Top 57 Jurgen Moltmann Quotes
#1. Anyone who believes in the power of God and the power of Satan can surely not be viewed as a pure monotheist.
Jurgen Moltmann
#2. God weeps with us so that we may one day laugh with him.
Jurgen Moltmann
#3. The present time of believers is no longer determined by the past. It takes its definition from the future.
Jurgen Moltmann
#4. The triune God will indwell the world in a divine way - the world will indwell God in a creaturely way.
Jurgen Moltmann
#5. The messianic hope was never the hope of the victors and the rulers. It was always the hope of the defeated and the ground down.31 The hope of the poor is nothing other than the messianic hope.
Jurgen Moltmann
#6. As Christians understand it, creation is a trinitarian process: God the Father creates through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. So all things are created 'by God', are formed 'through God' and exist 'in God'.
Jurgen Moltmann
#7. When the crucified Jesus is called "the image of the invisible God," the meaning is that THIS is God, and God is like THIS.
Jurgen Moltmann
#8. There are various names for this 'Spirit of Life' because there are various life experiences.
Jurgen Moltmann
#9. To reinvent your own country you need a great audacity of hope.
Jurgen Moltmann
#10. The ordination of
women is not a matter of adaptation to changed social conditions. It has to do with new fife from the beginnings of the Christian church: life out of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Jurgen Moltmann
#11. We experience what life and death really are when we love, for in love we go out of ourselves, become capable of happiness and at the same time can be hurt.
Jurgen Moltmann
#12. Well, first I would ask them if they had read the Bible; then I would ask them if they had understood it.
Jurgen Moltmann
#13. The truth of human freedom lies in the love that breaks down barriers.
Jurgen Moltmann
#14. With every righteous action, we prepare the way for the New Earth on which righteousness will dwell. And bringing justice to those who suffer violence means to bring the light of God's future to them.
Jurgen Moltmann
#15. For resurrection faith means courage to revolt against the "covenant with death" (Isa. 28:15), it means hope for the victory of life which shall swallow up and conquer life-devouring death. ~ p.14
Jurgen Moltmann
#16. Resistance is the protest of those who hope, and hope is the feast of the people who resist.
Jurgen Moltmann
#17. [Christian theology] awakens pain over the present internal and external enslavements of human beings
Jurgen Moltmann
#18. God does not suffer out of deficiency of being, like created beings. To this extent he is 'apathetic'. But he suffers from the love which is the superabundance and overflowing of his being. In so far he is 'pathetic'.
Jurgen Moltmann
#19. In Christian terms, evangelization and humanization are not alternatives. Nor are the 'vertical dimension' of faith and the 'horizontal dimension' of love for one's neighbor and political change.
Jurgen Moltmann
#20. The God of freedom, the true God, is ... not recognized by his power and glory in the history of the world, but through his helplessness and his death on the scandal of the cross of Jesus
Jurgen Moltmann
#21. Jesus' healings are not supernatural miracles in a natural world. They are the only truly 'natural' things in a world that is unnatural, demonized and wounded.
Jurgen Moltmann
#22. God heals the sicknesses and the griefs by making the sicknesses and the griefs his suffering and his grief. In the image of the crucified God the sick and dying can see themselves, because in them the crucified God recognizes himself.
Jurgen Moltmann
#23. If I have a theological virtue, it is curiosity or inquisitiveness.
Jurgen Moltmann
#24. [Faith] sees in the resurrection of Christ not the eternity of heaven, but the future of the very earth on which his cross stands. It sees in him the future of the very humanity for which he died. That is why it finds the cross the hope of the earth.
Jurgen Moltmann
#25. Despair can be like an iron band constricting the heart.
Jurgen Moltmann
#26. Americans as no one else in the Old World are looking ahead and are future-minded without the limitations of traditions and can look ahead without the burdens of the past.
Jurgen Moltmann
#27. The turn from this end [despair] to a new beginning came from three things. A blooming cherry tree, the unexpected kindness of Scottish workers and their families, and the Bible.
Jurgen Moltmann
#28. The crucified Christ has become a stranger to the civil religion of the First World and to that world's Christianity.
Jurgen Moltmann
#29. Our social and political tasks, if we take them seriously, loom larger than life. Yet infinite responsibility destroys a human being because he is only a man and not god." ~ p.23
Jurgen Moltmann
#30. The same Christ Jesus is not the same for everyone, because people are different. He has one profile for the poor and another for the rich, one profile for the sick and another for the healthy.
