Top 100 K. Bromberg Quotes
#1. Baby, Heaven doesn't want me yet, and Fuck if Hell can handle me, so you're kinda stuck with me.
K. Bromberg
#2. She's hot and cold, but damn, when she's hot, it's scorching, and when she's cold, it's arctic.
K. Bromberg
#3. I say, never look down on a man unless he's between your legs.
K. Bromberg
#4. ...men are creatures of avoidance by nature. We want to dominate, be in control, and yet the slightest crack in our foundations can rock our world.
K. Bromberg
#5. Luke Bryan, "I Don't Want This Night to End" - take it for what it is. *Ace
K. Bromberg
#6. They think I want her. She thinks I don't. I know I want her. I know I can't
K. Bromberg
#7. All I know is that protecting someone from the truth is just another way of shutting them out.
K. Bromberg
#8. Humans are drawn to each other's rough edges.
K. Bromberg
#9. You know that deep down, a tiny part of that proper, respectable woman you are, wants to visit that reckless, sexy, uninhibited place inside you that's begging to get out. A place I can undoubtedly help you find.
K. Bromberg
#10. We're not broken baby...we're just bent. And bent's okay. Bent means that we're just figuring things out.
K. Bromberg
#11. There is something about saying a hard truth aloud that makes it both more real and more cathartic.
K. Bromberg
#12. This is the problem with pussy: When you want it you can't get it, and when you don't want it, you get it and then you can't get it out of your fucking head.
K. Bromberg
#13. Every person has two sides, the side they let everyone believe and the side they let few see.
K. Bromberg
#15. Lips like an angel, body made for sin, and feisty enough to rival the devil's fire?
K. Bromberg
#16. Sometimes you have to let those you love chase the fucking wind on a whim because it's the only way they can free themselves from the nightmares within.
K. Bromberg
#17. Run all you want, Haddie," he murmurs, his deep cadence a strong sound against the white noise around us, "but you're going to find yourself all tangled up in those dangling ends you refuse to tie to something. . . . Who's going to rescue you then?
K. Bromberg
#18. Remember, Had. Time is precious. Waste it wisely.
K. Bromberg
#19. Every sinner needs a saint to balance them out,
K. Bromberg
#20. First of all, I might be married, but hell if a sane woman would turn her head away from the sight of that.
K. Bromberg
#21. But I assure you those are the correct lyrics that Robert Palmer sings." "No. It's addicted to love, Ships. Addicted to love," he enunciates while fighting back the laugh. "Not a dick with a glove." "Hmpf.
K. Bromberg
#22. I bet he fucks like he drives - a little reckless, pushing all the limits, and in it until the very last lap.
K. Bromberg
#23. And insecurity kills all that is beautiful.
K. Bromberg
#24. But the way he looks at me - as if I am his next draw of breath - halts any further protests from my lips.
K. Bromberg
#25. I can't figure out what I want to do more, punch him or fuck him.
K. Bromberg
#26. Something tells me that Hawkin screws like his voice sounds, seductive, a little rough, a lot thorough, and with a lot of tongue. A girl can't go wrong when there's a lot of tongue involved.
K. Bromberg
#27. I want to be your motherfucking checkered flag, Rylee. Your pace car to lead you through tough times, your pit stop when you need a break, your start line, your finish line, your goddamn victory lane.
K. Bromberg
#29. My God. The woman is my fucking kryptonite. How did this happen? How did I let her own me? More importantly and fucking shocking, I want her to own me. Every fucking piece of me. Game over baby. She's my motherfucking checkered flag.
K. Bromberg
#30. Damn. That face is a definite work of art. You need to make sure you frame it between your legs every chance you get.
K. Bromberg
#31. You'll never know your limits until you push yourself to them.
K. Bromberg
#32. I'm giving you my A-game . . . I just hope you can handle it.
K. Bromberg
#33. This is the best and worst part about having a friend who's so close to you. You know what to expect from them, and they know what to do to get a reaction out of you.
K. Bromberg
#34. I race you, Ryles," he says in a voice that's implacable and unwavering amidst the swirling chaos.
