Top 100 Lauryn Hill Quotes
#1. Hip-Hop isn't just music, it is also a spiritual movement of the blacks! You can't just call Hip-Hop a trend!
Lauryn Hill
#3. And what you need ironically. Will turn out what you want to be. If you just let it.
Lauryn Hill
#4. The work is constant. There's a time for rest, but I don't believe in getting comfortable just because everyone says you've arrived.
Lauryn Hill
#5. When you're young and everything dramatic is exciting, you start to believe that hype that, in order to be an artist, you have to suffer. I've graduated from that school.
Lauryn Hill
#6. How you gone win, when you ain't right within? Uh-uh come again
Lauryn Hill
#7. A lot of us are too busy focusing on what we think people want to hear, as opposed to just saying what's in our hearts.
Lauryn Hill
#8. No matter how I think we grow, you always seem to let me know it ain't working, and when I try to walk away you hurt yourself to make me stay, this is crazy
Lauryn Hill
#9. It's emotional warfare telling the people we love, the most, the truth about ourselves.
Lauryn Hill
#10. Tomorrow is always another day to make things right.
Lauryn Hill
#11. I was very confused. I didn't understand the difference between rebellion against God and rebellion against the system that's not God.
Lauryn Hill
#12. I think everything happens in time. There's a time for everything. There's a time to be in a group, and there's a time to be solo.
Lauryn Hill
#13. It's silly when girls sell their souls because it's in.
Lauryn Hill
#14. I hope that by people seeing the result of freedom that they'll want some, too.
Lauryn Hill
#15. You say, Wait a minute, God, you spared me from a slave job in an office, and now I have a slave job onstage. I am not on that clock no more.
Lauryn Hill
#16. My mother has all my awards, because if I walked downstairs every day and saw all my achievements it would be so easy to become complacent.
Lauryn Hill
#17. Every time that God navigates my ship, there's nothing cerebral going on. There's very little thought. It's almost as if I have the directions. Every time I try to do it myself, I'm conjuring up my own concoction and trying.
Lauryn Hill
#18. It's more important to be righteous than to be right.
Lauryn Hill
#19. What was freely given to me, I freely give.
Lauryn Hill
#20. I don't know anybody that's not emotionally unstable or schizophrenic.
Lauryn Hill
#21. I started to see that my concept of spirituality was totally wrong.
Lauryn Hill
#22. We have to make sure the music and the message and the words and all the elements come through in our songs and every time we appear in public.
Lauryn Hill
#23. Whenever we submit our will to someone else's opinion, a part of us dies
Lauryn Hill
#24. I tried to manipulate and control people and I harbored resentment. I wanted to be forgiven but I wouldn't forgive others.
Lauryn Hill
#25. If I should fall asleep and death takes me away,
Don't be surprised son, I wasn't put here to stay.
Lauryn Hill
#26. Miscommunication leads to complication.
Lauryn Hill
#27. From the time that you are a child, you grow up repressing yourself.
Lauryn Hill
#28. It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard, loving you is like a battle, and we both end up with scars,
Lauryn Hill
#29. I can do what you do, easy, BELIEVE ME
Frontin' niggas give me hee-bee-gee-bees
Lauryn Hill
#30. I am no longer going to become a fictional character to please people. That's too much work.
Lauryn Hill
#31. As painful as this thing has been I just can't be with no one else. See I know what we've got to do. You let go, and I'll let go too. 'Cause no one's hurt me more than you And no one ever will.
Lauryn Hill
#32. The honor to me has less to do with the award. To me that translates in the relationship that I have with the audience, and if my music is helpful to them, that's the award.
Lauryn Hill
#33. In my family, there was not an abundance of wealth, but there was an abundance of love. So there was always humor, and there was joy and there was comfort and there was this environment just to have a good time.
Lauryn Hill
#34. We should constantly be aspiring to reach higher and higher and higher. We should never be comfortable where we are.
Lauryn Hill
#35. Who you going to tell when the repercussions spin, showing off your ass because you think it's a trend.
Lauryn Hill
#36. In my travels all over the world, I have come to realize that what distinguishes one child from another is not ability, but access. Access to education, access to opportunity, access to love.
Lauryn Hill
#37. Every time truth comes we hate it, because it's coming against our ego. Are you going to let the ego come between you and this person you love?
