Top 12 Gregory The Great Quotes
#2. Necessity demands that one should carefully examine who it is that comes to the position of spiritual authority; and coming solemnly to this point, how he should live; and living well, how he should teach; and teaching rightly, with what kind of self-examination he should learn of his own weakness.
Gregory The Great
#3. Pope Gregory believed that successful pastoral leadership required a balance between the contemplation of the isolated ascetic and the action of the well-trained administrator.
Gregory The Great
#4. There are some so restless that when they are free from labour they labour all the more, because the leisure they they have for thought, the worse interior turmoil they have to bear.
Gregory The Great
#5. The spiritual director should not reduce his attention to the internal life because of external occupations, nor should he relinquish his care for external matters because of his anxiety for the internal life.
Gregory The Great
#6. And let the fear and dread of you be upon all of the animals of the earth.45 Clearly, fear and dread were prescribed for the animals, but evidently it was forbidden among humans. By nature a human is superior to a brute animal, but not other humans.
Gregory The Great
#7. No one does more harm in the Church than he who has the title or rank of holiness and acts perversely.
Gregory The Great
#10. For, indeed, nothing is more fugitive than the heart, which deserts us as often as it slips away through bad thoughts.
Gregory The Great
#11. The bliss of the elect in heaven would not be perfect unless they were able to look across the abyss and enjoy the agonies of their brethren in eternal fire.
Gregory The Great
#12. Those who do not speak the words of God with humility must be advised that when they apply medicine to the sick, they must first inspect the poison of their own infection, or else by attempting to heal others, they kill themselves.
Gregory The Great
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