Top 97 Terry Spear Quotes
#1. He leaned close to her and took a deep breath, unsettling her. "You smell of lavender. I wouldna believe a shepherdess would smell so fine."
"I bathed in a tub full of lavender this morning, just for you, so it seems, as I knew you would appreciate the effort.
Terry Spear
#2. ...She squeezed Niall's hand and bleakly said, "I don't want you hurt."
"Oh, Serena, that's all I have to know." And with that, he kissed her so passionately, she felt as though she had fae transported to the moon and back...
Terry Spear
#3. To the hottest wolf in a kilt, fighting or not, with the sexiest legs a lassie ever set eyes on.
Terry Spear
#4. I guess I'll wake up tomorrow and find I'm not in Kansas anymore."
"You're from Kansas?" Most of Kansas was not a lion fae territory. She'd heard the cobra fae loved to go there, however.
Terry Spear
#5. You have a mother?"
His mouth quirked with humor.
"Yep, and a father too! Every kid normally has one of each to begin with.
He was teasing me in an affectionate way...
Terry Spear
#6. He kissed the top of her head. "How did you meet him?"
She curled up against Chase. "I was running a cougar in the Palo Duro Canyon and he saw me and chased after me."
"Sounds like you have a penchant for that....
Terry Spear
#8. Play with fire and you WILL get burned.
Terry Spear
#9. ...He untied her robe and parted it. She heard his intake of breath... before he murmured, "Beautiful."
"You probably say that to all the women you rescue from the sea," she said.
Terry Spear
#10. Nope, not Debby Demint!" His lips curved up while his eyes sparkled with amusement.
"You haven't even seen her. All the guys make fools of themselves over her."
"There's only one who I desire to make a fool of myself over."
Were all vampires as charming as Dominic?
Terry Spear
#11. Colleen patted his thigh. "Are you up to baking decadently delicious chocolate treats?"
"I am. And eating my fair share, too.
Terry Spear
#12. I dated one of the guys."
Surprised, Paul raised a brow...
"If you had been around and wearing your wet suit, I probably wouldn't have dated him."
He smiled a little at her comment. He knew for certain she wouldn't have dated the guy, wet suit or no, if Paul had been around.
Terry Spear
#13. Arms folded across his muscled chest, Lachlan stood way too close to her.
"Did you get tired of fighting?" she asked with a hint of a smile.
"I'm a lover, not a fighter.
Terry Spear
#14. Besides," he said, clomping down the centuries-old stone steps, "she won't last that long. Once she sees all those sharp swords and dirks, and all that fighting and mayhem, she'll turn around and leave, realizing she really didn't want to stay her after all.
Terry Spear
#15. They toasted each other, then after she sipped hers, she ate some of the bisque - creamy, a little buttery, with lots of big chunks of lobster and a hint of garlic. It was so good that she asked him for the recipe. He gave it to her and added," But I'll fix it for you anytime.
Terry Spear
#16. Paul and Lori had cuddled the rest of the night in her bed after showering. He decided that if they didn't mate soon, he wasn't going to last. How would it sound for an alpha SEAL wolf to beg?
Terry Spear
#17. Like I don't have anything better to do than think about you every minute you're gone?"
"Every minute?" He smiled a little.
Terry Spear
#18. I love to swim naked in the lake, either as a cougar or a human... But it would be even better if I had someone to swim with," he said, running his hand down her arm.
Terry Spear
#19. Well, tomorrow I'll be in charge of a toga party. Will you wear a toga for that?"...
"A Highland wolf doesn't wear a toga," he said.
Terry Spear
#20. He set Lori on the bed. "You were the only wolf that chased my tail around, trying to grab hold. No other cub would dare.
Terry Spear
#21. It is real, Lass.... You are mine as I am yours.
Terry Spear
#22. He yanked off his shift, and she kicked off her sandals. Then she was on her knees on the bed, unfastening his belt and unzipping his zipper. He was already full to bursting. She glanced up at him. "It looks like you're eager to see me."
"Hell, yeah.
Terry Spear
#23. I promised Ian's wife, Julia, that I would video record Ian if I could and email the recording to her later." Lachlan drew in an audible breath, and she couldn't tell whether he was amused or worried. "You know Ian's wife?