Lauryn Hill
#38. Love and this close-knit family structure really helped to give me the confidence. To know that you have family to go back to is a help. It doesn't always happen biologically. Sometimes God gives you family in other forms, but I was very blessed. I have a very strong biological family.
Lauryn Hill
#39. Love is an incredible thing but we don't know love like we should. Unconditional love we don't know it because if a person stops stimulating us, we stop loving them.
Lauryn Hill
#40. We think the man with the best rap will protect and save us, but it's not usually that way. Love is something deeper and purer.
Lauryn Hill
#41. See no one loves you more than me ... and no one ever will
Lauryn Hill
#42. Never underestimate those who you scar.
Lauryn Hill
#43. Once you compromise yourself in one way, you compromise yourself in another way. And you've just opened the door to compromise, mediocrity, settling.
Lauryn Hill
#44. Being young and female in America, you watch a lot of T.V., and you grow up on false images of what love truly is. We think the man with the best rap will protect and save us, about it's not usually that way. Then you learn love is something deeper and purer in form.
Lauryn Hill
#45. I was unhappy with my life. I had acquired everything I thought I wanted, only to find out, This is it?
Lauryn Hill
#46. I don't buy into that whole concept of success that I have this mountain with this moat around it and then I get into my big car and drive to my destination and never see people. That's not my concept of success.
Lauryn Hill
#47. Tell me who I've got to be, to get some reciprocity
Lauryn Hill
#48. I love being able to reach people directly, but in an ideal scenario, I would not have to rush the release of new music ... but the message is still there,
Lauryn Hill
#49. Since those who believe they need a hero/celebrity outnumber the actual heroes/celebrities, people feel safe and comfortably justified in numbers, committing egregious crimes in the name of the greater social ego. Ironically diminishing their own true hero-celebrity nature in the process.
Lauryn Hill
#50. We should always be aspiring to know more, and to better ourselves, and to improve ourselves. To improve ourselves, because that's how we improve the world around us, by working within us.
Lauryn Hill
#51. We were all crazy about music and almost all the money we had, we spent for equipment.
Lauryn Hill
#52. With The Fugees initially, and even with 'Miseducation', it was very hip-hop - always a singing over beats. I don't think people have really heard me sing out. So if I do record again, perhaps it will have an expanded context. Where people can hear a bit more.
Lauryn Hill
#53. Everything takes place in a season. There was a season when that's all I did was listen to the music. Now I'm just in a place where I don't listen, I create. And if I do listen there are specific things that I listen to, and for specific reasons.
Lauryn Hill
#54. To those supporters who were told that I abandoned them, that is untrue. I abandoned greed, corruption, and compromise, never you, and never the artistic gifts and abilities that sustained me.
Lauryn Hill
#55. Reality is easy. It's deception that's the hard work.
Lauryn Hill
#56. Everything is everything
What is meant to be, will be
After winter, must come spring
Change, it comes eventually
Lauryn Hill
#57. I rarely listen to the music for the sheer pleasure. I'm listening for the tool, I'm listening for the instrument, I'm listening for the art.
Lauryn Hill
#58. It's difficult because we live in a world that doesn't really respect the creative and intellectual contributions of women.
It's more like Oh, you're so cute. Be quiet. Shhh, don't talk too much.
Lauryn Hill
#59. Our podium is the music. It's really important that we stay focused, because things become misconstrued in the media.
Lauryn Hill
#60. I keep letting you back in. How can I explain myself? As painful as this thing has been, I just can't be with no one else.
Lauryn Hill
#61. When I was working, and when I was making substantial amounts of money, I always filed and paid my taxes. This only stopped, when it was necessary to withdraw from society, in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of myself and my family.
Lauryn Hill
#62. I can give away everything I posses, but am without love, and I have no happiness
Lauryn Hill
#63. Just because I have a guitar, it doesn't mean that changes me. I still rhyme, I still sing.
Lauryn Hill
#64. Let's love ourselves, then we can't fail,
To make a better situation.
Tomorrow, our seeds will grow,
All we need is dedication!
Lauryn Hill
#65. Heart, Desire, and Intensity and those have been the three words I kind of latched onto.
Lauryn Hill
#66. That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in.
Lauryn Hill
#67. I get really afraid of those little comforts, those things that make us feel like we did something great, because I've done nothing. I've done nothing. I mean that sincerely.
Lauryn Hill
#68. For a while, the genre seemed to be just about sex and crime. Rappers are storytellers; the stories don't need to be true!
