Top 15 Leonard Woolf Quotes

#1. Leonard Woolf in a letter to Lytton Strachey said he hated John Maynard Keynes "for his crass stupidity and hideous face".

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #10430
#2. Nothing matters, and everything matters.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #108781
#3. The mere fact that a very large number of people believe such a thing and that the world would be a better place if it were true, is no reason for believing that it is true.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #165120
#4. I see clearly that I have achieved practically nothing.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #353750
#5. The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentist's drill.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #368009
#6. It is never right for any individual or government to do any vast evil as a means to some hypothetical good.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #496600
#7. One must be crucified on one's own private cross.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #704923
#8. There is nothing to be said except about the sheer waste and futility of it all. It is the war all over again, when one is rung up to be told that Rupert was dead, or that one's brother was killed, and one knew that it was only to produce the kind of world we are living in now. Horrible.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #750663
#9. At the best and even unexpurgated, diaries give a distorted or one-sided portrait of the writer.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #868988
#10. Nothing matters.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #976128
#11. There is nothing to which men cling more tenaciously than the privileges of class.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #993889
#12. Life is not an orderly progression, self-contained like a musical scale or a quadratic equation ... If one is to record one's life truthfully, one must aim at getting into the record of it something of the disorderly discontinuity which makes it so absurd, unpredictable, bearable.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #1179631
#13. The fact is, I find it extremely difficult to force myself to read old letters ... Whenever one really knows the facts, one finds that what is accepted by contemporaries or posterity as the truth about them is so distorted or out of focus that it is not worth worrying about.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #1394827
#14. Anyone can be a barbarian; it requires a terrible effort to remain a civilized man.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #1564610
#15. You can't love by desiring
an extremely vague desire
of a very vague moon.

Leonard Woolf

Leonard Woolf Quotes #1869643

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