Terry Spear
#24. She didn't want to talk about his nonsensical fairy stuff. "That's because you can't take me there. You're not capable of it. Because it doesn't exist.
Terry Spear
#25. Well, than that solves it. I'm not a faery, so I'll just go back to sleep, and you won't come to see me anymore." It nearly killed her to say it even in a dream.
"I can't let you go," Micala said, shaking his head. "I can't. And I won't."
That's what she wanted to hear.
Terry Spear
#26. She was thinking she needed to post a letter in the Lonely Hearts column in the Silver Town Gazette: She-wolf seeking male wolf who believes in ghosts. No others need apply.
Terry Spear
#27. Oh, how she loved the braw Highlanders, his boldness as he'd regard her with his discerning gaze, and how she wished he'd touch her with his hands in the same places and not with just his eyes.
Terry Spear
#28. No other woman has ever knocked me out and escaped from me. That makes you a special case in my book.
Terry Spear
#29. Did you hear what I said?"
"I'm still getting over being chased by a bear." The bear was nothing compared to seeing Lori naked.
"Right." Then she pulled on her jeans.
Terry Spear
#30. He meant to go lightly, cautiously, sweetly. First kiss, first date. But she curled her fingers in his hair, pressed her hot little body against his, and kissed him back as if they had been dating for a good long while! As if he wanted him like he wanted her.
Now this was more like it.
Terry Spear
#31. A human wasn't an acceptable boyfriend for a witch; nor would a human wish to date a witch. The two would never in a million light years be interested in each other. Then, again, unwritten rules were made to be broken.
Terry Spear
#32. I have all kinds of lovely ideas for games and the like." She glanced at Guthrie. "None require swordplay."
Guthrie shook his head. "Where's the fun in that?
Terry Spear
#33. What did he call them? Lupus garous? Fancy name for a horror-flick creature.
Terry Spear
#34. But if you wake up and are feeling....needy...
Terry Spear
#35. Damn, woman, how we can go from analyzing finances to hot sex..."
She pulled him down for another kiss. "We just love each other's assets way too much.
Terry Spear
#36. Will you return to your home if Prince Grotto's reign is ended?"
"Yes. It is home."
"Will you take me back as your gardener?
Terry Spear
#37. My brothers and I love A Christmas Story. It reminds us of ourselves when we were that age."
"Your father didn't want to give you a BB shotgun because you might shoot your eye out?
Terry Spear
#38. She is beautiful, soft hair nearly midnight in color, large eyes nearly as dark, and ivory skin like the petals of the lily, and she wore a fragrance of jasmine. But 'tis her willfulness that I enjoyed the most. And her resourcefulness.
Terry Spear
#39. No sign of Marissa yet though I heard her clunking around in the bathroom so she was probably doing whatever girls do to make themselves presentable. Poor things. It didn't take any time at all for us guys to rejoin the world and still be our handsome selves.
Terry Spear
#40. Just the way I like you," she said when he was completely naked.
Terry Spear
#41. She tugged him down in a way that said for him to get on with pleasuring her because he was dead meat if he didn't.
Terry Spear
#42. ...His body still craved her touch and he'd had a devil of a time making it down the hill wearing trousers when he was fully aroused. A kilt would have made it so much easier to manage.
Terry Spear
#43. She loved the way the wind whipped their kilts about. She caught a gorgeous shot of Grant's very toned, hot ass. That would teach him to go without any briefs on a windy day! Maybe he thought she would be so shocked to see him naked beneath the kilt that she'd run off.
Not her.
Terry Spear
#44. He leaned against her door and sighed. "All right. Here's the deal. You and I can get together over dinner, and you can tell me what makes you believe Michael didn't do it
Terry Spear
#45. So...will you be my wife?"...
"I'd love to be your wife. Where should we take our honeymoon?
Terry Spear
#46. She caught his eye, her gaze instantly sweeping over him. That made him stand a little taller, like a wolf who wanted to impress her with his build. What was there about her that made him want to both please and tease her in a fun-loving way?
Terry Spear
#47. He groaned a little and pulled his mouth free, pressing it against her forehead, then her cheeks.
