Top 68 Grace Jones Quotes
#1. I have just as much woman in me as I have man. It's just a matter of channeling the energy into which way you use it.
Grace Jones
#2. My mother was a champion high-jumper. My three brothers are basketball players. We've all been very athletic.
Grace Jones
#3. Now when I enter a carriage, it almost empties. But there's always one brave enough to stay.
Grace Jones
#4. I thought I'd take style to its limit ... My philosophy is a belief in magic, good luck , self-confidence, and pride.
Grace Jones
#5. It doesn't surprise me that people can't see beyond my image. It's amazing, but I can understand it. That's what image is for. But it's never a problem for me. It's only a problem for them. I don't really care. I do what I want regardless.
Grace Jones
#6. We're not perfect; we all have things that people might not like to see, and I like to show my faults.
Grace Jones
#7. This is depression, it comes when your blocking. This is expression it comes when you're rocking
Grace Jones
#8. I think I'm doing a service to black women by portraying myself as a sex machine. I mean, what's wrong with being a sex machine, darling? Sex is large, sex is life, sex is as large as life, so it appeals to anyone that's living, or rather it should.
Grace Jones
#9. I can look at a fur and tell if it's good or not.
Grace Jones
#10. I like to think of myself as a positive person. Otherwise I wouldn't have had a child.
Grace Jones
#11. Women and men grow up with both sexes. Our mothers and fathers mean a lot to us, so it's just a question of finding a balance between their influences. I've found mine. And it tends to be more on the male side. I mean male side the way we understand it in the West.
Grace Jones
#12. My dad's family were political and he was always a theatrical creature, whereas my mum is really musical and her father was the touring pianist with Nat King Cole. My family was an explosive mixture of politics, religion and music - no wonder I turned out how I did.
Grace Jones
#13. I was skinny as a rail and had high cheekbones and a very interesting face - or so I was told.
Grace Jones
#14. Music has its own depths, and I let it take me where it takes me, even if it means stripping all my clothes off.
Grace Jones
#15. There're lots of musicians in my family, too. My mother sings incredibly well. I've got to make a record with my mother's voice on it. She sings a lyric soprano. We do the opposite. I'm a baritone. She's a star singer in her church. She always does her solo.
Grace Jones
#16. When you become such a strong personality in music, it's hard for people to accept you as a different character.
Grace Jones
#17. I loved all those classic figures from the '30s and '40s ... Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Humphrey Bogart, Rita Hayworth. They had such glamour and style. I loved the movies of those times too - so much attention paid to details, lights, clothing, the way the studios would develop talent.
Grace Jones
#18. If people think I'm angry, I don't want to burst anybody's bubble. I like sometimes for people to be afraid of me. But it's not really anger; it's discipline.
Grace Jones
#19. Growing up in Jamaica, the Pentecostal church wasn't that fiery thing you might think. It was very British, very proper. Hymns. No dancing. Very quiet. Very fundamental.
Grace Jones
#20. I wear my furs all the time. I wear like three different ones in a day.
Grace Jones
#21. My husband used to shout at my mother, 'What is wrong with your daughter? I'm married to a man.'
Grace Jones
#22. In the Seventies and Eighties we all had our fun, and now and then we went really too far. But, ultimately, it required a certain amount of clear thinking, a lot of hard work and good make-up to be accepted as a freak.
Grace Jones
#23. I'm not a rock star; I'm a soft person.
Grace Jones
#24. Most performers take themselves too seriously. They forget there is a difference between the characters they play on the screen or stage and themselves, but the public doesn't forget there is a difference. They see how silly it is if you try to be the same person all the time.
Grace Jones
#25. I didn't think I had a voice at all, and I still think of myself as an interpreter of songs more than a singer. I thought it was too deep; people thought I was a man. I had a very strong Jamaican accent, too; the accent really messed me up for auditions.
Grace Jones
#26. I never do what anyone else is doing. I could walk away from music and become a farmer or do some crochet. The worst thing in life for me is to do something I'm not happy doing.
Grace Jones
Grace Jones
#28. I go feminine, I go masculine. I am both, actually. I think the male side is a bit stronger in me, and I have to tone it down sometimes. I'm not like a normal woman, that's for sure.
Grace Jones
#29. I only started getting into furs when the designers I liked started making them.
Grace Jones
#30. I always thought that feminine, softer side was just too vulnerable to put out there, because then it's like you're opening up a door for everybody to come in, and you don't know who's going to come in that door.