Lauryn Hill
#69. In my life the most influential people are people who are sort of brought to me, as opposed to people I seek out.
Lauryn Hill
#70. I think the work ethic that was established in my family was something very important. If you plant the seed, if you sow sparingly and reap sparingly. If you sow in abundance you'll reap in abundance.
Lauryn Hill
#71. Now I may have faith/ to make mountains fall/ But if I lack love/ then I am nothin' at all
Lauryn Hill
#72. I have hour spurts when I feel fine and I can walk normal and stuff, other hours, I'm wobbling. I feel like there's somebody behind me kicking my legs out from underneath me. The whole tumor symptom thing is crazy. It's unpredictable. It really messes with your life.
Lauryn Hill
#73. Every day is a lesson in focus for me, and not buying into the world's concept of what you have to be. I really try every day to be individual and not just in my style or my look or my music, but in my approach to life.
Lauryn Hill
#74. I wrote these words for everyone who struggles in their youth.
Who won't accept deception instead of what is truth.
It seems we lose the game, before we even start to play.
Who made these rules? We're so confused. Easily led astray.
Lauryn Hill
#76. I have a problem with procrastination. I have a great deal of difficulty deciding what to wear. It's a woman thing.
Lauryn Hill
#77. I wouldn't even hold my kids sometimes because I didn't want them to spit up on me when I was dressed for an awards show.
Lauryn Hill
#78. I have a couple of all-time favorites: Donny Hathaway and Roberta Flack, Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.
Lauryn Hill
#79. I don't want to be religious, I want to be spiritual. Anybody can be religious. Some people jog religiously. You don't want to be that, you want to be spiritual. You want to have a relationship with God as opposed to doing what everyone else does.
Lauryn Hill
#80. Our first album was a stupid mistake by the record company. They tried to sell us as an alternative act. A big mistake!
Lauryn Hill
#81. I like a brother that cuts to the chase.
Lauryn Hill
#82. The danger I faced was not accepted as reasonable grounds for deferring my tax payments, as authorities, who despite being told all of this, still chose to pursue action against me, as opposed to finding an alternative solution.
Lauryn Hill
#83. God surrounded me with the right team, with the team that I needed to help me exercise all of my ideas. You need that. You need that army, you need that force.
Lauryn Hill
#84. Nobody's going to force me to do something against my will. What do I owe anybody that I should submit my will to them?
Lauryn Hill
#85. I get mad when you walk away (don't walk away from me cmon now), so I tell you leave when I mean stay
Lauryn Hill
#86. Life is continued work. It's constant learning. The whole concept of retirement I don't even buy into. We should constantly be working. Maybe not physically working, but we could be spiritually, emotionally working toward bettering ourselves and bettering the lives of others around us.
Lauryn Hill
#87. If I never won a Grammy, I would be satisfied, if in fact I could help people. I don't say that because it sounds like something cool to say.
Lauryn Hill
#88. We call ourselves creators and we just copy.
Lauryn Hill
#89. I got into direct confrontation with everybody I love.
Lauryn Hill
#90. I'm trying to be a loving and caring mother, a loving and caring wife-to-be, a loving and caring daughter, a loving and caring friend, a responsible person. And every day is another opportunity for me to be successful at that.
Lauryn Hill
#91. I am just beginning to be more comfortable with my identity.
Lauryn Hill
#92. I know there are certain gifts that each of us have. The gifts you don't have to worry about so much, because God gave them to us. It's the living, it's the life, it's the now.
Lauryn Hill
#93. Everyone is in the same situation, at different levels and in different places.
Lauryn Hill
#94. The only help I need to live, is unprofessional. The only wealth I have to give, is not material. And if you need much more than that, I'm not available.
Lauryn Hill
#95. I need to be surrounded by people as passionate and as dedicated as I am.
Lauryn Hill
#96. I had an economic system imposed on me.
Lauryn Hill
#97. You improve yourself and light up the corner that you live on. You may not touch a gazillion lives, but you can light up your own space, light up your home.
Lauryn Hill
#98. We don't want people to have expectations of us, but then we have expectations of everybody else.
Lauryn Hill
#99. The sweetest thing I've ever known was like the kiss on the collarbone, the soft caress of happiness, the way you walk, your style of dress, I wish I didn't get so weak, oh baby just to hear you speak, makes me argue just to see how much your in love with me
Lauryn Hill
#100. We have these images, these icons before us that are not reality.
Lauryn Hill
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