Top 44 A Broken Promise Quotes

#1. Better a broken promise than none at all.

Mark Twain

A Broken Promise Quotes #740071
#2. As the weeks and months unfolded, we realized that we were the victims of a broken promise.

Martin Luther King Jr.

A Broken Promise Quotes #842485
#3. A broken promise is not a lie.

Paul Ekman

A Broken Promise Quotes #1097731
#4. Chipper intuited that this feeling of futility would be a fixture in his life. A dull waiting and then a broken promise, a panicked realization of how late it was.
This futility had let's call it a flavor.

Jonathan Franzen

A Broken Promise Quotes #1445286
#5. A mysterious ability, a broken promise, a life changed forever ...

Kim Hornsby

A Broken Promise Quotes #1541086
#6. He left that morning, the last words still echoing in my head, and though he said he'd come back one day I know a broken promise from a right one for I have used them myself and there is no coming back. Minds like ours are can't be tamed and the price for freedom is the price we pay.

Charlotte Eriksson

A Broken Promise Quotes #593546
#7. So long there are women around, a cheater will cheat against his promise.

Anthony Liccione

A Broken Promise Quotes #1053631
#8. A promise broken is another promise ahead shattered!

Michael S. McKinney

A Broken Promise Quotes #1874919
#9. History is a promise that is always broken in the end

Goenawan Mohamad

A Broken Promise Quotes #1064101
#10. Take a deep breath and take this to heart; God has nothing to do with broken promises. When He says, I promise, mark it down it's going to happen.

James MacDonald

A Broken Promise Quotes #1086120
#11. I made a promise. The kind of promise you don't break because, if you break it you've broken part of yourself, maybe the most important part.

Rick Yancey

A Broken Promise Quotes #1112577
#12. Senator Hillary Clinton is attacking President Bush for breaking his campaign promise to cut carbon dioxide emissions, saying a promise made, a promise broken. And then out of habit, she demanded that Bush spend the night on the couch.

Craig Kilborn

A Broken Promise Quotes #1115023
#13. Love, a promise delivered already broken.

Lisa Unger

A Broken Promise Quotes #1147702
#14. I follow a more easy, and, in my opinion, a wiser course, namely
to inveigh against the levity of the female sex, their fickleness, their double-dealing, their rotten promises, their broken faith, and, finally, their want of judgment in bestowing their affections.

Miguel De Cervantes

A Broken Promise Quotes #1173792
#15. I'm broken, and no one can fix it. I've tried. I'm still trying. I can't love anyone because it's not fair to anyone who loves me back. I'll never hurt you ... But I can't promise I won't pick you apart, piece by piece, until you're in a thousand pieces just like me.

Jennifer Niven

A Broken Promise Quotes #1178667
#16. Jake had never felt like such a fool for keeping a promise. He'd broken plenty of others he should have kept. Why had he kept one he should have broken?

Randy Alcorn

A Broken Promise Quotes #1198532
#17. Trust, is the stone thrown into the sea, sinking deep in all its murkiness, unable to see what it once lived and believed to be a promise.

Anthony Liccione

A Broken Promise Quotes #1262534
#18. The rules are all in a sixty-four-page pamphlet by Aristotle called 'Poetics.' It was written almost three thousand years ago, but I promise you, if something is wrong with what you're writing, you've probably broken one of Aristotle's rules.

Aaron Sorkin

A Broken Promise Quotes #1268327
#19. But even as every promise was broken, the party kept on gaining followers. Many were idealists, some were opportunists, others thugs. They displayed astonishing faith and almost fanatical conviction, sometimes even after they themselves had ended up being devoured by the party machinery. A

Frank Dikotter

A Broken Promise Quotes #1531133
#20. The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.

Niccolo Machiavelli

A Broken Promise Quotes #1596690
#21. To learn a vocation, you also have to learn the frauds it practices and the promises it breaks.

Mason Cooley

A Broken Promise Quotes #1646345
#22. There's a world out there that nobody has bothered to promise her.

Lauren DeStefano

A Broken Promise Quotes #1699672
#23. A promise must never be broken.

