Top 23 1763 Quotes

#1. The Annual Register for 1763 tabulated the casualty list for British sailors in the Seven Years' War with France. Out of 184,899 men raised or rounded up for the war, 133, 708 died from disease, primarily scurvy, while only 1,512 were killed in action.

Stephen R. Brown

1763 Quotes #334947
#2. Voltaire noted in 1763: The interest I have in believing in something is not a proof that the something exists.

Jerry A. Coyne

1763 Quotes #752109
#3. Sir, there is nothing too little for so little creature as man. It is by studying little things that we attain the great knowledge of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible. 16, July 1763.

Samuel Johnson

1763 Quotes #988151
#4. Furthermore, even these limited accomplishments should be obtained, Barbauld cautioned, "in a quiet and unobserved manner" for the display of knowledge by a woman is "punished with disgrace."6 Besides, the Monthly Review complained in a 1763 review, "intense thought spoils a lady's features."7

Karen Swallow Prior

1763 Quotes #1140370
#5. Author reports that a group of tortoises was given to the British by India's natives during the Seven Years War which ended in 1763. The last of those tortoises died in 2004 at the age of 255.

Patrick N. Allitt

1763 Quotes #1162135
#6. Such as the love is, such is the wisdom, consequently such is the man (n. 368)
(Divine Love and Wisdom, 1763)

Emanuel Swedenborg

1763 Quotes #1225226
#7. Since much of American taxes prior to 1763 went to support the local clergy, one humorist suggested the opportunity to vote on that. If the minister was turned out, he could open a tavern and preach to his customers if he served them liquor.

Colin G. Calloway

1763 Quotes #1293524
#8. In government as well as in trade a new era came to the colonies in 1763.

Albert Bushnell Hart

1763 Quotes #1502750
#9. In 1763 the English were the most powerful nation in the world.

Albert Bushnell Hart

1763 Quotes #1632303
#10. Americans in 1763 lived always in the shadow and presence of death. Death was not yet romanticized as it would be in the 19th century, nor yet sanitized as it would be in the 20th century.

Colin G. Calloway

1763 Quotes #145296
#11. I have always loved westerns ... supernatural westerns in particular. One of my first professional short story sales was a horror/western story. It wasn't so great, though, so I'm glad the magazine folded before it saw print.

Cullen Bunn

1763 Quotes #1833812
#12. I'll do anything. I'll shave my head for the right job. I'm partial to my facial hair, I guess, but I also enjoy doing something where I look totally different, which is kind of the reason why I've always worn long hair. I can really change my look radically by getting rid of it.

Sam Elliott

1763 Quotes #1712846
#13. He who fights monster should beware, lest he become a monster himself

Friedrich Nietzsche

1763 Quotes #1261873
#14. I must believe, I must believe, that the heavy grace of God, which has brought me to this point, is all that can carry me out of it.

James Baldwin

1763 Quotes #1078593
#15. Have we," asks Claude de Saint-Martin, the great 'unknown philosopher,' "have we advanced one step further on the radiant path of enlightenment, that leads to the simplicity of men?" Let us wait in silence: perhaps ere long we shall be conscious of "the murmur of the gods.

Maurice Maeterlinck

1763 Quotes #835354
#16. If you think of ice cream, it (Helvetica) is a cheap, nasty, supermarket brand made of water, substitutes and vegetable fats. The texture is wrong and it leaves a little bit of a funny aftertaste.

Bruno Maag

1763 Quotes #768059
#17. A truly beautiful person is one who is good at discovering beauty.

Daisaku Ikeda

1763 Quotes #567148
#18. At least in America, you have freedom of speech, which is a good thing. It's just a question of whether you're allowed to use it on 'Fox News'.

Eric Idle

1763 Quotes #551406
#19. Success isn't what you've done compared to others. Success is what you've done compared to what you were made to do.


1763 Quotes #533646
#20. I like playing flawed characters, people who aren't perfect.

Tom Berenger

1763 Quotes #511047
#21. If a man be endowed with a generous mind, this is the best kind of nobility.


1763 Quotes #432051
#22. They never pay the slaves enough so they can get free, just enough so they can stay alive and come back to work.

Charles Bukowski

1763 Quotes #389970
#23. The Italians say it is not necessary to be a stag; but we ought not to be a tortoise.

Benjamin Disraeli

1763 Quotes #186155

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