Top 100 Jill Shalvis Quotes
#1. He already couldn't remember what it'd been like before her. He'd thought everything was great in his life but then he'd been thrown a curve ball in the form of this gorgeous, passionate woman who he suddenly couldn't get enough of. Which made it official. He was hers, completely.
Jill Shalvis
#2. And then she stomped on it?" "In boots, with spikes on the soles," Aidan assured him.
Jill Shalvis
#3. Today is the last day of some of your life. Don't waste it. quote from Tara Daniels
Jill Shalvis
#4. How about we give each other everything we can and not blame each other for what we can't.
Jill Shalvis
#5. He held up his hand, and in it was ...
Oh, God.
The neon-pink vibrator, glowing in the dark now. It was following her, stalking her, all the way down the yellow brick road to hell.
Jill Shalvis
#6. I'm putting a temporary hold on the 'stay away from me' thing,'" she said. "just for a minute while I yell at you, and then we're definitely going right back to it.
Jill Shalvis
#7. It's crazy ... " she whispered against his mouth, "what you do to me." "Tell me," he said. "Tell me what I do to you." "You look at me like I'm the best thing you've seen
Jill Shalvis
#9. For the last time," she said urgently, almost desperately, as if trying to talk herself into believing it. "It's never going to happen again. Never,
"Never is a long time.
Jill Shalvis
#10. The tongue's the sole muscle in your body that's attached at only one end.
Jill Shalvis
#11. He made it hard for a girl to not fall head over heels.
Jill Shalvis
#12. He was calm, watchful, a little dangerous. Like he was locked and loaded and ready for anything.
Jill Shalvis
#13. Change is good but dollars are better.
- Tara daniels
Jill Shalvis
#14. Her trut meant more to him than he could have possibly imagined. But how the hell was he supposed to keep this light when everything about it felt more like ... everything?
Jill Shalvis
#15. Wrapping his hand up in her ponytail, he gently but firmly tugged until she lifted her face to his. If I'm going to be in your bed, Sophie, you're mine for the duration.
Jill Shalvis
#16. There are four basic food groups: plain chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate.
Jill Shalvis
#17. You probably had more adventures today than I'll have in a lifetime. Walking must seem tame to you."
"Elle, you're more of an adventure than anything that's ever happened to me.
Jill Shalvis
#18. Doesn't everyone deserve their own version of a happily-ever-after?
Jill Shalvis
#19. He tried to hold on, tried to hold back, but it was too late. He was lost. Lost, and yet somehow found. It was as simple and terrifying as that.
Jill Shalvis
#20. Stress wouldn't be so hard to take if it were chocolate covered.
Jill Shalvis
#21. For some unknown reason, success usually occurs in private, while failure occurs in
full view.
Jill Shalvis
#22. She wished now she'd brought that vibrator as a flashlight instead of leaving it on the couch.
Jill Shalvis
#23. He slid her a look, and she held up her hand in a solemn vow, making him smile. "Were you a Girl Scout?" he asked.
"Not even a little bit," she said.
-Matt and Amy
Jill Shalvis
#24. But dammit, she was tired. Tired of doing what was expected, tired of feeling like she was missing something.
Jill Shalvis
#25. Flying was just what she did, what she loved to do. In the air her problems dropped away and she felt weightless and free. A little bit like how she felt with Parker, actually.
Jill Shalvis
#26. Good girl lesson #2: When your BFF sends you a gorgeous guy, you call her and thank her. That's good manners. Good girl lesson #3: Stop scowling. You'll scare away the aforementioned gorgeous guy.
Jill Shalvis
#27. I want you, Elle," he said, voice low and rough. "It's a goddamn ache, I want you so much.
Jill Shalvis
#28. Elle's gaze hadn't left the front door. "But holy cow hotness, Batman, really, you want to see this."
"He's in a suit, that's why. My eyes don't know what to do with themselves."
Will whipped around so fast she gave herself whiplash.
Jill Shalvis
#29. I don't want to dig him or his sexy self. But I keep losing my clothes when I'm with him.
Jill Shalvis
#30. They say money talks, but all mine ever says is 'good-bye sucker.
Jill Shalvis
#31. You can't bribe me with pie." Before he'd finished the sentence, his stomach grumbled loudly in a plea for the pie.
The men grinned.
"We all know you're a pie ho," Mr. Elroy said.
Jill Shalvis
#32. The calories in chocolate don't count because chocolate comes from the cocoa bean, and everyone knows that beans are good for you.
Jill Shalvis
#33. When it comes to you? Hell no," he said. "With you, I'm so far out of my league I can't even see the league.
Jill Shalvis
#34. I remember that look," she said. "It's the one you once gave Carlos right before you threatened to kick his ass."
"I can still kick ass," he said with absolute steel. "I just wanted you to know that.
Jill Shalvis
#35. Well, it looks like you're on a mission to kill someone," Grace said. "And since you won't look good in an orange jumpsuit, I thought we could discuss."
"I'd totally rock an orange jumpsuit."
"No one rocks orange. Talk to me.