Alexander Hamilton

A Broken Promise Quotes #1758188
#24. I love the concept of the romance that exists when people are broken. Like, the promise of a romance when you're at the bottom. I think that's infinitely compelling and romantic.

Shane Carruth

A Broken Promise Quotes #1803862
#25. Is there any reason why you should not have faith in God? Has God ever broken one of His promises? I defy any infidel or unbeliever to place a finger on a single promise of God ever made and failed to fulfill.

Dwight L. Moody

A Broken Promise Quotes #1867820
#26. My religion teaches me that a promise once made or a vow once taken for a worthy object may not be broken.

Mahatma Gandhi

A Broken Promise Quotes #742222
#27. While we fight poverty in the Gulf, we also have to fight poverty across America. We should begin by returning to a promise once kept and now broken: If you work full-time, you shouldn't have to raise your children in poverty.

John Edward

A Broken Promise Quotes #13474
#28. My daughter breaks both her wrists jumping off of a swing. Her friend, who is five, told her to jump off of it. I promise nothing will happen, she said. But why did she promise that? she wails later at the hospital.

Jenny Offill

A Broken Promise Quotes #48636
#29. When a Promise of Leadership is neglected or unfulfilled, trust is broken, engagement erodes, and performance suffers.

William A. Adams

A Broken Promise Quotes #140701
#30. How Opulent the building had felt after my own parents' bland box of suburbia - one day, I promise, I'm going to live in a house like this. Another promise I've broken; at least that one was only to myself.

David Mitchell

A Broken Promise Quotes #251950
#31. Her kiss was a good-bye and a promise and a dream.

Shannon A. Thompson

A Broken Promise Quotes #252095
#32. When a promise is broken, the promise still remains. In one way or another, we are all unfaithful to each other, and physical unfaithfulness is not the worst kind there is.

Madeleine L'Engle

A Broken Promise Quotes #392606
#33. He spoke again as if he hadn't just shattered his promise and her security. Her house of glass now lay in a pile of shards.

Aleatha Romig

A Broken Promise Quotes #392763
#34. When two hearts become one,
It cannot be undone.
A promise has been made
And cannot be broken or swayed.
For this love will last an eternity and will not fade.

Charlene M. Martin

A Broken Promise Quotes #468682
#35. What's the first impression you have of a new place? Is it the first meal you eat? The first time you have an ice cream cone? The first person you meet? The first night you spend in your new bed in your new home? The first broken promise?

Lisa See

A Broken Promise Quotes #495084
#36. As a leader, your word is only as good as your last promise kept or broken.

B.J. Gallagher

A Broken Promise Quotes #1017115
#37. Never believe a promise from a man or woman who has no discipline. They have broken a thousand promises to themselves, and they break their promise for you.

Matthew Kelly

A Broken Promise Quotes #745616
#38. I can't explain, maybe it isn't something that needs explaining, how the sight of a broken cage just puts you up on stilts. The promise that the cage will always be empty, that its days as a jailhouse are done.

Helen Oyeyemi

A Broken Promise Quotes #747161
#39. Never make a promise which you think is hard to keep. Never make a promise though!!

Anamika Mishra

A Broken Promise Quotes #753273
#40. Trust is important. But once a promise is broken 'sorry' means nothing.


A Broken Promise Quotes #767264
#41. Or else she stayed in and nursed a mood with which she was becoming too familiar for her own comfort and peace of mind. It was not despair; but it seemed to her as if life were passing by, leaving its promise broken and unfulfilled.

Kate Chopin

A Broken Promise Quotes #787317
#42. We are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people.

Daniel Webster

A Broken Promise Quotes #813280
#43. After ten years of slavery, Arin knew obedience in its many forms. The fear of pain, the gritty promise to oneself of vengeance. Hopelessness. A grinding monotony broken just often enough by the strap or fist.

Marie Rutkoski

A Broken Promise Quotes #823240
#44. The same broken promise of a life of ease. I

Raymond Chandler

A Broken Promise Quotes #917780

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