Top 100 Raymond E. Feist Quotes
#1. One of the key issues will be personal honour vs. the good of the many, and unforeseen consequences.
Raymond E. Feist
#2. The Empire is all those who live within its borders, from the nobles to the lowest servant, even the slaves who work the fields. It must be seen as a whole, not as being embodied by some small but visible part, such as the Warlord or the High Council.
Raymond E. Feist
#3. why do I want to appear to be drinking more than I am?'
'Make it a habit. Men in their cups are fools, more often than not. And it can be wise to look the fool at times.
Raymond E. Feist
#4. We saw what we saw. Whether it was a place or a vision in our mind, it doesn't matter. We must act upon what we experienced, so to that end, yes, it was real.' 'Now?
Raymond E. Feist
#5. I won't say that writing is therapy, but for me, the act of writing is therapy. The ability to be productive is good for my mental health. It's always better for me to be writing than vegetating on some couch.
Raymond E. Feist
#6. I love a question I can't answer. It keeps things interesting, even after so many years.
Raymond E. Feist
#7. Fear had driven two enemies into each other's arms and he smiled at that thought. 'They fear me more than they do each other and that is good' he thought.
Raymond E. Feist
#8. Besides, it seems to mee that spreading the doctrine of doing good can harm no one.' Nakor shook his head. 'Would that it were true. Men have been put to death for preaching good.
Raymond E. Feist
#9. I know he hasn't a mean or petty bone in him, but one can err on the side of caution as well as rashness.
Raymond E. Feist
#10. It was an interesting dilemma and with all such dilemmas an opportunity might emerge. 'How best to turn this setback into an advantage,' he wondered silently.
Raymond E. Feist
#12. From our birth we are all dying, but some of us finish sooner than others.
Raymond E. Feist
#13. But to speed it along, he needs to know that pain will come. The knack is to not engage the pain, not hold on to it like a treasured thing, but to simply let it pass through and wait until it's gone. It will come less frequently and after a time, be gone.
Raymond E. Feist
#14. Luck is when those who are prepared take advantage of the moment.
Raymond E. Feist
#15. The saddest part of a broken heart
Isn't the ending so much as the start
The tragedy starts from the very first spark
Losing your mind for the sake of your heart
Raymond E. Feist
#16. The issue of the Betrayal was so central to that, I felt the need to comment upon it. My choices were to ignore the games and put them 'outside' of continuity or to integrate them. I chose the latter.
Raymond E. Feist
#18. You would do well to know, Marcus, that irritating a better swordsman than yourself is a good way to end up dead.
Raymond E. Feist
#19. I feel when a writer treats a character as 'precious,' the writer runs the risk of turning them into a comic book character. There's nothing wrong with comic book characters in comic books, but I don't write comic books.
Raymond E. Feist
#21. Some love comes like the wind off the sea, while others grow slowly from the seeds of friendship and kindness. - Carline
Raymond E. Feist
#22. she fills a dark and cold place within me as no one else has."
"If it is still dark and cold when she is not with you, it is not truly filled.
Raymond E. Feist
#23. in kings people overlook and forgive behaviour they would not tolerate in others.
Raymond E. Feist
#24. Mostly I'm writing about people, so I feel constrained to take with me my view of people, my curiosity about how people choose the things they do and why they come to certain decisions in a certain fashion and all the things that drive most writers.
Raymond E. Feist
#25. We'll never again be the boys we once were, Tomas. But we've become so much more than we dreamed.
Raymond E. Feist
#26. Find where the sound ends and silence begins. Then exist in that moment, for there will you find your secret centre of being, the perfect place of peace within yourself.
Raymond E. Feist
#27. My father used to say, "a day spent breathing is a good day
Raymond E. Feist
#28. He reminded himself as he turned another corner - glancing automatically into the shadows to see if anyone lurked there - the deed was the thing, not the praise.
Raymond E. Feist
#30. Your human gods love to present you with such riddles and challenges, or so it has seemed to me for most of my life ... You often seem to prefer difficult choices when simple alternatives are available; it is a constant source of amazement to my kind.
Raymond E. Feist
#32. power is limited to the strength of will within the man who holds it. Falter in your resolve and you will fall. Remain steadfast and you shall prevail. Always remember that. 'Come,
Raymond E. Feist
#33. In the end, my reasons for moving down the timeline and introducing a new cast have more to do with keeping myself entertained, on the assumption that if I get bored, my readers are going to be even more bored.
Raymond E. Feist
#34. There is no idea so brilliant or original that a sufficiently-untalented writer can't screw it up.
Raymond E. Feist
#35. A shrieking battle cry echoed on the wind, a spine-tingling scream that sounded like the baying of the wolves closing in on their prey.
