Top 100 Kim Holden Quotes
#1. I don't want to be my limitations. I don't want to be my pain. I don't want to be my embarrassment.
Kim Holden
#2. Authenticity is rare. Either people don't know who they are, or they're afraid to share themselves with the world - I
Kim Holden
#3. Somebody's on a man hunt. And she's accepting all applicants with a big wallet, a penis, and a beating heart. Good luck with that.
Kim Holden
#4. And my heart shatters for the second time today. It's blown apart into so many pieces, the shrapnel spread so far and wide, I know what remains will never fit back together again. Puzzles don't work when you only have half of the pieces. Same goes for hearts. I
Kim Holden
#5. I love you, Bright side." He pecks her lightly on the lips. She whispers, "I love you, too.
Kim Holden
#6. I love you more
And even more than that
Kim Holden
#7. What is it about coffee? It's the perfect beverage. It warms me, body and soul. And it makes me insanely happy.
Kim Holden
#8. It's orange down low near the horizon, and pink on top, like the sky's blushing as it forces out the sun.
Kim Holden
#9. I love you more than you could possibly imagine."
"My imagination is endless,"
"Good. So is my love.
Kim Holden
#10. Love is strange when you think about it. It comes out of nowhere. There's no logic to it. It's not methodical. It's not scientific. It's pure emotion and passion. And emotion and passion can be beautiful, because they fuel love. I'm
Kim Holden
#11. It was a gift. You were a gift. A gift that made my life worthwhile. A gift that made life fun. A gift that filled me with music. A gift that filled me with love. A gift that inspired me to live on the bright side.
Kim Holden
#12. Just a bit of advice," I mutter. "That sort of physical contact with Chloe Murphy should require a full body condom, lest you contract something extremely difficult - if not impossible - to get rid of.
Kim Holden
#13. Romy Madley Croft from the xx. Number two: Alison Moyet from Yaz. And number three: Johnette Napolitanos from Concrete Blonde.
Kim Holden
#14. Your skin is screaming for attention like a middle-aged woman in the front row at a Bon Jovi concert.
Kim Holden
#15. Seamus can't be the king to my queen. Because he's a saint. And no one measures up to a saint.
Kim Holden
#17. Ask one hundred people to explain love. And you'll get one hundred different answers. Because love is like art, it's subjective. Fluid. Ever-changing. Evolving. Case
Kim Holden
#18. And guilt is heavy, like an anchor holding me in place and hindering any and all advancement.
Kim Holden
#19. His voice has invaded me. I'm not just hearing it. I'm taking it in through all five senses. It's intimate in a way I can't even begin to explain.
Kim Holden
#20. Cooked carrots taste like baby food mixed with dirt.
Kim Holden
#21. Bruises that are ugly
And painful
And more than skin deep
Kim Holden
#22. I know human beings are made up of cells, but I'm convinced my father was made up of negativity.
Kim Holden
#23. So much more than thank you," I whisper in her ear.
"So much more," she whispers back.
Kim Holden
#24. Happy birthday, Bright Side. I hope you're in charge of showtime tonight. I'm expecting nothing short of fucking incredible on behalf of your big day, just so you know. No pressure, but you'd better step up and do epic.
Kim Holden
#25. Do you know what it's like to be blessed with someone so special, to love them so much it hurts, and then have them taken from you forever?
Kim Holden
#26. Genetics doesn't ensure love, or even like, time and effort do.
Kim Holden
#27. And thank you. That song filled my soul tonight.
Kim Holden
#28. He knows what an unbelievably beautiful circumstance he could be in with you,
Kim Holden
#29. Some people wear their scars on the outside. Others wear them on the inside. Same difference. Your character, your heart, your essence, that's what's important, because that's the real you. All the rest, our looks, the material stuff? It's just meaningless bullshit.
Kim Holden
#30. Never misconceive that which is real
Kim Holden
#31. I've given up on life. Or life's given up on me. Either way I'm done." And then his voice hitches and quiets. "Finish me.
Kim Holden
#32. . Temptation leads down a path of destruction
Kim Holden
#33. I want that someday, bone-jarringly beautiful.
Kim Holden
#34. A heart full of words
And an uncooperative mouth
Make an unfortunate pairing
Kim Holden
#35. I'm hers. To confide in. To vent to. To celebrate with. To grow with. To show her strengths. To bear her vulnerabilities. To laugh with. To cry with. To love. And to be loved by. I'm hers.
Kim Holden
#36. You are brave ...
Now go ... do epic!
That's an order.
Do it.
Kim Holden
#37. Treating people badly in reaction to how they treat us plays into the ugliness in the world and perpetuates it. Treating people well, not in the hopes that they'll change, because sometimes people never change, keeps our hearts and minds free from the ugliness.
Kim Holden
#38. I didn't forget it. It's a cranky bastard when it doesn't get time to snuggle in my bunk. It was napping, not dead.
Kim Holden
Kim Holden
#41. I'm crying again. I cry so often now that sometimes I don't even realize it until the tears are already streaming down my cheeks.
Kim Holden
#42. Fuck it. I am who I am. Nobody's perfect.
Kim Holden
#43. Every day when I wake up, I remind myself that the present is possibility, and the past is a lesson.
Kim Holden
#45. She left her mark on everyone, we're all better for having known her.
Kim Holden
#46. There's this great big world out there where women are valued for more than their vaginas," she
Kim Holden
#48. Kids are excellent judges of character. Instincts are sharp before the cynicism of time decays them to the point they're null and void, useless to most adults. Or maybe we're just good at ignoring them the older we get. When
Kim Holden
#49. I don't like the guilt associated with an unfinished book.
