Top 52 Gwenda Bond Quotes
#1. Miranda tore through the woods like a chupacabra chased her.
Gwenda Bond
#2. The story unfolded quickly as I typed, in a way I was becoming familiar with. There was something about putting the truth on paper, bringing facts into the light of day where everyone could look at them, that made my fingers move faster -- it was becoming one of my favorite sensations on earth.
Gwenda Bond
#3. My heart pounded annoyingly in my ears, and it was getting harder to stay focused. I'd almost gotten trapped in here, and now I'd come back. Sometimes I did have truly terrible ideas.
Gwenda Bond
#4. Someone else deciding what was too dangerous for me to be involved in or pursue had never stopped me yet.
Gwenda Bond
#5. Performers are never more unpredictable than when they're full of adrenaline and failure.
Gwenda Bond
#6. No one would ever guess I was beginning to have more questions than confidence.
Gwenda Bond
#7. The man was a bully. A bully who'd elevated himself to a high-level position, but a bully just the same. No amount of flattery would change how I saw him.
Gwenda Bond
#8. It figured my family would get along better with Clark than they did me.
Gwenda Bond
#9. Sometimes, if you have faith in people they'll surprise you. Mom and Dad taught me that. Risk is the price of believing most people want to be good.
Gwenda Bond
#11. I didn't like showing weakness, not to anybody.
Gwenda Bond
#12. Something tells me you were never a Girl Scout.
Gwenda Bond
#13. The thrill of working in this building, with its iconic globe on top, would never fade.
Gwenda Bond
#14. Miranda's mom had taught her that while eyes were important, music was the real window to someone's soul.
Gwenda Bond
#15. Oh no. Maybe I'd gotten too cocky. I was still relatively new to this friend business. Had I screwed up even asking? Should I have waited for her to offer up details?
Gwenda Bond
#16. I know you don't want to be me. But I'd hate for you to ever feel like you're in my shadow. You're not and you never will be. You are awesome, and there is some kind of amazing future waiting for you.
Gwenda Bond
#18. Just what I needed: bizarre nightmares.
Gwenda Bond
#19. There are some things none of us can control, some consequences that must be faced.
Gwenda Bond
#20. No. We are our families. Both of us. We are the baggage twins. That much, I get.
Gwenda Bond
#21. Courage doesn't mean never being afraid. We're all afraid sometimes. Bravery means doing the right thing anyway. That's true strength.
Gwenda Bond
#22. I had no idea if I was doing the friend thing right or utterly screwing it up.
Gwenda Bond
#23. I was many things, but I wasn't a quitter. I didn't give up, and I wasn't going to start.
Gwenda Bond
#24. I knew what I wanted to do. Sometimes you just had to be brave.
Gwenda Bond
#25. Having friends was weird . . . but in a good way.
Gwenda Bond
#26. Everything could end at any moment. The difference between life and death was one breath, one second, one act. And that meant that life was worth everything, every minute of every day.
Gwenda Bond
#27. ...champagne was an exception. Drinking it is simply telling life that its finer moments are appreciated.
Gwenda Bond
#28. Fake it until you make it. Or, in this case, until I figured out whether the danger was real and who it was coming from.
Gwenda Bond
#29. We dropped our hands, both embarrassed by the sincerity of the moment. But I was learning, Sometimes you had to put it all out there, no matter how hard it felt to do so. When the people in your life were worth it, so was the risk.
Gwenda Bond
#30. His body trembled against hers. She held on, afraid that if she let go he'd be gone forever.
Gwenda Bond
#31. For the most part, I did trust my own judgement. But I was more than capable of screwing up. Just, sometimes, I forgot about that in my quest to move forward.
Gwenda Bond
#32. I hate it when people add "woman" to make an achievement seem smaller than it is. She was one of the best wire walkers ever. Period.
Gwenda Bond
#33. I imagined it was far better to be optimistic, to proceed assuming wherever you could that you had cared enough, that you'd made a difference, that you would again. Dwelling on the worst was no way to live.
Gwenda Bond
#34. I would never trust anyone who didn't get at least a little nervous on the cusp of doing something important to them in front of other people.
Gwenda Bond
#35. Lesson: Never underestimate a woman. Or a chef.
Gwenda Bond
#36. Bullfrak," Miranda said. "It's for power. If you're pretending this is about something else, even to yourself, then frak you, you delusional murdering excuse for a nutty professor.
Gwenda Bond
#37. The trick to seeing things other people missed was to look for them.
Gwenda Bond
#39. The problem with having friends was that you might lose them. Or they might get hurt.
Gwenda Bond
#41. I didn't mind walking into danger on my own. Not the concept of it, anyway.
Gwenda Bond
#42. Sometimes the truth doesn't set you free, Jules. Sometimes it cages you.
Gwenda Bond
#44. You're eyes," she said, waving her hand next to her own. "I can tell when you aren't alone in there.
Gwenda Bond
#45. Letting other people have this much power over you is dangerous.
Gwenda Bond
#46. There probably were things worse than the guy you had a crush on saying that kind of thing about your sister, but not many. Maddy could do way better than teeth-and-hair guy.
Gwenda Bond
#47. You throw caution to the wind, it may blow you away.
Gwenda Bond
#48. My problem was that I had bad luck. And I spoke up when I saw something wrong. I did it because I could, without having to worry about the fallout lasting years. And yes, there was always fallout.
Gwenda Bond
#50. This was the first time I had not just rushed in and followed my instincts, and it wasn't working out. I was beginning to actively regret it.
Gwenda Bond
#51. I'm just a woman in the shadows, holding on to secrets so tightly I don't know if there'll be anything left, now that I've let them go.
Gwenda Bond
#52. Please, I'm your friend -- inside that tough-girl shell is a really tough girl. But you're motivated by how much you care. Being part of Team Lois, it's an honor. There's nothing you wouldn't do for any of us.
Gwenda Bond
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