Top 32 About Gardening Quotes

#1. My mom is a master gardener and I grew up on a farm. I came back to it really late in life and discovered that despite how lazy and inattentive I was as a child, I had managed to accidentally learn quite a bit about gardening.

Elizabeth Gilbert

About Gardening Quotes #911224
#2. People who have not tried, know so much about gardening! - and so little.

Anna Bartlett Warner

About Gardening Quotes #1498255
#3. I don't think we'll ever know all there is to know about gardening, and I'm just as glad there will always be some magic about it!

Barbara Damrosch

About Gardening Quotes #1527611
#4. You know I know next to zip about gardening, right?
It's easy. You buy the pretty pots from the nursery, you stick them in the ground. If they die, you buy more. If not, you brag like there's no tomorrow.

Sarah Mayberry

About Gardening Quotes #1575600
#5. It is utterly forbidden to be half-hearted about gardening. You have got to love your garden whether you like it or not.

W.C. Sellar

About Gardening Quotes #1607459
#6. I'm mad about gardening. I have an allotment on the other side of Hampstead Heath, and I keep three hens in my garden.

Deborah Moggach

About Gardening Quotes #19513
#7. Sooner or later every gardener must face the fact that certain things are going to die on him. It is a temptation to be anthropomorphic about plants, to suspect that they do it to annoy.

Eleanor Perenyi

About Gardening Quotes #1313458
#8. She didn't like gardening or cleaning, so she wasn't about to have 'shit that needed watering or dusting' around her place.

Jana Deleon

About Gardening Quotes #1838559
#9. Doesn't matter what you do, or how you do it, your neighbors are gonna talk about you ANYWAY.

Felder Rushing

About Gardening Quotes #1349033
#10. Orwell wrote easily and well about small humane pursuits, such as bird watching, gardening and cooking, and did not despise popular pleasures like pubs and vulgar seaside resorts. In many ways, his investigations into ordinary life and activity prefigure what we now call 'cultural studies.

Christopher Hitchens

About Gardening Quotes #1357138
#11. Garden design is all about concealment and surprise.

Andrew Crofts

About Gardening Quotes #1542603
#12. I like solitary pursuits, such as reading or pottering about in the garden.

Hayley Mills

About Gardening Quotes #1589859
#13. I could happily lean on a gate all the livelong day, chatting to passers-by about the wind and the rain. I do a lot of gate-leaning while I am supposed to be gardening; instead of hoeing, I lean on the gate, stare at the vegetable beds and ponder.

Tom Hodgkinson

About Gardening Quotes #1611414
#14. Reading books about gardens is a potent pastime; books nourish a gardener's mind in the same way as manure nourishes plants.

Mirabel Osler

About Gardening Quotes #1625265
#15. Gardening is not something to get on your high horse about or be overwhelmed by. Either you enjoy it or you don't.

Kim Wilde

About Gardening Quotes #1658826
#16. Clarity is the most important thing. I can compare clarity to pruning in gardening. You know, you need to be clear. If you are not clear, nothing is going to happen. You have to be clear. Then you have to be confident about your vision. And after that, you just have to put a lot of work in.

Diane Von Furstenberg

About Gardening Quotes #1702399
#17. Gardening is about cheating, about persuading unlikely plants to survive in unlikely places and when that trick is well accomplished the results can be highly satisfying.

David Wheeler

About Gardening Quotes #1718442
#18. Gardening is all about optimism.

Mary Anne Radmacher

About Gardening Quotes #1761792
#19. Gardening is about communication, relationships, routines and life-enrichment. Gardens are places that connect us to the seasons and the life cycle. They're a vehicle for talking about esoteric and - as far as TV goes - alien topics such as beauty and fulfilment.

Costa Georgiadis

About Gardening Quotes #1763532
#20. Gardening gives one back a sense of proportion about everything - except itself.

May Sarton

About Gardening Quotes #948936
#21. Gardening is a kind of disease. It infects you, you cannot escape it. When you go visiting, your eyes rove about the garden; you interrupt the serious cocktail drinking because of an irresistible impulse to get up and pull a weed.

Lewis Gannett

About Gardening Quotes #896265
#22. I've never really understood the criticism that climbing is inherently selfish, since it could equally be argued about virtually any other hobby or sport. Is gardening selfish?

Alex Honnold

About Gardening Quotes #824552
#23. Gardening is akin to writing stories. No experience could have taught me more about grief or flowers, about achieving survival by going, your fingers in the ground, the limit of physical exhaustion.

Eudora Welty

About Gardening Quotes #801516
#24. I want us to be doing things, prolonging life's duties as much as we can. I want death to find me planting my cabbages, neither worrying about it nor the unfinished gardening.

Michel De Montaigne

About Gardening Quotes #768384
#25. I remember how Talia got me to talk about the gardening thing. I've never told anyone else about that, but with this girl, I sort of feel like I can be myself without worrying about looking uncool. After all, she doesn't even know what "cool" is.

Alex Flinn

About Gardening Quotes #741201
#26. Gardening is all about optimism. I put a seed in the ground. I consistently tend it, confident I will see the results, in time, of the nurture I have provided.

Mary Anne Radmacher

About Gardening Quotes #656885
#27. There is something soothing about working in the yard. Planting seeds and seeing them poke green out of the dirt. And it gets you out of the house with out going too far.

Michael Lee West

About Gardening Quotes #536633
#28. From plants that wake when others sleep, from timid jasmine buds that keep their odour to themselves all day, but when the sunlight dies away let the delicious secret out to every breeze that roams about.

Thomas Moore

About Gardening Quotes #504644
#29. Many talk about a guest worker program. I think most reasonable people believe that a guest worker program in the farming industry, perhaps in the gardening and landscape industries, is reasonable.

Gary Miller

About Gardening Quotes #305900
#30. There's something about taking a plow and breaking new ground. It gives you energy.

Ken Kesey

About Gardening Quotes #135876
#31. I adore gardening and plan to take it up properly when I have a bit more time on my hands. Until then, I love pottering in garden centres. I'm totally low maintenance. I don't ask for fancy plants, just basic, long-lasting shrubs that look nice. But I am particular about flowers.

Shilpa Shetty

About Gardening Quotes #16520
#32. I love a lot of things, and I'm pretty much obsessive about most things I do, whether it be gardening, or architecture, or music. I'd be an obsessive hairdresser.

Gates McFadden

About Gardening Quotes #16228

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