Top 100 Shelly Laurenston Quotes
#1. I have iced tea, dear. Or beer?"
"Maybe a saucer of milk?"
Gwen and Alla looked over at Lock and he immediately pointed at his father. "It was him," he lied.
Shelly Laurenston
#2. Miki took her hands away from her ears. "Yup. I'm a very good girl."
Craig grimaced. "Don't say that."
"Because to guys it just means you swallow.
Shelly Laurenston
#3. Your sense of humor is not for everyone, but I have to say it's growing on me. Like an out-of-control fungus.
Shelly Laurenston
#5. Don't fret none, darlin'. I got your back."
"You said that in Budapest. I still have the scars, too.
Shelly Laurenston
#6. If I were you, I wouldn't try and track her down."
"Why not?"
"Because when it comes to Dee, you're better off not knowing where she's going or what she's up to. You'll only have to lie to the authorities later.
Shelly Laurenston
#7. Angelina leaned forward as Sara pulled Miki back to her, You know what they say about curiosity? That it stabbed the annoying biker girl over and over and over again until she spit up blood.
Shelly Laurenston
#8. You're like seven feet tall, aren't you?"
"I am not seven feet tall," he snapped at her as if she'd really insulted him. "I'm six-eleven." When she smirked in disbelief, he added, "And three-quarters.
Shelly Laurenston
#10. Now how about waffles for breakfast? Or is too late for breakfast?"
Mitch rested back in his chair. "Maybe too late for breakfast, but it's never too late for waffles.
Shelly Laurenston
#11. Either Mitch goes with me ... or get used to finding your wife hiding in trees."
"That's just mean."
"I'm a Smith. What did you expect?"
"Good point.
Shelly Laurenston
#12. Smitty leaned forward, resting his arms on this raised knees. "I am fixin' to get mad, Jessie.
"You're fixin' to get mad?"
"Why don't you just get mad?"
"I'm not there yet. But I will be if you don't start talking to me."
Smitty to Jessie Ann
Shelly Laurenston
#13. Because isn't that what the holidays are all about - letting your family make you wish you were an orphan?
Shelly Laurenston
#14. Miki burst into laughter while Angelina looked validly concerned. "Sara, honey, you've got to let your toy go."
"Hey!" Zach snapped.
Shelly Laurenston
#15. The cutest little girl with big blond curls turned and yelled, Mommmmmmm! Bearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Shelly Laurenston
#16. Lessons? Oh no. I didn't need lessons." He glanced up and found her shaking her head in disgust at her own idiocy. "You see, Sissy said I wouldn't need lessons. 'You're a shifter,' she said. 'We can do anything,' she said.
Shelly Laurenston
#18. Isn't it enough you have poor Mitch here playing against bears?"
They all looked at "poor Mitch," who seemed to be having the equivalent of an orgasm eating that slice of cherry pie.
Shelly Laurenston
#19. Hey, hey!" Gwen said excitedly. "Look at this! Look at this!" She extended her arm and gave him the finger.
Shelly Laurenston
#20. You're not going to kill me, skin me, and wear my head as a hat?
Shelly Laurenston
#22. He didn't expect that question to send her tripping over her own two feet and flying into the bookstore's erotica section he'd followed her to. Luckily he had fast hands and caught her before her head could make contact with the Kama Sutra.
Shelly Laurenston
#23. He growled. Really, how attached could Smitty be to his sister? Would he really notice if Mace killed her?
Shelly Laurenston
#24. I swear, Bobby Ray, you don't have the sense the Lord gave a rabbit.
Shelly Laurenston
#25. The husband got in front of his wife but Gwen never understood the whole waiting-for-a-guy-to-protect-you thing. She was a runner and hopefully the guy could keep up.
Shelly Laurenston
#27. The ref blew the whistle and the pack took off. The "jostling" from earlier had turned into a "melee" Sun Tzu would have been afraid of.
Shelly Laurenston
#28. Mitch stood. "How is this my fault? I'm not the one with the pussy that drains the life from a man!"
"And i'm not the one hung like an overendowed donkey
Shelly Laurenston
#29. I'm a whore!"
