Top 32 Jeff Shaara Quotes
#1. Burnside was in the best position on the field, could have moved at any time toward a weak defense, a defense that was weaker still
Jeff Shaara
#3. Quick words did not always mean a quick mind.
Jeff Shaara
#4. The heavy round face was looking at him, the hard look of a man who had also understood, who had seen all the stupidity, who knew, after all, that the gold stars were often mindless decoration, that the army was led not by symbols, but by the fallible egos and blind fantasies of men.
Jeff Shaara
#5. Who blamed Lee. Longstreet knew that somewhere
Jeff Shaara
#6. Two things an officer must do, to lead men. This from old Ames, who never cared about love: You must care for your men's welfare. You must show physical courage. Well,
Jeff Shaara
#7. Most people learn all about the Second World War in school, or else, they see so many films put out by Hollywood, that it's easy to think we know exactly what happened.
Jeff Shaara
#8. He is appointed Lieutenant Colonel, second-in-command of the Twentieth Maine Regiment of Volunteers.
Jeff Shaara
#9. Worn-out shoes. Few of the men had anything solid on their feet, and the curses toward the supply officers went mostly unheeded by the officers, who had worries of their own.
Jeff Shaara
#10. Responsibility, had been shifted from the president's weakening shoulders. It was now up
Jeff Shaara
#12. If you go to Gettysburg and take the time, maybe take a tour, maybe just drive around, read some of the monuments, read some of the plaques, you will come away changed.
Jeff Shaara
#13. Annoyance, Eisenhower knew that the prolonged
Jeff Shaara
#14. The world around him grew silent; there was something in the air. The odor of dead meat came down on the wind, drifting through the trees. Soft and sour, the smell of distant death.
Jeff Shaara
#15. Vegetables were almost nonexistent, and what passed for meat was either rancid or pure fat. The men were surviving on crackers and moldy flour. Lee was beginning to understand what this meant to the fighting strength of the army.
Jeff Shaara
#16. It's so rarely about military genius, who the greater tactician might be, who sat higher in his class at West Point. It's about mistakes, some of them unavoidable, some of them purely stupid. My job is to make fewer mistakes than the enemy,
Jeff Shaara
#17. Anger is simply momentary madness, and sometimes there is strength in silence. After all, he is only throwing words, not stones.
Jeff Shaara
#18. And so, pointing fingers become pointing guns, because nobody listens to fingers.
Jeff Shaara
#19. Wars are indeed fought by children, by young people who have little to say in where they are sent to die.
Jeff Shaara
#20. The bands were everywhere, close and faraway, a blend of discordant noise. He passed close to one now, a half-dozen drummers pounding away, a sergeant leading them in a rhythm that was no rhythm at all, and behind, men with fifes, squealing out something that had no resemblance to a song.
Jeff Shaara
#21. Instructions like he's never been on a field of
Jeff Shaara
#22. I did not come into this Army to serve one man, to serve a friend.
Jeff Shaara
#23. Is that not what a commander must do, earn respect, give them discipline and ... love them?
Jeff Shaara
#24. See the strength of the blue lines in front of them. But it was
Jeff Shaara
#25. Sorry, ma'am, but we need a big damn army right now, and there's no better way to make one than to gather up a bunch of boys and tell them how much fun they're going to have killing their enemy.
Jeff Shaara
#26. General Lee, if it will please God, we will kill them all.
Jeff Shaara
#27. The best way to defend is to attack and the best way to attack is to attack. At Chancellorsville, Lee was asked why he attacked when he was outnumbered three to one. He said he was too weak to defend. - GEORGE PATTON
Jeff Shaara
#28. I spend half my time in Montana, the other half in New York City. In unique ways, both places help me unwind, and both are the most satisfying places to live I can imagine.
Jeff Shaara
#29. Lee made small greetings to the others, saw the sour expression of Jubal Early, Ewell's division commander,
Jeff Shaara
#30. have to know, he thought. I have to get out there and talk to people and see for myself. But there's nothing I can do now, and, dammit, I need some sleep.
Jeff Shaara
#31. Men with power either trumpet to everyone just how powerful they are, or they use that power effectively by keeping quiet about it, and going about their duties.
Jeff Shaara
#32. Major, I do not know why God does the things He does, but I believe you have the same duty to God as you have always had: to follow the right path, to live your life with a clear conscience.
Jeff Shaara
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