Top 16 Maureen Brady Quotes
#1. I choose what sort of relationship I want to have with my family of origin today.
Maureen Brady
#2. I am filled with truth at my center where I once held shame.
Maureen Brady
#3. I look upon the gift of my life as a wondrous journey.
Maureen Brady
#4. Though our childhood abuse left us feeling someone ought to make reparation to us, if we wait a lifetime for that, we may never receive what we need. We choose instead to face the idea that from now on, we are going to take responsibility for caring for ourselves.
Maureen Brady
#5. As we move away from the old role in which we were helplessly entrapped as a victim, we make friends with the people who affirm us. Their enthusiasm about us mirrors the positive experience we are having.
Maureen Brady
#6. For change to occur in us, we must be willing to enter the wilderness of the unknown and to wander in unfamiliar territory, directionless and often in the darkness....We do not need to keep every little thing under control. In fact, we find ourselves only by allowing some falling apart to happen.
Maureen Brady
#7. I value and honor the way that my suffering brings me to further search and surrender.
Maureen Brady
#8. I create a home that is a safe and nurturing place for me, where I am free to gather myself.
Maureen Brady
#9. I am building a healthy support system and learning to use it readily.
Maureen Brady
#10. It is not my wish to stay home so much that I become isolated, but to use the comforting influence of my home to restore and gather myself after each step I take in my expanding ability to participate in the world.
Maureen Brady
#11. Fearing the unknown within myself has kept me crouching in a corner. I look to see who I am and discover much that is worthy.
Maureen Brady
#12. I am empowered by self-knowledge, by ownership of my experiences, and by all aspects of myself.
Maureen Brady
#13. I choose to let positive attitudes lighten my being today.
Maureen Brady
#14. I am a whole person and have the potential to bring together all the different aspects of myself.
Maureen Brady
#15. When we first begin to take power more directly, after long having kept our relationship to it underground...it is natural that we experience anxiety, even guilt, at putting ourselves first. These feeling let us know we are taking action; they do not need to stop us.
Maureen Brady
#16. I sometimes continue to see myself in split ways; it causes me trouble and contributes to a lack of satisfaction with myself.
Maureen Brady
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