Miki hit the brakes ... her hands.. gripping the steering wheel, glanced at Sara. "You're not wearing any underwear, are you?"
Sara let out a strangled squeal ...
Shelly Laurenston
#31. We're a 'we' now?" "I thought I made that clear the other night when I tied you face down to the bed and fucked ya proper
Shelly Laurenston
#32. Now listen up, you Navy-loving son of a bitch! If my friend wants that bear, she's gonna get that bear. And neither hell nor you nor some big-haired, twenty-hour-sleeping king of the idiots is gonna stop me from making sure she gets that bear!
Shelly Laurenston
#33. I invited this old buddy of mine over for dinner. He's president of the United States of America, and he's bringing about three hundred people with him, but no problem, I'm sure we have something in the freezer.
Shelly Laurenston
#34. Dear God in heaven."
Nik and Ban turned away, but Alek stood. Transfixed. "My God, y'all. She's the worst goddamn dancer I've ever seen."
"Turn away. It'll hurt your eyes. Turn away!
Shelly Laurenston
#35. It was informational. About how to perform oral sex on men. You know, one man teaching another. It was really fascinating and I've always wondered about the techniques he discussed - ow. Ow! You're squeezing a little hard, Van Holtz."
"Well, if you're willing to be my test subject - ack!
Shelly Laurenston
#36. Yeah, that sure was Mace Llewellyn staring at her from the other side of her desk. Just staring. Like he used to. Like he knew where she'd buried the bodies of all her goldfish after their unfortunate "accidents" or what she did with her sisters' toothbrushes on more than one occasion.
Shelly Laurenston
#37. He mockingly gave her the raised eyebrow back. "You never gave me an answer."
"Yeah. I did. In fact, my exact words were 'no'."
"Yes, but I've chosen to ignore that until I hear what I want.
Shelly Laurenston
#38. Like all the Van Holtz males, Ric was tall, well-built with a slightly overdeveloped diver's body, and handsome. Yet handsome was only the first stop on the beauty train for Ric, who managed to head all the way into the station for The Land of Gorgeous.
Shelly Laurenston
#39. I never knew she liked country music," Smitty said in awe.
Yeah, that must make her prime mate material for a Smith. She'll fit right in at one of your hootenannies."
-Mitch to Smitty
Shelly Laurenston
#40. Oh, come on, Jess!" May begged. "Just let me sit in it."
"No! It's mine!" Jess rested her head against Lock's shoulder. "All mine. My throne of power. By this chair I rule.
Shelly Laurenston
#41. He's jealous of you."
"Is that right?"
"Of course! Because no matter what he does, when he puts on your shorts and one of your bras, he never looks as cute in them as you do.
Shelly Laurenston
#42. You do things just to irritate me, don't you?"
Smiling, enjoying himself immensely, and determined to give her a wonderful and relaxing weekend, Van pushed Irene's wet hair from her face. "Don't be silly, doc." He kissed her lips, nuzzled her chin. "Of course I do things just to irritate you.
Shelly Laurenston
#43. Her eyes grew wide and she briefly covered her mouth with her hand.
"Are you a virgin?" she whispered.
"What? No!"
"But when do you find time with that rigid schedule of yours? I mean prisoners at Rikers have more freedom!
Shelly Laurenston
#44. You do. And I have the sweetest, most cuddliest, most adorable bear ever.
Shelly Laurenston
#45. She needed to say something sexy and romantic with a mere hint of her vast intelligence. Something that would entice him into bed.
But what came out was, "I wanna fuck."
-Miki Kendrick
Shelly Laurenston
#46. Give her to me."
Turning away with his prize, Lock shook his head. "No. Get your own cat."
"She's my sister.
Shelly Laurenston
#47. So, taking a page from the Alla Baranova-MacRyrie handbook of motivational techniques, Lock said, Hey, I totally understand if you can't do this.
Shelly Laurenston
#48. All right fine!" she snapped. "I'm in love with you. There. I said it. Now get over yourself."
