Top 33 Marc Bolan Quotes

#1. I think I am a child. Everything blows my mind.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #10907
#2. I personally believe that I was ... a previous life or something ... a previous reincarnation, a bard of some sort, because most of the things I write about are descriptions of places I've never been to.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #13167
"There was a time, everything was fine.
You got drunk on the day like it was wine.
And all the children,
They put flowers in their hair.
And all the grown-ups,
They put daggers there instead.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #26533
Swans do fly
High above you
All the time
Prince of Sun
From his pavilion
Makes you shine
Come, come, come into my garden, lady love
Maybe I can hold your gold hand
Glide within my gold grove, lady love
Know the earth and you'll understand

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #56136
#5. Sometimes I get a funny feeling inside me that I shan't be here very long,
and I'm not talking in terms of things like success.
It frightens me sometimes

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #177889
#6. DOVE"
"All my days are leafy blue
Because I'm not with you
All my words are ragged steel
When I'm not with you
See how the sun shines
Like an arc where you walk
All my fears are water clear
When I'm not with you
All I hear is wicked dear
When I'm not with you

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #264350
#7. If God were to appear in my room, obviously I would be in awe, but I don't think I would be humble. I might cry, but I think he would dig me like crazy.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #310922
#8. I am the 'Cosmic Dancer' who dances his way out of the womb and into the tomb on 'Electric Warrior.' I'm not frightened to get up there and groove about in front of six million people on TV because it doesn't look cool. That's the way I would do it at home.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #347490
#9. I mean, I am my own fantasy.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #425754
#10. Book after book, I get hooked, every time the writer talks to me like a friend.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #558377
#11. I don't like telephones.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #594731
#12. Its like if you take acid, it burns out brain cells and they dont regrow. Rock is like that-it has killed beautiful people musically, physically and mentally.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #651051
#13. I feel there is a curse on rock stars.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #658149
#14. I honestly feel it could all end tomorrow. Not just the band thing - I mean life.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #660565
#15. There is so little time for us all, I need to be able to say what I want quickly and to as many people as possible. Time passes so slowly if you are unaware of it and so quickly if you are aware of it.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #679054
#16. I want fun now, life is here to enjoy, not to complicate and make difficult.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #705472
#17. Our lives are merely trees of possibilities.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #729394
#18. With my Les Paul, I know I'm small. But I enjoy living anyway.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #730838
#19. We have a very good head thing but we don't make love.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #875222
#20. I just dig dancing.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #926567
#21. All rock musicians are deaf ... Or insensitive to mellow sounds.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1039929
#22. Some people think because I wear makeup that I am gay. But one thing has nothing to do with the other.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1095254
#23. The prospect of being immortal doesn't excite me, but the prospect of being a materialistic idol for four years does appeal.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1119193
#24. I've always been a wriggler. I just dig dancing.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1330329
#25. I tend to play a lot of blues things at home, because most blues things are basically within a 12-bar pattern.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1413607
#26. Be strong and follow your own convictions. You can't assume there is a lot of time to do what you like. This is what David Bowie is afraid of: that he will die before he gets a chance to make a real strong contribution.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1479702
#27. My head is perfectly clean inside.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1498028
#28. Our bed of love is like a glove,
tender and warm, that we creep into

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1619786
#29. Well you're slim and you're weak
You've got the teeth of a hydra upon you.
You're dirty sweet and you're my girl.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1732095
#30. You slide so good with bones so fair, you've got the universe reclining in your hair ...

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1776160
#31. A DAY LAYE"
"Every dawn of our lives a heart is forged and
Linked with lore to one so similar
Born with blessed life dust
Stored beneath its soul
To bless and pass onto its children
Even though the wind may blow it all away
Don't ever worry 'cos I'm your friend.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1781431
#32. I live my life with a sense of urgency that most people cant comprehend.

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1786861
#33. I'm serious about the music, but I'm not serious about the fantasy. It's no big deal being on TV!

Marc Bolan

Marc Bolan Quotes #1860811

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