit happy. Even though it kind of hurts.

Amanda Maciel

Almira Quotes #209197
#4. Christians must understand the nature of the change that has occurred in our culture. No longer do the secularists just mock Christians from afar. They are now actively campaigning to indoctrinate children in an anti-God philosophy
to teach them to be secularists and atheists.

Ken Ham

Almira Quotes #835758
#5. Each opening bud, and care-perfected seed, Is as a page, where we may read of God.

Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps

Almira Quotes #864531
#6. So, in the physical world mankind are prone to seek an explanation of uncommon phenomena only, while the ordinary changes of nature, which are in themselves equally wonderful, are disregarded.

Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps

Almira Quotes #1097564
#7. The shawl's bottom edge the clearest blue, as if it has been dipped in the sea. The blue of a glance.

Anne Michaels

Almira Quotes #1103728
#8. How often are the beauties of nature unheeded by man, who, musing on past ills, brooding over the possible calamities of the future, building castles in the air, or wrapped up in his own self-love and self-importance, forgets to look abroad, or looks with a vacant stare.

Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps

Almira Quotes #1171556
#9. God had already made me realise that His mercy does not grow weary of waiting for some souls and that He enlightens them only slowly. So I took good care not to anticipate Him.

John Beevers

Almira Quotes #1245949
#10. Smiles are very contagious so infect everyone with your smiles.

Debasish Mridha

Almira Quotes #1660529
#11. The guiding principle of this Nation has been, is now, and ever shall be IN GOD WE TRUST.

John F. Kennedy

Almira Quotes #1746115

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