Top 17 Joanna Shupe Quotes

#1. On one side of his brain, logic was standing on a chair, waving its arms to get his attention. On the other side, lust and yearning rubbed their hands together in unholy anticipation.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #287284
#2. He is quick to see reason once I strap him down and beat him about the head with it.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #289431
#3. I'm a man of words, yet you rob me of them every single time.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #513720
#4. A pretty woman, not a bother? As far as he knew, that was the very definition of the word.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #595660
#5. It is said you are the woman who holds all of London in the palm of her hand."

"Perhaps not all of London, Your Grace, but a fortunate few have indeed felt the palm of my hand.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #600065
#6. He'd never had a sham wife before, but he was grateful this one wasn't of the hysterical variety. Perhaps

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #711867
#7. Life did not stop for a broken heart.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #735452
#8. Stupidity is not ascribed to gender.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1015177
#9. Christ, when she used words such as "validity" and "data", Quint wanted to do unspeakably improper things to her.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1041851
#10. The French were like spoiled young girls -- they preferred to be surrounded by pretty things at all times.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1157461
#11. Many times we expect more from our friends than they are prepared to give. Or capable of giving, really.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1283505
#12. You don't know what I want, so how will you know what I will regret?

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1294787
#13. No one knows what the future holds, and loving something means you're willing to face an uncertain future together. That you're better together than apart.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1313037
#14. One does not need to romanticize a task in order to do it well.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1420248
#15. What I feel for can be neither quantified nor defined. It is so profound, so revolutionary, that no methods to date are equipped to even measure it. A new word should be imagined just to express the depth and scope of it, because 'love' does not even come close.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1623965
#16. Fact: She was alone with Quint in his bedchamber.
Fact: He was talking of theorems, secret messages, and mathematical probability.
Fact: She was incredibly, distractingly aroused.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1700069
#17. Love was like a stock, Lizzie realized. You gambled on its paying off in the long run - but it could just as easily cost you everything.

Joanna Shupe

Joanna Shupe Quotes #1823516

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