Grace Jones
#31. I believe in individuality, that everybody is special, and it's up to them to find that quality and let it live.
Grace Jones
#32. I've had more misrepresentations than I can handle, and people have told the wickedest lies about me. A lot of them have taken their frustrations out on me, and I don't like that because it can wound. Not necessarily me, but those around me. Journalists can be so bad.
Grace Jones
#33. When I perform on stage I become those male bullies, those dominators from my childhood. That's probably why it's so scary, because they scared me.
Grace Jones
#34. I'm too vain, one of my biggest sins, but it saved me; I can see what excess does.
Grace Jones
#35. Crying is not a weakness. It's something that should be able to work for you. It should also be a strength. I think if you can cry when you feel like crying it's a strength. If you feel like crying and you can't cry, that's a weakness. That means you're holding all that stuff inside.
Grace Jones
#36. Everyone has to make their own decisions. I still believe in that. You just have to be able to accept the consequences without complaining.
Grace Jones
#38. My father would have been made a bishop much earlier than he was had it not been for me and my image.
Grace Jones
#39. There will always be a replacement coming along very soon - a newer version, a crazier version, a louder version. So if you haven't got a long-term plan, then you are merely a passing phase, the latest trend, yesterday's event.
Grace Jones
#40. When I started modelling, I'd raise my arms and it was all muscle and all the other models had nothing. Really, everybody thought I was a man. I don't have to do much to have muscles. It's just genetic.
Grace Jones
#42. I believe in having certain releases, certain outlets. One has to indulge. If you don't indulge, you don't live -might as well be dead. I believe in indulging as a user and not as an abuser.
Grace Jones
#43. Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone.
Grace Jones
#44. I can't run out of different ideas. I am different. When can I run out of me?
Grace Jones
#45. To be honest, my life is not really as way-out and myth-loaded as people like to portray it.
Grace Jones
#46. It was very painful combing my hair. My grand-uncle was a Pentecostal bishop, and he was very strict: our hair couldn't be permed or straightened. So I just cut it all off.
Grace Jones
#47. I would have rebelled against parental authority, no matter what. When I was 15, I started painting my face and making my own clothes.
Grace Jones
#48. I like dressing like a guy. I love it. When I was modeling I used to do pictures where I would dress up like my little brother. No makeup and I looked like a boy.
Grace Jones
#49. It's ridiculous for a woman to say that she's not attracted to other women. That's completely false ...
Grace Jones
#50. I was the only black girl at my junior high school. I had an afro, a Jamaican accent, I looked really old.
Grace Jones
#51. You can't expect your children to be perfect.
Grace Jones
#52. I don't think 'pop' should mean that you had no talent.
Grace Jones
#53. I'm not as impatient as I used to be. I used to hit people if I didn't like what they were saying. Just lash out. 'Bam - shut up! Hahahah!' I was terrible.
Grace Jones
#54. You can be a boy, a girl, whatever you want. I have a lot of man in me.
Grace Jones
#55. I don't collaborate. You're born alone, you die alone, you get on stage alone.
Grace Jones
#56. I just go with the flow, I follow the yellow brick road. I don't know where it's going to lead me, but I follow it.
Grace Jones
#57. I don't take the English press seriously at all because all they want is dirt ... I hate them.
Grace Jones
#58. I like to isolate myself when I work because I end up losing my voice by doing interviews all day.
Grace Jones
#59. Models are there to look like mannequins, not like real people. Art and illusion are supposed to be fantasy.
Grace Jones
#60. That's what they do in Argentina. Have a little wine and talk. Then have some coffee and talk. Then, go back to the wine.
Grace Jones
#61. Whatever; bling always has something to hide.
Grace Jones
#62. I never thought I was going to be a singer. That was an accident.
Grace Jones
#64. I love women, but I've never had a relationship with a woman.
Grace Jones
#65. I've turned down millions of dollars to go on reality TV. It's an absolute no-go.
Grace Jones
#66. I am an actress first, a singer second.
Grace Jones
#67. When I was modelling, I spent half my life staring at thousands of perfect reflections. It got to a stage where I was losing all sense of reality - so after I quit modelling, I took all the mirrors out of my house.
Grace Jones
#68. Rock n' roll can get quite overwhelming. You can get caught up in the cycle.
Grace Jones
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