Top 6 3900 Club Quotes

#1. The truth is, what you do matters. What you do today matters. What you do every day matters. Successful people just do the things that seem to make no difference in the act of doing them and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.

Jeff Olson

3900 Club Quotes #77583
#2. Love one another. We don't need more instructions; we need more examples.

Bob Goff

3900 Club Quotes #189131
#3. We need a pretty substantial favor." She pointed at Crawford and herself. "He and I want to get married. Uh, Father Cyprian, this is John Crawford, and this is our daughter, Johanna." The priest nodded sympathetically. "One does tend to keep putting these things off, doesn't one?

Tim Powers

3900 Club Quotes #662961
#4. That movie, 'Airplane!,' what a landmark film it was. It's a great, great movie.

Jeff Bridges

3900 Club Quotes #1453654
#5. Truth engenders hatred of truth. As soon as it appears, it is the enemy.


3900 Club Quotes #1796767
#6. It was crazy. One minute my arms were around him in a very platonic friendly hug, the next, I was on fire, and no matter how he much touched me, it was not enough.

Somi Ekhasomhi

3900 Club Quotes #1868970

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