Top 21 Lora Ann Quotes
#1. Hell, I didn't do relationships. Period. Though there was something about her that made me want to tell the old me to fuck off. "I
Lora Ann
#2. Ashes are all around the desolate ground. What beauty could behold the darkness of a soul? -Keeley
Lora Ann
#3. I think this man realized how important it is for you to love yourself, to find your self-worth. Those who truly love you don't just stop when you hurt them." Keeley's
Lora Ann
#4. She broke his heart. Tar was too good for her, and he simply realized it. She beat her chest convinced that any fragment left behind needed to be removed. A
Lora Ann
#5. Everything about the man screamed danger, so, of course, I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Confidence radiated off of him in waves. I was immediately reminded of how you could tell a man made love by the way he danced.
Lora Ann
#6. For the hundredth time, the little voice in my head asked, "What makes you think a woman like you deserves love?" I didn't. But the fact remained, I wanted it. Since
Lora Ann
#7. Again, I tried to glance away. He wasn't having that as his hold became firmer. "Never be embarrassed by my appreciation of you. Whether it's your physical beauty or your inner radiance, I don't ever want you to think I'm bullshitting you. Clear?" I
Lora Ann
#8. Sometimes, Lacey, the only way to heal is to be completely shattered." She
Lora Ann
#9. You see, love is the greatest gift of all. It doesn't die or go away. Not true love, no, now that is eternal. It only knows to fight, to hold on and sacrifice daily." "While
Lora Ann
#10. I quickly tried to tidy-up, but she stilled my busy hands. "Honey, I don't mind a bit of mess. It's what makes you real. Please, don't feel like you need to clean for me," she said gently. "Besides, I came to visit you, not the cabin." I
Lora Ann
#11. She straightened her shoulders as her chin jutted out. "Sorry." Then she fired back, "I'll have to remember to forget I have any emotions. Should be easy with you in the lead." Ouch! That fucking hurt more than I was willing to admit.
Lora Ann
#12. You're never going to have that kind of devotion. Girls like you don't deserve to be loved, honored and cherished.
Lora Ann
#14. Keeley wasn't getting away again without a fight. The good kind of fight. The fight that spoke directly to someone's heart, You are worth it. *****
Lora Ann
#15. She thought herself weak, a victim of circumstance. What she didn't yet realize about herself, she was one of the bravest warriors he'd ever had the pleasure of knowing. Operation Time for Keeley to Recognize She was a Fucking Survivor was now underway. God help him.
Lora Ann
#16. even though I would've preferred E's kiss there instead. Naturally that particular memory flooded my mind's eye. Until then, I hadn't been properly introduced to my magic button.
Lora Ann
#17. She was addicted to pain as if it'd become her new brand of heroin.
Lora Ann
#18. I heard Nik bellow, "Aimee. Get your ass back in here, now!" As the doors slid closed, I flipped him off. Just who did that man think he was? I would figure this out myself. I was sick and tired of these powerful, commanding men telling me what to do with my life. They could all go to hell. *****
Lora Ann
#19. Besides, doesn't Aimee deserve all of your heart? No matter what, I couldn't give her something I no longer had. That would be beyond unfair. Who says life's fair? I
Lora Ann
#20. Made me more aware of how we should always guard our tongues and never walk away from those we love in anger. Life lesson learned.
Lora Ann
#21. She really was too sweet and innocent for an asshole like me. "She's with her mother." I
Lora Ann
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