Top 100 Napoleon Hill Quotes

#1. Positive mental attitude is the right mental attitude in all circumstances. Success attracts more success while failure attracts more failure.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #6075
#2. A great many years ago I purchased a fine dictionary. The first thing I did with it was to turn to the word "impossible," and neatly clip it out of the book. That would not be an unwise thing for you to do.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #23107
#3. Success in its highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which come only to the man who has found the work that he likes best.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #23115
#4. You might well remember that nothing can bring you success but yourself.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #43031
#5. The way to success is the way to action, based upon organized thinking followed by action, action, action.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #81571
#6. The man who always takes and never gives is not a leader. He is a parasite.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #92470
#7. Time is valuable, and when it is gone, it is gone. Time is wealth, and unlike money, when it is gone, you cannot replace it

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #132942
#8. It is in quiet that our best ideas occur to us. Don't make the mistake of believing that by a frantic kind of dashing around you are being your most effective and efficient self. Don't assume that you are wasting time when you take time out for thought.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #141969
#9. You can be absolutely certain that when you feel you are being most unfairly tested, you are being prepared for great achievement.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #166979
#10. Nature has endowed man with absolute control over but one thing, and that is thought.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #188690
#11. FAITH and FEAR make poor bedfellows. Where one is found, the other cannot exist.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #191881
#12. Somewhere in your make-up there lies sleeping, the seed of achievement which, if aroused and put into action, would carry you to heights, such as you may never have hoped to attain.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #192839
#13. No one can keep you down but yourself

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #207766
#14. If the winds of fortune are temporarily blowing against you, remember that you can harness them and make them carry you toward your definite purpose, through the use of your imagination.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #250554
#15. It is a curious quirk of human nature that some people can see opportunities, while others only see problems.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #253642
#16. If you must be careless with your possessions, let it be in connection with material things. Your mind is your spiritual estate! Protect and use it with the care to which Divine Royalty is entitled. You were given a WILL-POWER for this purpose.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #314238
#17. When you are able to maintain your own highest standards of integrity - regardless of what others may do - you are destined for greatness.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #328225
#18. A definite purpose, backed by absolute faith, is a form of wisdom and wisdom in action produces positive results.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #342525
#19. Men take on the nature and the habits and the power of thought of those with whom they associate in a spirit of sympathy and harmony.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #359992
#20. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past or how lofty your aims and hopes may be.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #386075
#21. Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #400342
#22. Imagination judges the future by the past, but concerns itself with the future more than with the past.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #435038
#23. Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective, find the one reason why you can achieve it rather than hundreds of reasons why you can't

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #463174
#24. Money without brains is always dangerous.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #470807
#25. The reason man may become the master of his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #483827
#26. First. I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #486439
#27. Success is very largely a matter of adjusting one's self to the ever-varying and changing environments of life, in a spirit of harmony and poise.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #545381
#28. Successful people are decisive people. When opportunities come their way, they evaluate them carefully, make a decision, and take appropriate action. They know that indecision wastes time that could be spent on more productive tasks.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #546790
#29. Desire The Starting Point of All Achievement: the First Step Toward Riches

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #567164
#30. Every brain is both a broadcasting station and a receiving station for the vibrations of thought.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #568379
#31. Moral courage further demands that you assume the responsibility for your own acts.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #570254
#32. It is one thing to want money-everyone wants more-but it is something entirely different to be worth more!

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #576013
#33. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire brings a small amount of heat.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #582112
#34. Imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #597725
#35. There is no substitute for persistence. The person who makes persistence his watch-word, discovers that "Old Man Failure" finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with persistence.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #609013
#36. A man who can speak two languages is worth two men.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #618732
#37. In parting, I would remind you that Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate before moving, or neglect to move promptly, your men will be wiped off the board by time. You are playing against a partner who will not tolerate decisions!

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #623076
#38. If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self- interest, you can have practically anything you go after.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #642805

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #677366
#40. Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life, not on what you don't want.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #682021
#41. Employers who understand human nature, get the best there is in men, not by criticism, but by constructive suggestion.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #692925

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #714658
#43. If you really are smarter than others, show them with your actions.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #724249
#44. Every failure, every adversity, every heartache may be a blessing in disguise providing it softens the animal portion of our nature.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #743680
#45. Initiative is as essential to success as a hub is essential to a wagon wheel.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #747426
#46. No man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #784343
#47. It is a well known fact that a man learns best that which he endeavors to teach others.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #791688
#48. The imagination is the workshop of the soul, where all the plans for individual achievement are shaped.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #799462
#49. If you are not learning while you're earning, you are cheating yourself out of the better portion of your compensation.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #801012
#50. Wisdom consists in knowing what not to want as well as what to want.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #802497
#51. If you want prosperity, you must refuse to accept any circumstances that lead toward poverty.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #813249
#52. Self-confidence results, first, from exact knowledge; second, the ability to impart that knowledge.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #874932
#53. The development of self-confidence starts with the elimination of this demon called fear.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #887667
#54. Bravery is fearlessness-the absence of fear. The merest dolt may be brave because he lacks the mentality to appreciate his danger.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #907710
#55. Practice being grateful for everything that life has blessed you with.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #959325
#56. Render more service than you are paid for and eventually you will be paid more for less services rendered.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #971433
#57. Within every setback or obstacle or disadvantage there is the seed of an equal or opposite or greater advantage or benefit.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #975332
#58. If you try and fail, make another effort, and
still another ... until you succeed.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #979575
#59. Both success and failure are largely the results of habit!