"I was going to start a fire ---"
He smiled down at her. "You did.
Terry Spear
#48. Shannon smiled. "It's snowing. Just a light snow, but look." In that moment, she felt like the snowflakes were angels on wings, and she had witnessed a miracle of nature.
Terry Spear
#50. Zorro pulled her into his arms and crushed her against his body, kissing her soundly on the mouth.
"My, what a big sword you have, sir," she said, sweeping her hand over his sheathed sword.
"I'm fully armed," he said, "with that and more.
Terry Spear
#51. She wondered if he thought this was all a lark, a game. She'd been to Disney World once. There the fairies were cute and sweet and didn't attempt to kill the visitors. Living here wasn't anything like the human faerie fairs or theme parks.
Terry Spear
#52. As soon as she was ready for work, she called out to Eric's closed door. "Anything in particular you want for breakfast?"
"Yeah," he said, heading for the door. "But I don't think it's on the menu.
Terry Spear
#53. I would do anything for you, lass. You only have but to ask. Sleep now, and we will leave soon."
"I am...ready for more," she whispered.
He laughed. "'Tis good to know. I have been ready forever.
Terry Spear
#54. We've already slept together and you made no objection.
Terry Spear
#56. Ena wore black because she knew it could stir panic in the hearts of mankind. Black gave the impression of power and authority. Could anyone imagine how Ena could strike terror in the hearts of any person if she was wearing... pink, for instance? Or sunshiny yellow?
Terry Spear
#57. Cassie - She loved reading romances - contemporary stuff. She wasn't into fantasy. No fairytale princess and prince stories. No vampires. No werewolves. No immortal fae.
Terry Spear
#58. They stood high on top of the hill overlooking the glen, the water rushing by, the sheep grazing on the green grass across the burn, and white clouds passing overhead against the blue sky.
He still had hold of her arm, but then he released her, cupped her face with both hands, and kissed her.
Terry Spear
#59. But know this, the lass will wed you -- her words -- and if you wed another in the interim, it will go badly for you."
Marcus smiled. He loved her and if it was in his power to do so, they would be wed.
Terry Spear
#60. Jack glanced toward the dressing room, not believing that all the time he had been with her, she had been half-naked...
Terry Spear
#61. You can't fault me for ensuring it's in working order... what if I hadn't used it and from this use it had fallen off?
Terry Spear
#62. Do you no' want to fight the lass?" Rob, his cousin had shouted. He was dark-haired, but not quite as dark as Marcus, a little taller, with swimming blue eyes.
"Nay," he said, his voice throaty and dark. "The lass is made for loving, no' fighting. I prefer to watch.
Terry Spear
#63. I haven't done anything wrong. "Get off me!"
"You're kidding, right? You've injured a sheriff, broken in and entered a house, stole a car - mine - stole Hal Haverton's clothes, broken a glass, and littered.
Terry Spear
#64. He kissed her stopping her words at once. A pronounced number of gasps resonated across the room.
Terry Spear
#65. Unless the she-wolf agrees, there's always a chance of rejection.
Terry Spear
#66. I'll have to try the clothes on." She raised her hand handcuffed to his to emphasize how difficult that would be.
He smiled. He wasn't letting her out of his sight. The vixen smiled back.
Terry Spear
#67. He can surround a sword with flames."
Freya sounded proud of him. That irritated Ena. He was her prisoner and only she had the right to feel proud of him as far as she was concerned.
Terry Spear
#68. Brett will need some clothes if someone can drop some by."
"All we need is a bear rug," Meghan said.
Terry Spear
#69. She took his hand, and he smiled down at her. "No mating yet?"
"It depends on how...persuasive you could be."
"Hot damn, woman. I can be persuasive.
Terry Spear
#70. You are such a wolf."
"When it comes to you? Absolutely.
Terry Spear
#71. They began to eat their grilled cheese sandwiches. The extra-sharp cheese added the perfect tanginess, as did the dill pickles.
Terry Spear
#72. So who spilled the paint?" Dan asked again.
"I did," Shannon and Chase both said at the same time.
Terry Spear
#73. She ran her hand over his cock and said, "This is the only thing I ever want to come between us."