"You know, I think those are the words written on the Taj Mahal: 'I said it. Now get over yourself.' Some of the greatest love stories have started with those words.
Shelly Laurenston
#50. What's wrong?" Blayne finally asked.
"Nothing," Gwen answered. "I'm just sitting here. Staring." Maybe hoping a bear would wander out of the woods to say "hi and I'm sorry I broke my promise.
Shelly Laurenston
#51. She never discussed her past in detail, but a few tidbits she'd dropped here and there over the last few months they'd all been hanging together convinced Ronnie and Sissy that the woman hadn't merely lived on the wild side, but instead owned prime real estate there.
Shelly Laurenston
#52. The entire floor teeming with full-humans watching their children skate, all of them hoping to be the breeder of the next gold Olympian.
Shelly Laurenston
#53. Gwen was fighting really hard not to get caught up in Blayne's excitement. She'd done it before, gotten caught up. And that way laid madness ... and jail time.
Shelly Laurenston
#54. Marry me."
Hiding his immense relief, Lock replied, "Shouldn't we get to know each other better?"
"What else is there to know?" she asked, her eyes gazing hungrily on his mouth,
Shelly Laurenston
#55. He leaned down to her ear and purred. Damn but she loved when he purred.
Shelly Laurenston
#56. I think we're avoiding the most important question here. What matters most. What means the most to men like us."
Conall growled at Billy Dunwich's sincere face. "I am not telling you if she swallows."
Dunwich smiled. "Just tell me if she's a good girl ... or if she's a very good girl?
Shelly Laurenston
#57. That won't happen, Blayne's hybrid said, and shifted. Shifted into something only Blayne could truly love.
Yep. I'm gonna have freak grandkids.
Shelly Laurenston
#58. That's why Ronnie was Sissy's best friend. She hated all the right people.
Shelly Laurenston
#59. You admit nothing. Deny everything. Demand proof. Did you learn nothing in Boot Camp?
(Mace to Smitty)
Shelly Laurenston
#60. I'd rather have rabies than be in love."
"Because at least you can get over rabies with some shots.
Shelly Laurenston
#62. She glanced down at the ground and the inert form of her brother. "What happened to Travis?"
Mitch winced. "I hit him with the door after I tore it off. It was a total accident."
"Marry me," she spouted before she could stop herself.
Shelly Laurenston
#63. Did you see that?"
"See what?" And he couldn't keep his voice from breaking as tires squealed.
"Boot sale at Marlands. We are so going back there
Shelly Laurenston
#64. Mitch glanced at Ralph and back at Brendon. "I think he's snoring."
"Or those are hunger growls."
Shelly Laurenston
#65. Im not looking for marriage here, Zach. I just want to fuck her until one of us dies.
Shelly Laurenston
#66. Mace let out an exasperated sigh. "It's bad enough we have the baby. Which I was accepting of because he's mine."
"That's real big of ya, hoss.
Shelly Laurenston
#67. You took my Lotus!"
Sissy choked on her champagne, and Ronnie started looking for the exits or law enforcement with arrest warrants.
Lord, what is the statute of limitations again?
Shelly Laurenston
#68. Don't threaten me with your eyebrows.
I'm not. I'm interrogating you with my one raised eyebrow. If I was threatening you, I'd use both eyebrows. Like this.
Shelly Laurenston
#69. They stared at each other for several seconds. Finally, Mitch said, "Thanks for your high level of concern."
"It doesn't quite live up to your high level of whining.
Shelly Laurenston
#70. Back then, they'd liked their cars the way they'd liked their men. Big, powerful, and mean.
Shelly Laurenston
#71. No. Not for saving my life. Besides, that's in your canine DNA. Like a St. Bernard."
"A whirlwind of deadly blows," she reminded him.
Shelly Laurenston
#72. Zach - "Yes. And Tigers. And mountain lions. There's an array of shifters."
Sara - "Bunnies?
Shelly Laurenston
#73. Smirking, Cella stared at the five males in the elevator before asking the women with her, "Show of hands for anyone else who's had this fantasy before."
He wasn't exactly surprised when all those hands went up.