Raymond E. Feist
#36. No matter how canny you think you are, something can come along, bam, and put you on your prat.
Raymond E. Feist
#37. Most of us move through life with little chance to learn much about ourselves. We know some things we like and some things we dislike, we have a few ideas about what makes us happy, and we die in ignorance regarding anything profound within ourselves.
Raymond E. Feist
#38. Remember, never rely on one plan, Tal. Always have two or more in place when you undertake something perilous. If the first one fails, go to the second plan. If the second plan fails, go to the third." "If the third plan fails, Your Grace?" Kaspar laughed. "Then run like hell if you're still alive.
Raymond E. Feist
#39. I just pray I don't have to work on you some day. Stitching together flesh that has no soul is bitter work.
Raymond E. Feist
#40. He knew there was only a slight difference between an armed guard and an escort, but sometimes that difference separated the honored and the condemned.
Raymond E. Feist
#42. It is said by some that the gods show us their bitter humor by molding us into what we hate most in others.
Raymond E. Feist
#43. Any good story can galvanize a person, make him/her think about things a different way, reassess their own motives and needs, but that's never my intent. That's an unintended consequence of me just trying to entertain, to write what we used to call 'ripping yarns.'
Raymond E. Feist
#44. Train those around you well, Pug. Make them powerful, but make them loving, generous men and women as well.
Raymond E. Feist
#45. Remember this: of all the commodities men trade in, information is the most valuable by far.
Raymond E. Feist
#46. You know what they say: 'Men have throats and daggers have sharp edges'.
Raymond E. Feist
#47. There are cities that have no ... I don't know what to call it, an identity perhaps. A sense of being someplace different. Lots of those in the Empire. Very old cities with lots of history, but one day is much like the next.
Raymond E. Feist
#48. Power in and of itself is neither worthy of respect nor fear; it simply is. It is how power is employed, and towards what ends, that ennobles or denigrates the wielder of power.
Raymond E. Feist
#49. One likes to think one grows as a writer as one ages, else all you get is an 'old' young writer. Beyond that is the changing landscape of the universe and the stories I choose to tell.
Raymond E. Feist
#50. I let my anger consume me."
"It's understandable," she said.
"It may be understandable," replied Pug, "but it is no more forgivable for being understandable.
Raymond E. Feist
#51. Never underestimate the potential for human stupidity when wealth and power are at stake.
Raymond E. Feist
#52. You can only have one first born child. You may love all your children deeply and with passion, but there is something unique about the first born.
Raymond E. Feist
#53. If I leave my computer, I'm probably not going to get back for hours. If I take a few minutes to answer questions and go web surfing, then guilt kicks in and I get back to work.
Raymond E. Feist
#54. A hunt leader could not show fear, or let it linger in his stomach, for others would sense it soon enough, taste that fear and become possessed by it. They would hesitate when an order was given, and uncertainty would claim their life as readily as the blade of the enemy.
Raymond E. Feist
#55. Often I'll try things that just won't happen the way I'd like them to, so hearing that they're not working saves me some wear and tear the next time around.
Raymond E. Feist
#56. What is life for?' he asked rhetorically. 'It's a way to evolve thought. And what is thought for? It's a way to be aware, a stage between the physical and the spiritual. And time? it's a good way to keep things separated.
Raymond E. Feist
#57. Never underestimate the human capacity for stupid, illogical, and petty behaviour.
Raymond E. Feist
#58. I keep threatening to write a non-fantasy book, and they keep offering me the kind of money I can't refuse to write a fantasy. That's a good thing. I have to pay my mortgage, and I have to pay for my Chargers season tickets.
Raymond E. Feist
#59. Some loves come unbidden like winds from the sea, and others grow from the seeds of friendship.
Raymond E. Feist
#60. Writing is not a competitive sport. Everyone that writes has his or her own voice.
Raymond E. Feist
#61. Chumaka ended with a quotation from a play that Jiro favored. " 'Small acts partner small houses and small minds'.
Raymond E. Feist
#62. The pride Kaspar had seen in his father's eyes, despite the admonishing words about foolish acts, had branded the boy for life. 'Never be afraid.' He knew that no matter what, any choice must be made fearlessly, or else all would be lost.
Raymond E. Feist
#63. Bountiful was the table of your grandsire, for there is still fat at the root of my heart from the feasts he gave in my honour.
Raymond E. Feist
#65. You will have to make decisions far worse. You are going to have to learn to think before you act, but never to regret your decisions, right or wrong. Otherwise, you will slowly begin to not make decisions at all.
