Top 100 Julie Anne Long Quotes
#1. He regarded her thoughtfully, and something about that look traveled up her spine like a trailed finger.
Julie Anne Long
#2. You wagered you could indulge passion and receive trust and honor in return, and lost.
Julie Anne Long
#3. She wondered if seeds ever resented the sun, knowing it would shine with no quarter and give them no choice but to push their heads up out of the safety of the hard, hard ground and bloom.
Julie Anne Long
#4. She wanted to buckle, lie on her side and gasp like an eviscerated fish. She held her breath against it, but her mouth parted. She cared naught for living in the moment, but apparently her body was sensible. It wanted to breathe.
Julie Anne Long
#5. Beautiful. Jules once thought he'd understood what the word meant. He now believed it overused. Some word needed to be kept in reserve for the rare, the arresting, the surprising ... the magical. Or a new one invented.
Julie Anne Long
#6. Use it all you want. Marry him. He'll never really be yours, and you'll never know it.
Or maybe you will.
Julie Anne Long
#7. Perhaps that's its strength. The flexibility. The fragility. Appearances ... " He paused. " ... are often deceiving.
Julie Anne Long
#8. He wanted to be a man she admired. The way he admired her. He wanted her to think of him as brave. He wanted to be better because of her, and for her.
He was better because of her. She'd changed him irrevocably.
Julie Anne Long
#9. But is not one a result of the other?" she asked. "Love and loyalty? I cannot see how could you prefer one to the other.
Julie Anne Long
#10. You shouldn't ask questions when you know at heart you'd prefer not to hear the answers.
Julie Anne Long
#12. He just hadn't expected to have his equilibrium roughly jostled by a pair of blue eyes this evening. He couldn't remember ever seeing eyes quite that color before. So achingly lovely they made him restless. He felt oddly as though he needed to do something about them.
Julie Anne Long
#13. Because that's what happened to fury when tenderness was applied. It dissolved.
Julie Anne Long
#14. I suppose we all tend to want the impossible. And sometimes in attempting it we achieve something near enough to the impossible to elicit satisfaction.
Julie Anne Long
#15. Did that kiss nearly destroy the memory of all other kisses, and become the benchmark against which all future kisses would be measured?
Julie Anne Long
#16. How, she had no idea. She seldom considered the "how" of things.
Julie Anne Long
#17. One could tolerate an acid tongue for a time when the owner of it was so very pretty.
Julie Anne Long
#18. A girl could forget her precise location in the universe when a man looked at her with eyes like those.
Julie Anne Long
#19. I will die, however," he said quite seriously, "if you leave me again. Just watch me.
Julie Anne Long
#20. And for a moment he simply held her and she held onto him.
It might have been the most perfect moment of his life so far.
Julie Anne Long
#21. And as she looked back at him, she felt the serrated edges of her heart in her chest. But also a sort of dizzying vastness: she could face anything now.
Julie Anne Long
#22. The stars are particularly spectacular tonight, don't you think? Dazzling. As if they've all had a good rinsing from the storm.
Julie Anne Long
#23. Perhaps men like the Everseas were commonplace here in England. Perhaps finding a beautiful titled husband would be as simple as shaking an apple from a tree.
Julie Anne Long
#24. Even cliffs are vulnerable, Captain Eversea, she thought. The sea gets at them, eventually, reshaping them inexorably, giving them no choice at all in the matter.
Julie Anne Long
#25. Backward now?' he suggested.
'Are you going to call out our lovemaking like a billiards game?
Julie Anne Long
#26. One of heartbreak's chief qualities seemed to be its ability to distort time and distances.
Julie Anne Long
#27. And much like a catapult, my dear, the lower you begin in life, the higher you can eventually fly. All it requires is the right person to, shall we say, effect the launch.
-Miss Endicott.
Julie Anne Long
#28. We think we're so clever. And yet we're always surprised to find ourselves entrapped or made fools of.
Julie Anne Long
#30. There are those who think beauty is a thing of surface, and forget that it's really of the soul. But good is something you are, not something you do. - Vicar Adam Sylvaine
Julie Anne Long
#31. Ah, Lyon: the Achilles' heel of this family. She had forgotten about Lyon, and about disappearing Redmonds.
Julie Anne Long
#32. It might have begun a bit like a chess game, but it had taken on its own momentum, and owned both of them.
Julie Anne Long
#33. He composed himself inwardly. Sparing the world his awkwardness, hiding vulnerability. Preserving his pride.
Julie Anne Long
#34. Vapidity was an excellent disguise for many qualities.