K. Bromberg
#35. But how am I supposed to walk away?" "You can't. You're mine. The minute I told you to spread your legs and you did it, you were mine. When I told you to beg for it and you did, you were mine.
K. Bromberg
#36. This man might be drawn to the pussy palace but fuck if its queen will hand out orders that I'll obey.
K. Bromberg
#37. Because falling in love is like rain. You can't always predict it and when you do it might never appear, but you can always see the signs of it before it falls.
K. Bromberg
#39. Why would I want to be someone's beck and call girl? Predictable is boring, Ace. And from what I hear, you seeem to get bored real quick.
K. Bromberg
#40. When he speaks, his voice is chillingly cruel. "I've fucked you, Rylee, and now I'm done with you! I told you that's all I was good for, sweetheart
K. Bromberg
#41. Well it seems you have me by the balls both literally and figuratively, don't you now?
K. Bromberg
#42. C'mon, you know you want to be the star to my burst.
K. Bromberg
#43. You're pregnant?" I can't even believe the words I'm saying as I pull her toward me, and onto my lap.
K. Bromberg
#44. Jesus. We got it, dude!" Aiden says. "We all know we're Donavans. We don't need a formal adoption process or the official name change to tell us that. It's a given. Just take the vote, Shane.
K. Bromberg
#45. Oh, doll, I just did. Was it you he was fucking on the hood of Sex in the parking garage before dinner? I didn't think so.
K. Bromberg
#46. Things fucking change, dude! Life changes. Priorities change. Pre-fucking-conceived notions change. You have to adjust and change with them or your ass gets left behind.
K. Bromberg
#48. You wanna play hardball, sweetheart? Welcome to the big leagues.
K. Bromberg
#49. She's a forever kind of girl and I'm a just for the night kind of guy.
K. Bromberg
#50. Have fun with that. I know I will. You've got five minutes before I'm on your clock. Tick. Tock." And
K. Bromberg
#51. Movements- driven by such unexpected need, fueled by such a relentless desire, and crashing into unimaginable possibilities.
K. Bromberg
#52. She must have a voodoo pussy or something.
K. Bromberg
#53. Do you want to talk about it?" I ask softly, afraid to pry but wanting him to share what deep, dark secret has a hold on him. Me playing Ana to his Christian.
K. Bromberg
#54. Welcome to the estrogen vortex, dude, where mindfucks are the norm and understanding them is as common as a fucking unicorn in your front yard.
K. Bromberg
#55. I've hurt them . . . but pride is a hard thing to swallow when you feel like it's all you have left.
K. Bromberg
#56. I will revel in that moment with him which will be filled with reverent sighs and entangled bodies, and I'll be devastated when he walks away after having his fill of me.
K. Bromberg
#57. My whole fucking world.
My Rylee. My son. My everything.
K. Bromberg
#58. Hell yes, I want the man, but if he can't handle me now at my worst, then he sure as fuck doesn't deserve me at my best.
K. Bromberg
#59. Life isn't about how you survive the storm, but rather how you dance in the rain.
K. Bromberg
#60. With temerity and defiance, obstinance and patience, she chipped away at every hard edge of me until there was nothing left but the truths I feared. The bent and broken.
K. Bromberg
#61. The writing is definitely on the wall and no matter how pretty the ink looks, it will still bleed through and stain the layers beneath permanently.
K. Bromberg
#62. Roses are red, violets are blue, get in my bed and be ready to screw.
K. Bromberg
#63. Without knowing anything else about him, i already know he'd be worth the hurt.
K. Bromberg
#64. She's like that first taste of something you can't have - that priceless sip of Macallan poured neat - and no matter how many times you're lucky enough to get just a splash more, it's never enough to get you drunk...
The sip of Macallan that ruins you for all others.
K. Bromberg
#65. I promise nothing will be more valuable in my life than you. That you will never be inconsequential.
K. Bromberg
#66. Willing's good," he whispers. "Wet's even better.
K. Bromberg
#67. I want to act recklessly and have "that kiss" - the one that books are written about, love is found in, and virtue is lost with. "Decide, sweetheart," he commands. "A man only has so much restraint.