Jill Shalvis
#36. Tara moved into the kitchen and went still at the condition of it. "Formica countertops," she said as if she'd discovered asbestos.
Jill Shalvis
#37. You've read your press, right? You know they call you a hard-ass." She lifted her hand and touched his face. "But they're wrong." She pressed her face to his throat and inhaled him ...
Jill Shalvis
#38. Two of my fav pieces of wisdom from Phoebe:
- Men are like parking spots. All the good ones are taken, and those that aren't are inaccessible.
- Remember, it's always better to be the smartass rather than the dumbass.
Jill Shalvis
#39. You might be fearless," he whispered. "You might be independent, but on the inside you're just as in need of love as the rest of us.
Jill Shalvis
#40. Please don't look at me like that," she whispered.
"Like what?"
"Like you love me."
His heart stopped. Just stopped. "I think I do," he said.
Jill Shalvis
#41. There was the amount of time you'd known someone and then there was the way you'd spent that time.
Jill Shalvis
#42. Unfortunately, he was a man through and through, and therefore had a penis, which meant that there'd be no reasoning with him.
Jill Shalvis
#43. I wasn't finished with you, Pru," he said softly. "I had plans."
Oh boy. "Maybe I had plans, too."
"Yeah?" Closing the gap between them, one of his hands went to her hip, the other slid up her back to anchor her to him. "Tell me. Tell me slowly and in great detail.
Jill Shalvis
#44. The first contraceptive was crocodile dung," she whispered. "The Egyptians used it in 2000 BC.
Jill Shalvis
#45. Pru had gotten under his skin, and like her, he wanted more. So much more. He wanted to know her secrets, the ones that sometimes put those shadows in her eyes. He wanted to know what made her tick. And more than anything, he wanted to taste her again.
Every inch of her.
Jill Shalvis
#46. Their gazes locked and held for a long beat, like maybe he was taking her pulse from across the room, absorbing the fact that she was drenched and breathless. The corners of his mouth twitched. She'd amused him again.
Jill Shalvis
#47. Suddenly it felt as if there was a whole heck of a lot less oxygen in the room than there'd been only a moment before, which had to explain why she'd melted into him when she hadn't meant to. She tossed back her head to say something defensive, but the look on his face stopped her.
Jill Shalvis
#48. Death is hereditary. Make sure you enjoy each day before it catches you.
Jill Shalvis
#49. At twenty-one, Mark had been long and leanly muscled, not a spare inch on him. Rainey's gaze ran down his thirty-four-year-old body and she had to admit he was even better now. In fact, the only way to improve on that body would be to dip it into chocolate.
Jill Shalvis
#50. Lily drew him in with those eyes, her voice, the outer toughness she showed the world, the inner vulnerability she did her best to hide.
Jill Shalvis
#51. Residents tended to consider it a God-given right to gossip and nose into people's business, and no one was exempt.
-Lucky Harbor
Jill Shalvis
#52. She swiped at her eyes. "Suck it up," she whispered fiercely to herself. "It's all good, no matter how hard it is." "I'm going to refrain from saying 'That's what she said' since you seem to be having a moment.
Jill Shalvis
#53. I figured you'd come here and try to do something stupid." "I did nothing of the kind." "You don't consider ducking beneath that yellow tape stupid?" "Only if I'd gotten caught.
Jill Shalvis
#54. Lily, the next time you tell me you don't know what to do with family. Because you know exactly. It's about loyalty and kindness and unconditional love, and you are more than capable of all that.
Jill Shalvis
#55. People who think they know everything are annoying to those of us who do.
Jill Shalvis
#56. Men are like roses. You have to watch out for the pricks.
Jill Shalvis
#57. Silence reigned.
Well, except for Mallory's thundering heartbeat. She was in an attic loft, flat beneath her Mr. Wrong. Her common sense was screaming flee! But her secret inner bad girl was screaming oh please can't we have him? Just once?
Jill Shalvis
#58. Welcome," the man said in utter contradiction to his urban street clothes. He eyed the vibrator in Cooper's hand but whatever his thoughts were on a guy wielding a vibrator, he kept to himself. "I'll get some candles.
Jill Shalvis
#59. Maybe I've already died and gone to heaven."
She lifted her hand with a smile. "You think this is heaven?"
"You're touching and kissing me," he said. "So yeah, I think this is heaven.
Jill Shalvis
#60. But the problem is, people tend to assign you the role of the person you are at your worst, you know?
Jill Shalvis
#63. I'm sorry I was so hard on you. I nearly pushed you away - "
"Impossible," he said. "Don't you know yet? If I ever lost you, I'd lose myself.
Jill Shalvis
#64. Only one condom," he reminded her. "We used the other a few hours ago. We'll have to get creative."
Thank God. He was good at creative. Really, really good.
Jill Shalvis
#65. I tried to keep my distance, but my world doesn't work without you in it.
Jill Shalvis
#67. We could sit around and talk if you'd like."
"Okay." She crossed her arms and tried to look casual. "So what's up?"
"Considering what you're wearing beneath that sheet, and what we just heard in the hallway, you might want to rephrase that particular statement.