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #984346
#60. You may as well know, right here, that you can never have riches in great quantities, unless you can work yourself into a white heat of desire for money, and actually believe you will possess it.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1004969
#61. When you offer a negative thought of action, you open the negative memory-bank and you may lose all your power to persuade.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1006068
#62. TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects. A

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1019160
#63. Life is a mirror of your consistent thoughts.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1025614
#64. Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending on the mental attitude with which it is faced.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1041987
#65. The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1048176
#66. O Divine Providence, I ask not for more riches but more wisdom with which to make wiser use of the riches you gave me at birth, consisting in the power to control and direct my own mind to whatever ends I might desire.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1084424
#67. Love is, without question life's greatest experience.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1103556
#68. Don't wait the time will never be right.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1106842

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1117368
#70. Success begins with a fellow's will - It's all in the state of mind.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1144277
#71. We rise to high positions or remain at the bottom because of conditions we can control if we desire to control them.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1160749
#72. You cannot become a power in your community nor achieve enduring success in any worthy undertaking until you become big enough to blame yourself for your own mistakes and reverses.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1164837
#73. Successful men and women become successful because they acquire the habit of thinking in terms of success. Get the success habit in the small circumstances you control, and soon you'll be controlling the bigger ones.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1164870
#74. Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1175393
#75. Indecision, doubt and fear. The members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1186028
#76. The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1209948
#77. Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1231662
#78. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1232905
#79. TELL THE WORLD WHAT YOU INTEND TO DO, BUT FIRST SHOW IT.This is the equivalent of saying deeds, and not words, are what count most.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1236635
#80. If you can't forgive, don't ask to be forgiven.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1336711
#81. This power makes no attempt to discriminate between destructive thoughts and constructive thoughts, that it will urge us to translate into physical reality thoughts of poverty, just as quickly as it will influence us to act upon thoughts of riches.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1343669
#82. You may as well know, also, that every great leader, from the dawn of civilization down to the present, was a dreamer.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1373998
#83. If you are ready for the secret, you already possess one half of it,therefore, you will readily recognize the other half the moment it reaches your mind.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1383367
#84. You have been disappointed,you have undergone defeat during the depression, you have felt the great heart within you crushed until it bled. Take courage, for these experiences have tempered the spiritual metal of which you are made- they are assets of incomparable value.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1385472
#85. I pray daily, not for more riches, but for more wisdom with which to recognize, embrace and enjoy what I already possess.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1415819
#86. Your reputation is that which people think you are; your character is that which you are.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1421461
#87. The chances are that your job likes you precisely as much as you like it, but no more.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1445251
#88. Definiteness of purpose with positive mental attitude is the starting point of all worthwhile achievement.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1451192
#89. You cannot entirely control your subconscious mind, but you can voluntarily hand over to it any plan, desire, or purpose which you wish transformed into concrete form.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1487362
#90. Definiteness of decision always requires courage, sometimes very great courage. The fifty-six men who signed the Declaration of Independence staked their lives on the decision to affix their signatures to that document.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1502927
#91. The Creator gave us the complete, unchallengable right of prerogative over the one thing, and only thing we own, our mind.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1541344
#92. A man is most efficient and will more quickly and easily succeed when engaged in work that he loves, or work that he performs in behalf of some person whom he loves.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1605853
#93. If you love, absolutely love what you are doing, chances are excellent that you will succeed. There is nothing so exhausting as working on a job you don't like.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1621892

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1695921
#95. You can't change where you started, but you can change the direction you are going. It's not what you are going to do, but it's what you are doing now that counts.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1701921
#96. The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1734718
#97. Successful men become successful only because they acquire the habit of thinking in terms of success.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1742946
#98. Achieve self-mastery over your thoughts, and constantly direct them toward your goals and objectives. Learn to focus your attention on the goals that you want to achieve and on finding ways to achieve those goals.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1825655
#99. What we do not see, what most of us never suspect of existing, is the silent but irresistible power which comes to the rescue of those who fight on in the face of discouragement.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1844412
#100. Life, on this Earth may be likened to a great Kaleidoscope before which the scenes and facts and material substances are ever shifting and changing and all any man can do is to take these facts and substances and re-arrange them in new combinations.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill Quotes #1846764

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