Shelly Laurenston
#74. No, you'll regret it in the morning."
"But it'll make me happy now.
Shelly Laurenston
#75. Heifer."
"Rich man's whore!"
"At least mine can cook the food he eats. And replaces it, too."
"Now see, Dee-Ann Smith. That was just mean!
Shelly Laurenston
#76. She scrambled to her feet, "We ... uh ... better get back. The clothes ... ya know."
True, her ten grand worth of clothes were in the back of his pick-up, but he really needed a moment to ... uh ... compose himself.
"Are you coming?"
Well, that's a loaded question.
Shelly Laurenston
#77. A cry for help that only Ma and someone else's apple pie - " because Christ knows Ma can't bake " - can fix.
Shelly Laurenston
#78. She couldn't find her shirt, but she sure as hell found her gun.
Shelly Laurenston
#79. Strike One!"
"You never even saw it did you? She wolf with shoulders like man?"
"He is so fast that one. But not in bed. There he takes time. Like good vodka take to develop
Shelly Laurenston
#80. She took two steps to the left. He shadowed her. She took three quick steps to the right. He did the same.
"You ... you're ... " She couldn't even think straight.
"I need you to remain calm."
"Fuck you!"
"That's not calm.
Shelly Laurenston
#81. I don't hate you, you idiot. I'm in love with you. That's why I'm panicking!" She marched to the door and yelled, "And our children will not be freaks!"
"Except their mother already is," her father yelled back.
Shelly Laurenston
#83. Well, so you don't get too cocky, I myself often complete the TV Guide crossword puzzle." He puffed out his chest. "In pen.
Shelly Laurenston
#84. Relationships are one thing. I kind of agree with you there. But I'm talking
about sex. Don't you have ... uh ... needs?"
"Yes. But I take care of those by myself. I have a very handy vibrator.
Shelly Laurenston
#85. I know she's weird. Her friends know she's weird. And we all accept it because she's weird, but also amazing.
Shelly Laurenston
#87. Mace watched his beautiful sister. She took after their mother. He took after his father. And they got along about as well as that pair did.
Shelly Laurenston
#88. I'm not a whore, Dee-Ann. You can't just come here to use and abuse me before going on your merry way. Unless, of course, you're naked.
Shelly Laurenston
#90. He'd hate to start killing people at this stage in the game. Especially some poor schmuck who happened to marry the wrong woman.
Shelly Laurenston
#91. I think that lion females are really lesbians and the males are used strictly for their sperm
Shelly Laurenston
#92. All right. Talk to me darlin'. You're not insane. A little crazy, but not insane. And this ... everything you've gotten ... in the last few days ... do you know how many people would kill for this?"
"But ...
Shelly Laurenston
#94. She uses that shampoo," he sighed.
"What shampoo?"
"The one with honey in it."
Ric's eyes crossed. "Oh, my God."
"She was sitting in that tree, her leg bleeding out, and all I could think about was how good her hair smelled.
Shelly Laurenston
#95. Oh, my God! Gwen suddenly burst out, startling the bears in the room, which made the rest of the predators nervous.
Shelly Laurenston
#96. Then it sounds to me like you love her. And if you love her, then tell her she belongs to you and she needs to get over it. Show her who's in charge. That's what I did with Sara.
Zach seemed less than pleased when they all laughed so hard Conall actually fell off the bed.
Shelly Laurenston
#97. She sighed as if she'd realized the worst thing imaginable. We're going to be together and in love forever, aren't we?
Shelly Laurenston
#98. He should hate those nails. He normally considered that sort of thing tacky or gaudy, but damn if that look didn't work on her. And because it worked on her - it was really working on him.
Shelly Laurenston
#99. But she'd been wrong about Vig. He wasn't broken. He wasn't destroyed by a cruel society.
He was just an introvert with an aversion to shaving.
And he liked her.
Liked her, liked her.
Shelly Laurenston
#100. Ronnie snarled and Brendon roared back.
Her eyes narrowed. "You roared at me?"
"And I'll do it again if you can't keep your paws off my Oreos.
Shelly Laurenston
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