K. Bromberg
#68. And just remember to always end a fight with these two words: yes dear. Biting your tongue at the end of a fight will up the ante of her using hers later to make-up.
K. Bromberg
#69. It's been too long since I've savored you. You. Are. Intoxicating.
K. Bromberg
#70. the only reason to kick a man like him out of bed would be to fuck him on the floor.
K. Bromberg
#71. Remember, life isn't about how you survive the storm, but rather how you dance in the rain." She
K. Bromberg
#72. Well, everyone's version of which way is up is different so don't try to figure that out just yet. Who cares if you're sideways for a bit? That's allowed, Hawke, and perfectly understandable.
K. Bromberg
#73. Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, only truly grieve behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about.
K. Bromberg
#74. I race you, rylee"
quote from driven trilogy
K. Bromberg
#75. Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman. Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.
K. Bromberg
#76. This is love. Me and him, making it work.
K. Bromberg
#77. Compromising choices, preferences, and wants to be in a relationship are one thing, compromising who you are - the things ingrained in you, your beliefs, and your morals - are non-negotiable.
K. Bromberg
#78. I can't use one man's hand to scratch another man's itch. Well, I could, but that would involve both of them being in the same bed with me, and that's a whole different can of worms.
K. Bromberg
#79. Don't act like you wouldn't see how many licks it takes to get to the center of his Tootsie Pop.
K. Bromberg
#80. When you stop chasing all the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.
K. Bromberg
#81. I have forgotten everything - he has made me forget everything - except for his scent, his sounds, his taste, his touch.
K. Bromberg
#82. My pace, Saylor. Not yours. I'm in control now. You may own pieces of me you never even knew, but right now, I'm going to own you. Every single part of you." My
K. Bromberg
#83. That's the fix for all of this? Eat Kisses?" I laugh, wishing life were just that easy: all things fixable with chocolate.
K. Bromberg
#84. there are truths you know deep down, and it's only when someone else says them aloud do you really hear them. Those are the ones that hurt the most.
K. Bromberg
#85. running the lyrics over and over in my head: "I wanna take you for granted. Well I will.
K. Bromberg
#86. Shit, you name it, they're performing. The D-Bags, Bending Cupid, the Mighty Storm, Black Falcon, and my fav band
K. Bromberg
#87. now. Knew that she loved the broken in us. Was okay with the darkness because she was so full of fucking light. Knew she'd understand so much more than I'd ever be able to say. That selfless soul of hers and come-fuck-me body
K. Bromberg
#88. And I know that apology is for so many things. For what can never be. For what should be. For hurting me. For not being the person I need him to be. For not being able to confront whatever is in his past.
K. Bromberg
#89. Because I know what it's like to see an old love and feel like you've just been sucker-punched. How it makes you regret all of the things you did to them and at the same time reaffirms everything you feel for them instantly.
K. Bromberg
#90. I'm the only one that's allowed to drive you to the motherfucking checkered flag.
K. Bromberg
#91. I can't be your spark if I can't feel yours, so don't you dare burn out on me.
K. Bromberg
#92. the invisible scars are the ones that cut the deepest and stay with you the longest.
K. Bromberg
#93. Roses are red, tires are black, you're the only pussy I wanna ride bareback.
K. Bromberg
#94. Goddamn woman has me on an invisible line. Like she's cranking the reel and tightening the hook in my mouth before I even have a chance to taste the fucking bait.
K. Bromberg
#95. off. "You sure are full of yourself, aren't you, Ace?" He cocks his head and looks at me. "I can arrange that for you to be full of me instead, if you'd like?
K. Bromberg
#96. you obey all the rules, baby, you miss all of the fun.
K. Bromberg
#97. Now I know why I've always compared every woman I've ever kissed to you.
K. Bromberg
#98. You've marked me. Not just my heart with your love or my mind with your words, but more so my soul with everything you are. Everything you aspire to be. And everything you think we can be together.
K. Bromberg
#99. Haddie, you can't close yourself off forever. A life without passion and love is like slowly freezing to death.
K. Bromberg
#100. She's like a fix to an addiction. I thought if I had a taste, I'd want it less, but fuck me, all I can think of is more. Take more, want more, feel more, need more.
K. Bromberg
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