Top 6 Affectively Creative Crossword Quotes

#1. He wanted AFFIRMATION rather than INFORMATION.

Barbara W. Tuchman

Affectively Creative Crossword Quotes #102193
#2. We rarely see the things we don't expect to see.

Susanna Kearsley

Affectively Creative Crossword Quotes #783832
#3. My favorite role is mommy. I know that sounds cheesy to people who don't have kids, or there are even some moms who think it's cheesy. It's a role you can't prepare for; it's a role you don't get paid to do, but it is the most rewarding role, and to me, it's been the most fulfilling.

Vanessa Lachey

Affectively Creative Crossword Quotes #921361
#4. It surprises me, how a small gesture can feel so very big. How sometimes you don't realize the nervousness or sadness you were holding deep inside until the touch of someone you love lets it all out of you, like your entire body is exhaling.

Lucy Keating

Affectively Creative Crossword Quotes #1682815
#5. I think I see my life already starting to write on my next decision the adventures of a loneliness which for the first time in years can stand being alone again.

Angelos Michalopoulos

Affectively Creative Crossword Quotes #1725017
#6. I was dumped at my senior prom - I was 18 and in love. We danced all night, then she got back together with her ex. It broke my heart.

Chris Evans

Affectively Creative Crossword Quotes #1751277

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