His grin couldn't have stretched any further.
Terry Spear
#74. I wasn't going to let you avoid me this time. After Allan and I got settled, I was going to see you. Although I hadn't envisioned you smacking me in the head with the broom.
Terry Spear
#75. Paranormal suspense and romance together in one non-stop rollercoaster of passion and adventure. - Love Romance Passion
Terry Spear
#76. Sorcha curtseyed to Ronan and stalked past him.
Smiling the men cast glances her way, but didn't dare say a word.
Alban shook his head. "She is a hell cat, Ronan. Marry her and put us all out of our misery.
Terry Spear
#77. He chuckled. "Come here."
She hesitated.
"We don't have to do anything. Just ... sleep."
She let out her breath on a heavy sign. "You don't want to just sleep." Then she moved in next to him, and he wrapped his arms around her. "Do you?"
"Hell no." He leaned down for a kiss.
Terry Spear
#78. Dear Elizabeth, you cannot know how much joy you bring to my heart...
Terry Spear
#79. He walked into the kitchen, sure of himself, no hint that he'd been mostly dead a half hour ago.
Terry Spear
#80. She kissed him with just as much exuberance, enjoying the feel of his warm, sexy mouth against hers, the caress of his hands on her cheeks, as she stroked his bare back with as much tenderness.
Terry Spear
#81. Tis no use fighting with the lass," Niall said wearily. "You will lose the battle, Gunnolf. No matter what it is about."
Gunnolf shook his head, then helped Niall to stand, and with his arm around his waist, he helped him out of the cottage. "I tell you, she is the one for you.
Terry Spear
#82. Laurel returned to CJ's bedroom. "Do you want me to remove your clothes?"
"Hell, yeah," he said, and the growly expression immediately vanished.
Terry Spear
#83. To those who serve to protect the exotic animals in the rainforest. Thanks for making it possible for so many of them to remain in their natural habitat and for stopping those who are destroying the animals or transporting them from their homes in the wild.
Terry Spear
#84. Every bit of you, Lass, that's what I want...
Terry Spear
#85. She told herself she should stick with her earlier plan and that meant returning to the guest room.
He finally smiled and said, "If you have to think about it that much, you're coming to bed with me."
"And that decided it. Well sort of.
Terry Spear
#86. You said...we have a couple of new pack members?" Paul asked.
Everyone but Allan laughed. Allan folded his arms. "This has to be a record for the fast growing lupus garou pack in the West. One little pack of six has increased to twenty-four.
Terry Spear
#87. One of the ladies handed her a red velvet hooded cloak. Little Red Riding Hood. This big bad wolf in a leather kilt wanted to eat her all up.
Terry Spear
#88. The last time she had felt an overwhelming sense of doom, she had learned her parents had died in a car accident earlier on a day just like this one, her last year at high school. She shuddered, despite telling herself the disquieting feeling didn't mean anything.
Terry Spear
#89. She took her leave and he wondered what that discussion had really been about. He knew he could live another hundred years and still not understand the workings of a woman's mind.
Terry Spear
#90. He tossed her over his shoulder and stalked back to the bedroom.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"I've had enough babysitting duty. It's time for some grownup action.
Terry Spear
#91. Do you know how to use a pool cue?" Paul asked her.
"To play pool or to fight?" she asked as Paul pulled the door open and Allan went in first. "Balls are my specialty.
Terry Spear
#92. I don't want you to go anywhere, but stay here with me," Chase said, and leaned down and kissed her forehead.
Terry Spear
#93. How could their love for each other be so wrong?
Terry Spear
#94. This spicy historical will steal your breath, and capture your heart.
-Susan Sigler, Love Romance Passion
Terry Spear
#95. She turned off all the lights in the duplex and peered out the windows, moving from one room to the next to see if she could catch sight of the a black sedan. Security lights and streetlights in her complex cast a strange orange glow on the misty snow. It looked like the perfect night for a murder.
Terry Spear
#97. He chuckled. She turned to see what was funny and nearly had a heart attack.
He was holding one hot-pink-and-white mug while reading it, the other sitting on the counter: 'Men should be like my curtains, easy to pull and well hung.
Terry Spear
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