Top 8 Aldrin Crossword Quotes

#1. The women of today are the thoughts of their mothers and grandmothers, embodied and made alive. They are active, capable, determined and bound to win. They have one-thousand generations back of them ... Millions of women dead and gone are speaking through us today

Matilda Joslyn Gage

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #362424
#2. These were people like that. The ones that cared so terribly much - enough to risk everything, enough to change and do things. Most people aren't like that, you know. It isn't that they don't care, but they don't care so greatly.

Diana Gabaldon

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #491691
#3. I like to learn the lines and not get any precontrived things in my head about the part. Just get on stage and see what the other actors are doing, and respond to them as honestly as I can.

John Mahoney

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #627738
#4. If you're changing the world, you're working on important things. You're excited to get up in the morning.

Larry Page

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #719859
#5. History is not a procession of illustrious people. It's about what happens to a people. Millions of anonymous people is what history is about.

James Baldwin

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #1050867
#6. If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.

Benjamin Franklin

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #1071340
#7. To analyze is to renounce yourself
One can reason only in a circle
One sees only what one wants to see
Birth solves nothing
I admit I'm crying.

Nicanor Parra

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #1164206
#8. I sometimes think we deserve to die, we're all so goddamned stupid.

Greg Bear

Aldrin Crossword Quotes #1499921

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