Top 8 2 01e 110 Quotes

#1. There are times when the truth can only show you an illusion.

Lionel Suggs

2 01e 110 Quotes #348511
#2. It was more like an abortion than music, but he got a wildly enthusiastic response from the crowd. Well, we're all pro-choice out here in Hillmont, after all.

Frank Portman

2 01e 110 Quotes #353381
#3. I give myself this advice: Do not fear truth, let it be ever so contrary to inclination and feeling. Never give up the search after it; and let me take courage, and try from the bottom of my heart to do that which I believe truth dictates, if it lead me to be a Quaker or not

Elizabeth Fry

2 01e 110 Quotes #537558
#4. Ever building, building to the clouds, still building higher, and never reflecting that the poor narrow basis cannot sustain the giddy tottering column.

Friedrich Schiller

2 01e 110 Quotes #1296009
#5. You fly from thermal to thermal looking for lift.

Kelly Corrigan

2 01e 110 Quotes #1297166
#6. In a sense I am able to interrogate myself, address myself from that slight distance and enter a kind of dialogical relationship with myself. Because I'm saying, "Look, these are things that have happened to me, but how odd they are or how ordinary they are [is up to the reader to decide]."

Paul Auster

2 01e 110 Quotes #1487305
#7. Tendentious point of view;

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

2 01e 110 Quotes #1527679
#8. It can literally change someone's life; it's very positive for young teenagers to get into cosplay if they do it with their friends or with supervision from their parents - it can really foster their social skills.

Yaya Han

2 01e 110 Quotes #1794760

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