Top 100 Gabriel Garcia Marquez Quotes
#2. And in the space that he had occupied in her memory she allowed a field of poppies to bloom.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#5. He himself, facing a firing squad, would not understand too well the concatenation of the series of subtle but irrevocable accidents that bought him to that point.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#7. A lie is more comfortable than doubt, more useful than love, more lasting than truth.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#9. Let me soap you," he murmured.
"Thank you for your good intentions," she said, "but my two hands are quite enough."
"Even if it's just your back," the foreigner begged.
"That would be silly," she said. "People never soap their backs.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#11. Under the burning sun on the street I began to feel the weight of my ninety years, and to count minute by minute the minutes of the nights I had left before I died.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#12. Shooting with his camera the animals tha they did not allow him to kill with his rifle .
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#13. Later, given political changes and the deterioration of the world, nobody in the government thought about either arts or letters.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#14. Without intending to, without even knowing it, he demonstrated with his life that his father had been right when he repeated until his dying day that there was no one with more common sense, no stonecutter more obstinate, no manager so lucid or dangerous, than a poet.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#16. He was surprised to discover that when rich people were starving they looked so much like the poor
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#17. Don't stay with Urdanetea, he told him. And don't go with your family to the United States. It's omnipotent and terrible, and its tale of liberty will end in a plague of miseries for us all.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#18. I discovered the miracle that all things that sound are music, including the dishes and silverware in the dishwasher, as long as they fulfill the illusion of showing us where life is heading.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#19. For her sake Florentino Ariza had violated his sacred principle of never paying, and she had violated hers of never doing it for free of charge, even with her husband.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#20. His blue eyes, lively and close-set, revealed the gentleness of a man who had read all of the books.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#24. You people have a religion of death that fills you with the joy and courage to confront it ... I do not. I believe the only essential thing is to be alive.- Abrenucio
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#26. Well," Aureliano said. "Tell me what it is."
Pilar Ternera bit her lips with a sad smile.
"That you would be good in a war," she said. "Where you put your eye, you put your bullet.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#29. It is incredible how one can be happy for so many years in the midst of so many squabbles, so many problems, damn it, and not really know if it was love or not.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#31. The only thing that didn't occur to her was to give up. Nevertheless, he seemed insensible to her
delirium; it was like writing to nobody.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#32. He repeated until his dying day that there was no one with more common sense, no stone cutter more obstinate, no manager more lucid or dangerous, than a poet.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#33. She had that rare virtue of never existing completely except for that opportune moment
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#36. I never used to write down all the ideas that occur to me while writing. I believed if I forgot them they were not important, and the ones that really mattered were those I remembered. Now I write them all down.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#37. He considered respect for one's given word as a wealth that should not be squandered.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#43. Love does not die, when someone gets old, people get old, because they can not love anymore.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#44. I nee to reason for a plague, ... As far as I know no comets or eclipses have been forecast, and our sins are not great enough for God to be concerned with us.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#47. Fernanda, on the other hand, looked for it in vain along the paths of her everyday itinerary without knowing that the search for lost things is hindered by routine habits and that is why it is so difficult to find them.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#48. Amputees suffer pains, cramps, itches in the leg that is no longer there. That is how she felt without him, feeling his presence where he no longer was.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#50. We had made love without love, half-dressed most of the time and always in the dark so we could imagine ourselves as better than we were.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#51. Her own experience was beginning to tell her that an alert old age can be more keen than the cards.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#54. Florentino Ariza was on the bed, lying on his back and trying to regain control, once again not knowing what to do with the skin of the tiger he had slain.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#55. She would say, Someone should invent something to do with things you cannot use anymore but that you still cannot throw out.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#56. And again, as always, after so many years we were still in the same place we always were.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#57. Her heart of compressed ash, which had resisted the most telling blows of daily reality without strain, fell apart with the first waves of nostalgia.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#58. Four geological eras had to pass so that human beings would be able to outsing the birds and die for love.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#59. Then they both kept on knifing him against the door with alternate and easy stabs, floating in the dazzling backwater they had found on the other side of fear.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#61. If you're going to be a writer you have to be one of the great ones ... After all, there are better ways to starve to death.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#69. Don't open that door," she said. "The hallway is full of difficult dreams." And I asked her: "How do you know?" And she told me: "Because I was there a moment ago and I had to come back when I discovered I was sleeping on my heart.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#70. But that afternoon he asked himself, with his infinite capacity for illusion, if such pitiless indifference might not be a subterfuge for hiding the torments of love.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#71. Arcadio had seen her many times working in her parents' small food store but he had never taken a good look at her because she had that rare virtue of never existing completely except at the opportune moment.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#72. The wind from the Caribbean blew in the windows along with the racket made by the birds, and Fermina Daza felt in her blood the wild beating of her free will.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#73. Not only was he the tallest, strongest, most virile, and best built man they had ever seen, but even though they were looking at him there was no room for him in their imagination.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#74. Men demand much more than you think," she would tell her enigmatically. "There's a lot of cooking, a lot of sweeping, a lot of suffering over little things beyond what you think.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#75. Once again she shuddered with the evidence that time was not passing, as she had just admitted, but that it was turning in a circle.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#77. He was invaded by an unreasoning calm, which he interpreted as an omen that nothing new was going to happen, that everything he had done in his life had been in vain, that he could not go on: it was the end.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#78. Delaura was aware of his own awkwardness with women. To him they seemed endowed with an untransferable use of reason that allowed them to navigate without difficulty among the hazards of reality.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#79. He thought about his people without sentimentalily, with a strick closing of his accounts with life, beginning to understand how much he really loved the people he hated the most.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#81. Still, they continued to be intermittent lovers for almost 30 years, thanks to their musketeers' motto : unfaithful but not disloyal.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#82. Colonel Aureliano Buendia could understand only that the secret of good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude- 205
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#83. The woman stayed on her stool, silent, concentrating, watching the man's movements with an air of declining sadness. Watching him as a lamp about to go out might have looked at a man.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#87. For the first time in the interminable twenty-seven years that he had been waiting, Florentino Ariza could not endure the pangs of grief at the thought that this admirable man would have to die in order for him to be happy.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#88. She had found peace in that house where memories materialized through the strength of implacable evocation and walked like human beings through the cloistered rooms
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#90. If I were a woman. I need to be loved a great deal. My great problem is to be loved more, and that's why I write.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#93. You have a heart of stone," she told him.
"It's not a question of a heart," he said. "The room's getting full of moths.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#94. One can be in love with several people at the same time, feel the sorrow with each, and not betray any of them.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#97. Dr. Urbino replied without looking at her: "I did not know that fellow was a poet." And then he wiped him from his memory, because among other things, his profession had accustomed him to the ethical management of forgetfulness.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
#98. She would defend herself, saying that love, no matter what else it might be, was a natural talent. She would say: You are either born knowing how, or you never know.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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