Top 4 Kendra Leigh Castle Quotes

#1. You're not going to try to hug me or something, are you?" Phenex grumbled. "You've been into some weird shit since you got married.

Kendra Leigh Castle

Kendra Leigh Castle Quotes #375128
#2. I can't believe you blew off hunting to play housewife. I should have brought you an apron. With puppies and kitties on it even. Maybe some ribbon."~Gadreel

Kendra Leigh Castle

Kendra Leigh Castle Quotes #514299
#3. It's been a while since I hooked up with Prince Insomnia, so I guesshe was due for a visit. He hasn't changed... All tease, no action.

Kendra Leigh Castle

Kendra Leigh Castle Quotes #900458
#4. If she could only find a well-educated, Shakespeare-quoting bad boy who still had a thing for sexy tatoos and maybe a mild leather fetish, she might at least have a shot at avoiding her probable future as a crazy old cat lady.

Kendra Leigh Castle

Kendra Leigh Castle Quotes #1301144

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