Raymond E. Feist
#66. Immortality, power, dominance, all are illusions. Don't you see? We are simply pawns in a game beyond our understanding.' Pug
Raymond E. Feist
#67. It is something only a few know in their lives. It is a vision of something so clear, so true, it can only be a madness. You see what life is worth, and you know what death means.
Raymond E. Feist
#68. The world is much larger than I once dreamed, or perhaps my place in it is smaller than I once realized.
Raymond E. Feist
#69. Dirk, stunning the man. Borric shoved the third bruiser hard into a fat merchant
Raymond E. Feist
#70. A man makes choices," Tal said.
"True, but what choices a man makes depends on what choices he is offered.
Raymond E. Feist
#71. You've learned something very young, Prince, something that even older men rarely understand. You've learned that fear isn't a terrible-looking thing but something lovely and seductive.
Raymond E. Feist
#72. Forgive me, Magnus.'
'I don't know if I can.'
'You must.'
Still looking into the distance, he said, 'You need my forgiveness?'
'No. I'm dead. You can do nothing for me. You need to forgive me so you can live.
Raymond E. Feist
#73. Then the universe rocks. The very fabric of reality is rent.
Raymond E. Feist
#75. In some worlds there seems to be a synergy, but for the most part, what Kalkin said to you is the root truth: they are merely personifications of natural forces given whatever powers they possess by their worshippers. They have aspects that are perceived by mortals, and attributes they can wield.
Raymond E. Feist
#76. Informants can be helpful, but they are never infallible. All tools can break, or be turned into weapons.
Raymond E. Feist
#77. Never accept the proposition that just because a solution satisfies a problem, that it must be the only solution.
Raymond E. Feist
#78. Kings and marshals can look back and relive their triumphs, their great victories. We common folk must take what pleasure we can from life's little victories.
Raymond E. Feist
#79. There was no answer he knew, until he actually faced death.
Raymond E. Feist
#80. Good," said Creed. "I always like it when a captain has a plan; makes getting killed a lot less random.
Raymond E. Feist
#81. It takes a man of unusual character to openly confront his own shortcomings. It's so much more convenient to blame others.
Raymond E. Feist
#82. Every person you encounter, whom you interact with, is there to teach you something. Sometimes it may be years before you realize what each had to show you.
Raymond E. Feist
#83. If you're going to risk dying, there's no sense doing it wet, cold and hungry unless absolutely necessary.
Raymond E. Feist
#84. You can be as sharp-tongued as a viper, but you can also be as sweet as wild clover honey.
Raymond E. Feist
#85. The ways of the heart are complex." He looked out at the ocean again. "The waves churn and break upon the rocks, Talon. So do human feelings. Passion can be a man's undoing. With passion must come wisdom; otherwise, your enemies have a weapon to use against you.
Raymond E. Feist
#86. It's difficult the first time you have to get close to kill another. You see their eyes, see the light in it go out. Even a troll's eyes have that light. I'd be worried if you didn't feel something after that. I don't like hunting with a man who's a killer without that feeling.
Raymond E. Feist
#87. What matters isn't whether or not you're frightened, but how you behave.
Raymond E. Feist
#88. Either systems are in balance or they are falling apart. If people are acting in what appears to be a twisted way, I want to know the reason for that.
Raymond E. Feist
#89. A whore may be the most beautiful woman you've seen, my son, but she's still a whore.
Raymond E. Feist
#90. Robert had taught him to keep his thoughts in the present or near future, for as Robert had told him, To dwell in the past is to live in regret.
Raymond E. Feist
#91. You must step forward, Arutha. You will never be the man for whom you were named, and you will never be your father, but nature didn't intend for you to be either of those men, no matter how worthy they were. You must become the best man you are capable of.
Raymond E. Feist
#92. Warlords who fail in conducting war tend to fall from grace quickly.
Raymond E. Feist
#93. My father, an occasionally wise man, once said that we were blessed only when the gods remained ignorant of us.
Raymond E. Feist
#94. here you've got to live, breathe, and eat trust, or you're dead.
Raymond E. Feist
#95. But should you ever come to a time when you need to say something upon my behalf, say this, 'The last truth is that there is no magic.
Raymond E. Feist
#96. You know what it is to laugh at death, Arutha. You'll never be the same man again.
Raymond E. Feist
#97. I don't like fantasy where a king snaps his fingers and suddenly a whole army appears and goes off to war - he's got to feed them, he's got to pay them, he's got to take care of the camp followers and the gamblers and the people who cause disorder.
Raymond E. Feist
#99. There is a hand behind every curtain,' " she quoted. " 'And a knife in every hand,' " finished Mara.
Raymond E. Feist
#100. Now go. An actor should know when to leave the stage, a poet when the lay is finished, and a bard when it is time to put aside the lute.
Raymond E. Feist
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