Top 7 1258 Divided Quotes

#1. If I am not mistaken, it was a British poet who said that 'no one is properly dressed unless he wears a smile.'


1258 Divided Quotes #14036
#2. To grow up is to stop putting blame on parents

Maya Angelou

1258 Divided Quotes #63362
#3. Pleasant it is for the Little Tin Gods
When great Jove nods;
But Little Tin Gods make their little mistakes
In missing the hour when great Jove wakes.

Rudyard Kipling

1258 Divided Quotes #66435
#4. We cannot trade empty for empty
We must go to the waterfall
For there's a break in the cup that holds love ...
Inside us all.

David Wilcox

1258 Divided Quotes #176256
#5. The constant challenge in Christian theology is to preach the whole counsel of God, while not emphazing one point of doctrine in a way that denies another.

Joel R. Beeke

1258 Divided Quotes #1137939
#6. A lot of the characters I play are very naive, and I don't think I'm like that. And I'm not stupid!

Ashton Kutcher

1258 Divided Quotes #1476740
#7. It always seemed much better to be a writer - a Real Writer - than a successful hack.

Edmund White

1258 Divided Quotes #1677985

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