Jill Shalvis
#68. Her fingers danced over the sculpted landscape of his sleek back and then came around to his chest, where she could once again feel the beat of his heart, not nearly so steady now.
Jill Shalvis
#69. Smile. Be friendly. Ask "Can I help you?" in a tone that suggests you actually mean it, and not that you'd like to rip the head off whoever's interrupting you. (You smiling yet?)
Jill Shalvis
#70. Aubrey didn't know what to think of this. People came here for books. Or, in Ben's case, to drive her crazy.
Jill Shalvis
#71. My mom told me that I should trust the man who could see the sorrow behind my smile, the love behind my anger, and the reasons behind my silence.
Jill Shalvis
#72. Just remember, there's not a lot of softness in his life, or room for weakness - of which you're definitely one. He has absolutely no idea what to do with you, and as an action guy, that's confusing to him. So maybe think about taking it easy on him. Even just a little bit.
Jill Shalvis
#73. Sounds like you kids have some talking to do. I'll be eavesdropping from the kitchen.
Jill Shalvis
#74. All you have to do is take a man at face value. Don't go into it thinking you can change them. Men aren't fixer-uppers, not like a house or a car. You buy them as is.
Jill Shalvis
#75. Life is one big fat gamble, and the odds are never in your favor. So you either go for it anyway and toss the dice or you don't play. But not playing?" She jabbed him in the bare chest with her finger. "That's the coward's way out. And I hadn't pegged you for a coward. Figure your shit out.
Jill Shalvis
#76. He flashed her a smile, and holy mother of God, it was wickedly sexy.
Jill Shalvis
#77. And I specialize in fixing things up and restoring them to their former glory.
She wondered if that talent extended to humans, maybe even humans who never really had a former glory.
Jill Shalvis
#78. Finn?"
"Remember how you said the ball was in my court?"
He pressed his forehead to hers for a beat, like he was working on control. She knew she should be as well but she didn't want him to leave, didn't want to be alone in this.
"Don't go," she whispered softly.
Jill Shalvis
#79. October had roared in as if Mother Nature was pissed off at the world, and maybe in need of a Xanax to boot.
Jill Shalvis
#80. Looking at him, she saw her future and felt all the ragged tears in her heart heal themselves. "I fit," she whispered in marvel, stepping into him. "I fit with you."
He nodded and wrapped his arms around her.
Jill Shalvis
#81. Are you in love with me, the me I am right now?"
"Well not right now," he said, brooding. "Right now you're kinda mean."
-Tara and Logan
Jill Shalvis
#82. She had no idea what this odd hyper-awareness of him meant, but she was hoping it was nothing but simple orgasm withdrawal. Because orgasm withdrawal she could handle on her own. Probably. Maybe.
Jill Shalvis
#83. down to the floor, she accepted that she was
Jill Shalvis
#84. I can see why you'd be confused, seeing as you've acted like a complete ass.
Jill Shalvis
#85. This had already been the best sex she'd ever had and all he'd done was touch her.
Jill Shalvis
#86. Let's start with where you are,' he said. 'You're here.' Taking her hand, he pressed it to his chest above his heart.
Jill Shalvis
#87. If she'd thought the oncoming storm outside was crazy, it was nothing compared to what happened between her and Finn every time they so much as looked at each other.
Jill Shalvis
#88. She stilled in the early-morning sun and slowly turned to face Parker, who'd followed her out. He wore his clothes with the same ease he'd worn nothing at all. And dammit, she really needed to stop thinking about that.
Jill Shalvis
#89. I'm already yours. Always have been. All you have to do is step into the ring.
Jill Shalvis
#90. Oh good Lord. She definitely hadn't put on enough deodorant for this.
Jill Shalvis
#91. There isn't any poison oak in the winter. It's hard to convince a girl you're sexy when you can't stop scratching your ass because of the rash. -Jax Cullen
Jill Shalvis
#92. Of processing and analyzing: two hours of sleep. Cost of thinking: two more hours of sleep. Cost of giving the elusive more to the insanely sexy Stone Wilder: priceless.
Jill Shalvis
#93. I'm going to shoot somebody," Maddie said.
"Sawyer hates when people do that. It's a whole bunch of paperwork.
Jill Shalvis
#94. A glass of wine is always the solution. Even if you aren't sure of the problem. PHOEBE TRAEGER
Jill Shalvis
#95. What drew her into O'Riley's like a bee to honey was the six-foot, broad-shouldered, dark eyes, dark smile of Finn O'Riley himself.
Jill Shalvis
#96. Trying to cool his jets, trying to let her stay in charge, he attempted to hold back, but she let out this breathy little whimper like he was the best thing she'd ever tasted.
Jill Shalvis
#97. Live as big as you can, with what you've got.
Jill Shalvis
#98. In his world, people never questioned him. And it was a good place to be, his world. Apparently she hadn't gotten the memo.
Jill Shalvis
#99. Experience is something you get ... after you need it.
Jill Shalvis
#100. No, adulting is like" - she searched for the right words - "looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane.
Jill Shalvis
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