Julie Anne Long
#35. Magnanimous of you.'
His mouth twitched. 'Mmm. Use more words like that, please. Schoolmistress words. Long, impressive ones.' He'd made the last three words sound like an innuendo.
Julie Anne Long
#36. Yes, Miss Masters, but walking is also a way to announce who you are." Gideon waved one arm impassionedly. "How you view yourself in the world. The way you hold yourself, the way you move, how you occupy a space, tells other people a good deal about you," ~from To Love a Thief
Julie Anne Long
#38. What was love if not a certain pleasantly deluded familiarity built up over years?
Julie Anne Long
#39. But love, real love, the kind that you fall in, isn't like Corinthians. The "suffereth long" and "is kind" nonsense. It's like the Song of Solomon. It's jealousy and fire and floods. It's everything that consumes." - Lady Fennimore
Julie Anne Long
#40. Rebecca stared back at him, still dazed. She'd forgotten how to speak; it seemed an unimportant skill, anyhow, when such kisses were to be had, when a whole world could be made from a kiss.
Julie Anne Long
#41. Nonchalance, she could have told Argosy, does not pay.
Julie Anne Long
#42. Sometimes, the only way out of the fire is through the fire, m'boy.
Julie Anne Long
#43. When and if Violet ever fell in love, lightning would split the heavens, tectonic plates would shift, continents would reorder themselves.
Because she might be willful and spoiled and impetuous, but no one loved with the force of his sister. Her love story would be epic.
Julie Anne Long
#44. All his reckless, whimsical, sensual testing of the world throughout the years had been a search for what he knew with her. Passion and peace. Laughter and combat and friendship. God, but he loved her. It was an immensely humbling, enormous, radiant thing.
Julie Anne Long
#45. Lovely as a spring day but not the sort to make one envious, any more than one would envy the sun its ability to shine.
Julie Anne Long
#46. But the pain was old to him, and somehow it had become a part of him. He could bear it and speak of it. It had shaped him; he had accomodated it. He had loved abd he had lost and it had made him who he was.
Julie Anne Long
#47. Lyon Redmond was either a man on a pilgrimage in search of salvation, or a man out to burn on the pyre of his own love for a woman.
Regardless, he still suffered.
Julie Anne Long
#48. Plain girls who were also clever were a ha'pence a dozen.
Julie Anne Long
#49. Good God. He doesn't know me at *all*.
How crushing.
How illuminating.
How ... potentially very useful.
Julie Anne Long
#50. He was still thoughtful. 'Do you think any of us ever really knows anyone?'
'Philosophy, Lord Dryden? And yet it's daylight and everyone is still sober.
Julie Anne Long
#51. And I served as an officer in the army."
"Very impressive. I've been told that war is boredom interspersed with violence and terror.
Julie Anne Long
#52. Her laugh was wonderful. It was mischief made musical.
Julie Anne Long
#53. He'd meant to take her apart with a kiss. How, then, did he wind up in pieces?
Julie Anne Long
#54. The wrong man could have brought it all crashing down," she told him. "A different man might have collapsed under the weight of the responsibility.
Julie Anne Long
#55. There are things the artist intends, and things the viewer sees, and what the viewer sees isn't always what the artist intends. Isn't always apparent upon first viewing.
Julie Anne Long
#57. Rhys told himself that everything came with a price. He'd made a difficult choice years ago to regain all he had, and some days he could convince himself that life was like war: bitter, desperate choices were often made in the name of survival, and some inevitably survived at the expense of others.
Julie Anne Long
#58. Life is short, Tommy. Short and dangerous. A bit like you.
Julie Anne Long
#59. Such a fragile way to sustain a whole life: on a web one weaves for oneself.
Julie Anne Long
#60. Now, here's a philosophical dilemma for a vicar ... is it a lie if you don't know you're lying? Is it a lie if you're lying to yourself?"
"Is it a sin if I tell my cousin to bugger off?
Julie Anne Long
#62. She mulled how very Jonathan of him to effortlessly find his way to her when she needed him, labyrinth or no. Just as he'd effortlessly uncovered her secrets. But that was simply because he'd been born knowing the secret to her. He was hers and she was his. Just as there was one key for every lock
Julie Anne Long
#63. Your imagination has an impressive reach."
"Or my boredom an impressive scope.
Julie Anne Long
#64. I should not, if I were you, wish to be, because 'sterner stuff' is usually forged by hardship.
Julie Anne Long
#65. Oh, God. She'd now have to invent a bawdy verse on the spot. She'd never had to improvise so much in her entire life as she had in the last five minutes. Improvise being another word for lie, of course.
