Top 11 Phoebe Robinson Quotes
#1. Let me just say this right now, in case there's any confusion in 2016: If you're a white person and you have references on standby to verify that you're allowed to say the N-word, you are probably the last person on planet Earth who should be saying nigga.
Phoebe Robinson
#2. we do not choose our circumstances, the prejudices that we inherit, or our privilege or lack of it. It
Phoebe Robinson
#3. ...there is a predator-like mental scan that black women have to do before speaking, and even after we've done risk assessment, things can still go astray.
Phoebe Robinson
#4. Have the WNBA lower the hoops. Because even though layups get the job done, they're lame. Seriously, layups look the way Woody Allen talks. Wimpy as fuck.
Phoebe Robinson
#5. I was told this comment was only a "joke." Hell to the no. I don't care how chummy we are, you don't get to be racist in the name of comedy. There's nothing funny about reducing me to the damaging stereotypes that have stuck around for centuries.
Phoebe Robinson
#6. No one tells you this, but when you enter your thirties, you will find vaguely in-shape bodies ridiculously attractive as opposed to your Chris Hemsworth predilections of the past. This is not to say that ripped dudes turn you off.
Phoebe Robinson
#7. At best, us ladies are just a bunch of Mirandas with a slightly better wardrobe and at worst, we're a bunch of Magdas, aka Miranda's housekeeper, which means we're a bunch of nosy bitches who rifle through people's belongings and let them know they masterbate too much.
Phoebe Robinson
#8. #NoShade, but if United Airlines were a person, it would be Mischa Barton, just real basic AF.
Phoebe Robinson
#9. I mean, freebasing cocaine on the regs will mess up your bank account, cause you to lose your friends, and lead to rehab, but eating comfort food that is terrible for you, will, OK, slowly kill you over many decades, but also like, maybe not?
Phoebe Robinson
#10. Run, run, far away from him or her, and say what President Bartlet once said on The West Wing: "Stand there in your wrongness and be wrong and get used to it." White
Phoebe Robinson
#11. I'd often refer to myself as a "tomboy," until I learned that liking and watching sports but not actually being good at them does not make you a tomboy, it makes you a human.
Phoebe Robinson
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