Kim Holden
#50. No. I believe that dreams fuel life. And it's when you're chasing them that you're most alive. There's no reward in settling for the safety of status quo.
Kim Holden
#51. Because that's what parents do, without even thinking about it, that's what parents do. They fill their children with love and understanding and compassion and knowledge so that when they're adults no one can extinguish them. They'll burn so bright they can't be brought down.
Kim Holden
#52. But what I never imagined was that I'd find you.
Kim Holden
#54. Sometimes I'm irrational, I know I am, but even irrational thought feels very, very real when you're in the middle of shit.
Kim Holden
#56. think I just fell in love with butterflies.
Kim Holden
#57. It scares me how much I like her. She makes me want to say screw it all and rewrite my future.
Kim Holden
#59. It's one of those books that even though you like it, it manages to get better each time, and you find yourself falling in love with it all over again.
Kim Holden
#61. Nothing goes better with crackers and PB than grape juice.
Kim Holden
#62. My life will not follow a fairy tale, and that's okay. My life is reality. And in my reality people don't fall in love and get married and live happily ever after, because life is complicated. And messy.
Kim Holden
#63. I'm doomed. Guitar players just do it for me.
Kim Holden
#64. Being genuinely stunned by overwhelming kindness is one of my favorite occurrences in life.
Kim Holden
#65. Puzzles don't work when you only have half of the pieces. Same goes for hearts.
Kim Holden
#66. Beautiful and nice; fuck the creators of that little angel. She makes me feel like hell.
Kim Holden
#67. "It's rock star stuff. You wouldn't understand. Bendy straws are the shit."
Kim Holden
#68. I feel alive and heavy with emotion, heavy like a tide that threatens to pull you under, but you somehow know it won't because your heart is buoyant enough to keep you afloat no matter what.
Kim Holden
#69. to hate someone you once loved. And to hate them to the point that you want to hurt them, break
Kim Holden
#70. Silence isn't the enemy. It can bring comfort and clarity and validation. It's a reminder of time for what it is ... presence.
Kim Holden
#71. You can chase away the morning, the end, by killing the sun.
Kim Holden
#72. You only get one chance at this circus called life. Don't sit in the crowd watchin' it happen. You jump right in and be the ringleader. That's where you find your fire.
Kim Holden
#73. Just don't forsake the present for the unknowns of the future.
Kim Holden
#74. I didn't know it then, but that was a mistake. The culmination of many, many mistakes.
Kim Holden
#75. Sometimes life isn't that easy, Benito." "And sometimes, it isn't that hard.
Kim Holden
#76. Her heart. It rules her. Every action, every smile, every word, every touch, is driven by it. Do you have any idea what it's like to be on the receiving end of that?
Kim Holden
#77. Fairy tales are even better when they're real
Kim Holden
#78. But I love giving out compliments, not kiss-ass, brown nose, I-just-want-to-make-you-feel-good compliments, but genuine, no bullshit, I-mean-it-because-I-feel-it-in-my-heart compliments.
Kim Holden
#79. That's what life is, it's fucking trying. You don't get a medal for it. It's expected, as a member of the human race, that you try.
Kim Holden
#80. Hiding is how she functions. I wish she wouldn't hide, but I'm in no position to judge. I've been hiding from myself for months.
Kim Holden
#82. Your body is a temple. You don't shit on the temple.
Kim Holden
#83. Fancy hides a lot, while simple unapologetically puts it out there for everyone to see.
Kim Holden
#84. I've always been pretty good at accepting the whole of someone, the good with the bad. I see it all, but try not to let it cloud my judgement. People are complicated. Life is complicated.
Kim Holden
#86. Oh Kate." She shakes her head as if to say, Oh silly, silly immature Kate. "You never know when you're going to meet Prince Charming. You always have to look your best." She takes in my ensemble. "This is something you'll learn in time." Pretty sure I won't.
Kim Holden
#87. Imagine for a moment that you were free of all the expectations in your life. What would you do? How would you live your life with no one watching? What would your future look like?
Kim Holden
#88. Hearts can physically shatter
Ask me
I'll tell you
Kim Holden
#89. Your character, your heart, your essence, that's what's important, because that's the real you. All the rest, our looks, the material stuff? It's
Kim Holden
#92. Maybe it's the alcohol in my system muddying it up, but I feel bad for her. It's overwhelming pity; that downgrades hate to dislike, with disclaimers that ward off lifting the veil to allow forgiveness in. Damn her;
Kim Holden
#93. Is this blackmail or bribery?"
"Neither. It's insurance."
"Yeah. That's twelve cups of coffee. Twelve trips to Grounds. Twelve chances to see you.
Kim Holden
#94. There have been times in my life I prayed for change.
For rescue.
For strength.
For answers.
There have been times in my life I blamed others for everything that went wrong, bypassing accepting responsibility, because it was easier.
Kim Holden
#95. Just when you think you know someone, they change. Or you change. Or maybe you both change. And that changes everything.
Kim Holden
#96. Today, my life is awesome.
I don't want to think about tomorrow.
Or the day after that.
So I repeat to myself: Today, my life is awesome.
Kim Holden
#97. Touch is so underrated. The basic human need for contact.
Kim Holden
#98. When people are interested in you, they ask questions.
Kim Holden
#99. I like your heart, Seamus." She cups my cheek, kisses me softly on the corner of my mouth, and whispers, "My heart really likes your heart.
Kim Holden
#100. Why is it that when a woman has bruises, especially on her face, people assume they were put there through domestic violence? I'm guilty of jumping to the same conclusions myself. It's a societal assumption, unfortunately born out of too frequent reality.
Kim Holden
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