Top 60 Ruth Cardello Quotes
#1. Never' is an unquantifiable and unrealistic amount of time.
Ruth Cardello
#2. He'd never said a single thing anyone objected to. Tapioca in a suit.
Ruth Cardello
#3. Maybe she'll let me start wearing my Superman boxers again.
Ruth Cardello
#4. Someone recently told me that there are no winners in a tragedy, only people struggling to survive the aftermath." "Can't
Ruth Cardello
#5. We all did. But running away from it never made me feel better. Pretending it hadn't happened was slowly killing me." Sarah hugged the album to her chest, her eyes filling with tears again. "Thank you for this. Ignore the tears. You've made me
Ruth Cardello
#6. She felt anger rippling through his muscles and knew that she had stumbled upon an old, yet still raw, emotional scar.
Ruth Cardello
#7. If love was only for the perfect, what a sad and lonely world it would it be. We are the culmination of every good and bad choice we've ever made. Your mistakes have made you into an incredibly fierce and loving woman; one I am
Ruth Cardello
#8. A person who has no faith in someone he claims to love is not what I would call a very good friend. Mason
Ruth Cardello
#9. I don't know, Dom, I think they just called you stupid.
Ruth Cardello
#10. She let out a long, slow breath and admitted to herself that she had fallen completely, irreversibly in love with him.
Ruth Cardello
#11. They say courage isn't a lack of fear. It is doing what has to be done, despite your fear." Nicole
Ruth Cardello
#12. Oh, then Etch A Sketch it right out of your head. Chelle
Ruth Cardello
#13. This is what life is about: seeing new places, meeting new people, grabbing life by the balls and squeezing until it coughs up a story worth telling.
Ruth Cardello
#15. This is so pathetic it's adorable. I may have to hug you.
Ruth Cardello
#16. They don't make fairy godmothers like they used to. Whatever happened to the painless wave of a wand? Or did they simply leave these details out? Did Cinderella get a Brazilian? No one ever talks about what was going on under that dress.
Ruth Cardello
#17. I know you're in love, but don't let any man steamroll you. When all is said and done, marriage is about respect and compromise, but that doesn't mean you can't make a stand now and then for what's important. Remember that, Chelle. When love is right, it makes you stronger, not weaker." "Yes,
Ruth Cardello
#18. Who are you when the person you are in your heart doesn't match the life you're living?
Ruth Cardello
#19. I learned that in a tragedy there are no winners, only people struggling to survive the aftermath.
Ruth Cardello
#20. It's an uncomfortable moment when you realize that there is a crazy person in the room and it's you.
Ruth Cardello
#21. Whatever path you take today is one of your choosing, not anyone else's.
Ruth Cardello
#23. In reality, anger doesn't birth deeper understanding - it spawns more anger.
Ruth Cardello
#24. But it was the closest thing he had to a home. His
Ruth Cardello
#25. That sounds nice, but it's not reality. Happy endings are a lie we tell our children to believe in - a cruel lie. In the end, most of us just fall into bed alone, relieved to have survived the day. I am just beginning to figure out what I need to be happy.
Ruth Cardello
#27. People talk about how strong families are, but no one warns that they can also be as fragile as glass left out in the snow. One wrong tap and they shatter into hundreds of irreparable pieces.
Ruth Cardello
#28. Yeah, about that. I'm going to need considerable training before I jump when you use that tone with me.
Ruth Cardello
#29. They say that courage isn't a lack of fear. It is doing what has to be done, despite your fear.
Ruth Cardello
#30. When he looked at her she felt alive, vibrant, and unable to deny him anything.
Ruth Cardello
#31. The character of a man is seldom revealed when things go well.
Ruth Cardello
#32. He came in looking so rough on the outside, but there was a real sadness in his eyes. I just wanted to comfort him. Then he looked at me and - I was on fire. I've never felt that way before. It doesn't matter that I don't even know him.
Ruth Cardello
#33. Her brother never apologized - ever. She was pretty sure he'd been genetically shortchanged on the ability to. Her voice thick with emotion, she said, Thank you. I needed to hear that.
Ruth Cardello
#34. I did it. I let my life become so much less than it was meant to be. I won't make that mistake twice.
Ruth Cardello
#35. People should never be a destination, but rather a partner for the road.
Ruth Cardello
#36. There are things we can fix and things we can't. I guess life is about figuring out which is which, and dealing with both the best you can.
Ruth Cardello
#37. I want a real life partner. One who makes me feel like a valuable part of his team. A treasured piece of his life.
Ruth Cardello
#38. I suppose it's a compliment that I'm on level with your horse.
Ruth Cardello
#39. What are the five stages of realizing you just did something too stupid to tell your friends?
Ruth Cardello
#40. I see a man who wants the world to think he has everything but is actually very lonely. You have a wild side, but you don't want that life anymore. I think you're on a journey to discover who you are, just like me, only you're more afraid of change than I am." Mason
Ruth Cardello
#41. Life had been much easier before he'd rediscovered his conscience.
Ruth Cardello
#42. Here was a woman who seemed unaware that a man could have the air sucked right out of his lungs and be rendered speechless by just one look at her.
Ruth Cardello
#43. My mother always said that God made kids cute when they were little so parents could cling to those memories when they turned into teenagers.
Ruth Cardello
#44. Pushing her away was about as easy as trying to stop high tide with a spoon.
Ruth Cardello
#45. The great part about getting older is you realize that you don't have to impress anyone else.
Ruth Cardello
#46. I hope you don't think I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but
Ruth Cardello
#47. respects a weak man. Asher had been old enough to be shamed by his father's scandal. When his classmates had
Ruth Cardello
#48. Son, you've got a lot to learn about love. You think it's all passion and excitement? That is only a small piece. Real love requires strength of character and courage. I'm not yet sure you have either. Go find your father. Bring him to Fort Mavis. Show me I'm wrong about you. Mason
Ruth Cardello
#49. We all have control over what kind of person we are. Each word that comes out, each action that we take, defines us.
Ruth Cardello
#50. Sarah pinched him lightly. He's easier to get along with, though, so sometimes he ranks higher.
Ruth Cardello
#51. What's better than a friend who knows all the ugly corners of your soul and loves you anyway?
Ruth Cardello
#52. Every once in a while, life threw you an opportunity to redefine yourself. You could either rise up to the challenge or live with the regret.
Ruth Cardello
#53. Some mistakes can't be undone. You just have to face that you made them and go on. No matter what happens. You have to deal with the consequences.
Ruth Cardello
#54. No real adventure ever started by waiting patiently by a doorstep.
Ruth Cardello
#55. Denial, even when unanimously adopted, never cured the heartache - it only hid it.
Ruth Cardello
#57. She wanted to leave," Gio defended himself, even as he kicked himself for letting her leave. "What was I supposed to do? Kidnap her?"
Stephan shrugged. "I've seen it work.
Ruth Cardello
#58. Accepting yourself is the first step toward improvement.
Ruth Cardello
#60. Because you've put the past behind you and it doesn't bother you anymore that she
Ruth Cardello
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