Jurgen Moltmann
#31. Hope is lived when it comes alive, when we go outside of ourselves and, in joy and pain take part in the lives of others.
Jurgen Moltmann
#32. God became man that dehumanized men might become true men. We become true men in the community of the incarnate, the suffering and loving, the human God.
Jurgen Moltmann
#33. The knowledge of the cross brings a conflict of interest between God who has become man and man who wishes to become God.
Jurgen Moltmann
#34. The Holy Spirit does not 'proceed from the Father and the Son', as the Western church's Nicene Creed maintains. The Spirit proceeds from the Father, rests on the Son, and from the Son radiates into the world.
Jurgen Moltmann
#35. It is only as a unity in diversity that the Christian community will become an inviting community in a society which is otherwise pretty uniform. Creation is motley and diverse, and the new creation even more so.
Jurgen Moltmann
#36. The history of the kings is the story of how those who had been anointed failed to live up to that anointing. It is this fact alone that can explain the rise of messianism: belief in the anointed one who will fulfil his anointing.' 14
Jurgen Moltmann
#37. God allows himself to be humiliated and crucified in the Son, in order to free the oppressors and the oppressed from oppression and to open up to them the situation of free, sympathetic humanity.
Jurgen Moltmann
#38. The question about the end bursts out of the torment of history and the intolerableness of historical existence.
Jurgen Moltmann
#39. Totally without hope one cannot live. To live without hope is to cease to live. Hell is hopelessness. It is no accident that above the entrance to Dante's hell is the inscription: Leave behind all hope, you who enter here.
Jurgen Moltmann
#40. Judgement immobilizes, only hopeful love leaves an opening for God's alternative future.
Jurgen Moltmann
#41. Capitalism, racism and inhuman technocracy quietly develop in their own way. The causes of misery are no longer to be found in the inner attitudes of men, but have long been institutionalized.
Jurgen Moltmann
#42. Christian hope does not promise successful days to the rich and the strong, but resurrection and life to those who must exist in the shadows of death. Success is no name of God. Righteousness is.
Jurgen Moltmann
#43. Believing in Christ's resurrection therefore does not mean affirming a fact. It means being possessed by the life-giving Spirit and participating in the powers of the age to come.
Jurgen Moltmann
#44. As long as hope does not embrace and transform the thought and action of men, it remains topsy-turvy and ineffective.
Jurgen Moltmann
#45. It is only when human beings see themselves simply as human beings, no longer as gods, that they are in a position to perceive the wholly other nature of God.
Jurgen Moltmann
#46. No where else in Christianity does the terrible or heroic name of Armageddon play such role as in America. Not even in the Revelation of John.
Jurgen Moltmann
#47. Christ's own 'God-forsaken-ness' on the cross showed me where God is present where God had been present in those nights of deaths in the fire storms in Hamburg and where God would be present in my future whatever may come.
Jurgen Moltmann
#48. The Spirit is more than just one of God's gifts among others; the Holy Spirit is the unrestricted presence of
God in which our life wakes up, becomes wholly and entirely living, and is endowed with the energies of life.
Jurgen Moltmann
#49. Christian faith isn't just a conviction, a feeling and a decision. It invades life so deeply that we have to talk about dying and being born again, which is what corresponds to the death and resurrection of Christ.
Jurgen Moltmann
#50. The church's final word is not 'church' but the glory of the Father and the Son in the Spirit of liberty
Jurgen Moltmann
#51. If we have children. When they are just born we do everything for them. We are omnipotent, they are completely dependent on us, but then when they grow up you must take back your influence on them, to give them freedom.
Jurgen Moltmann
#53. God is not only a divine person who we can address in prayer, but also a wide living space We human beings are giving each other space for living when we meet each other in love and friendship.
Jurgen Moltmann
#54. Even the disciples of Jesus all fled from their master's cross. Christians who do not have the feeling that they must flee the crucified Christ have probably not yet understood him in a sufficiently radical way.
Jurgen Moltmann
#55. A change in external circumstances without inner renewal is a materialist's illusion, as though man were only a product of his social circumstance and nothing else.
Jurgen Moltmann
#57. Personal, inner change without a change in circumstances and structures is an idealist illusion, as though man were only a soul and not a body as well.
Jurgen Moltmann
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