Julie Anne Long
#66. They immediately spent a moment in bemused silence in honor of the perilous little paradox that was the English female
Julie Anne Long
#67. Because he spoke to her the way no one else had ever spoken to her, which meant he saw her in a way no one else saw her.
Julie Anne Long
#68. Directness often disguised as much as it revealed, and was a marvelous defense.
Julie Anne Long
#70. Before him and since he'd gone away, she'd either contracted or ever-so-subtly contorted her very being to accommodate nearly everybody else. She was only ever wholly herself with him.
Julie Anne Long
#71. She didn't usually mind being just a bit in over her head. She generally flailed like a becalmed ship, irritable and purposeless and panicked, when things were simple.
Julie Anne Long
#72. Be kind to the spider. It's simply working hard to be itself. And don't tell the maids,
Julie Anne Long
#73. It isn't a weakness to accept kindness. It isn't a weakness to allow yourself to be cared for.
Julie Anne Long
#75. So she was to be savagely heartbroken and then poisoned by one of their cook's noxious herbal brews in the space of a few hours? Dante would find inspiration in this day.
Julie Anne Long
#76. Do the girls emerge quite ruined for marriage after you stuff them full of knowledge?"
"I should imagine most of our girls emerge less tolerant of fools, if that's what you mean."
- Dryden and Phoebe
Julie Anne Long
#78. Some of us walk about with the burden of old wounds. What must it be like to have the burden of ... healing?
Julie Anne Long
#79. Colin could not recall a single woman ever regarding him with anything so neutral as detachment. It suddenly seemed important to ascertain whether she was pretty, in the same way it was necessary to know whether a man was armed.
Julie Anne Long
#80. The sympathy calls had been shot through with a subtle, yet unmistakably morbid glee. The queen had at last been nudged from her throne. It had taken disaster to do it, but still.
Julie Anne Long
#81. Imagine the ton would leap from London Bridge if the marquess did it first. Mind you, he'd land on a cart carrying a feather mattress when he did it, whilst the rest of London would splatter.
Julie Anne Long
#82. A few deep breaths would take care of that. She studied the horse and took deep breaths.
Julie Anne Long
#84. I have learned that everyone else in the world is boring except you.
Julie Anne Long
#85. Murmured to him nonsense, which is the language of love,
Julie Anne Long
#86. Charm, my dear, Cynthia wanted to tell her, is not learned, it is innate. And it is honed by desperation and need and sharpened by application. If you want the truth, that is.
Julie Anne Long
#87. There had been counts in his life before. Counts before dueling pistols were fired. Counts before footraces and horse races. Counts in his head to postpone his release while some beautiful woman lay beneath him.
Julie Anne Long
#88. Her voice was a thread, but still she managed to sound acerbic. "I believe it's the devil's job to tempt me. Not yours."
"And the difference between the devil and I would be . . . ?"
"None that I can detect.
Julie Anne Long
#89. You ought to choose fewer words that contain S for the time being. You are spitting all over me.
Julie Anne Long
#90. He wished for access to all the world's languages at once, for then he would have a better word for how he felt and what she was.
Julie Anne Long
#91. The brightening he detected in the room around him might just be the whites of dozens of eyes as they widened [upon him]
Julie Anne Long
#92. We all have foibles, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And the beholder oftentimes gets it wrong.
Julie Anne Long
#93. Of course you're sorry. The first words out of the mouths of men who are caught doing something they're only too happy to continue until they're caught.
Julie Anne Long
#94. But now he understood why someone would write things like 'she walked in beauty like the night' and so forth. Because poetry was a barrier against raw emotions. It distilled them into bearable music, allowed one to accommodate them a little at a time.
Julie Anne Long
#95. When Phoebe glanced back at the marquess he swiftly lifted that rogue lock of hair, pointed at his forehead and mouthed: Good aim. She clapped a hand over her mouth. Dear God, he was sporting a bruise! So that's where she'd clocked him with his hat! And this explained the forelock.
Julie Anne Long
#96. And before he knew what he was doing, he reached out and with a thumb brushed away one teardrop glistening in that mauve crescent beneath her eyes.
And then he looked down at his thumb, and rubbed the tear out of existence, right into his skin.
Julie Anne Long
#97. It's just a part of her life. Sewing her world back together again, sometimes even daily.
Julie Anne Long
#98. Maybe we're born with a full set of qualities, some fine, some not so fine, and none of us knows what will bring out everything that lives within us. And sometimes it's the fine qualities that cause us trouble, and the not so fine that save us.
Julie Anne Long
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