Top 13 Toffee Quotes

#1. Life is short and you gotta enjoy it to the fullest while it lasts.


Toffee Quotes #442429
#2. Every time I tried kissing happiness, it came very close to me and then pushed me away.


Toffee Quotes #565376
#3. Being friendzoned is like standing near fire. You stand there to seek some warmth, but get burnt instead.


Toffee Quotes #696652
#4. You don't hit on your best friend's love interest; it's an unspoken rule of friendship.


Toffee Quotes #783095
#5. When you look back, most days in life seem ordinary, but there are some that change your life forever and remain etched in your memory.


Toffee Quotes #894410
#6. Life has to be lived fully, experiencing pleasure until you find happiness. It's tricky, but in many cases, it's only after men experience the pleasures of lust at its fullest that they begin to appreciate love at its best.


Toffee Quotes #937975
#7. For everyone, success matters more than anything else. Whether you are a good guy or not, no one really cares. All they really care about is how successful you are.


Toffee Quotes #962921
#8. Problems in your life are like the weights in the gym. You can either get weighed down by them or turn them to your advantage and become stronger.


Toffee Quotes #1147392
#9. Girls are obsessed with beauty. They make this world beautiful, by being beautiful.


Toffee Quotes #1214347
#10. Behind every person there lies a story which makes them what they are. Many a time, the story isn't known to anybody.


Toffee Quotes #1218871
#11. The best time to profess one's love is now.


Toffee Quotes #1267893
#12. 2. A heart broken by a girl can be repaired by another girl only.


Toffee Quotes #1519477
#13. An affair should be like a password. You should have one, but you shouldn't let the world know about it!


Toffee Quotes #1824033

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