Top 43 Dee Henderson Quotes
#1. Maybe, but it's more than that. She intrigues me. There's a light in her that wants to shine, but the darkness won't let it. I want to help push the darkness aside so she can find that light again.
Dee Henderson
#2. How to be a great teacher:
Know your students.
Know your subject.
Make it relevant.
Teach in an organized place, in an organized way.
Encourage curiosity.
Ask the questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Time is priceless.
Dee Henderson
#3. You need time for the grief to heal, for the memories to fade in sharpness, time to adjust your expectation for the future. Be gentle with yourself, you'll make it.
Dee Henderson
#4. Slip away and come watch the sunset." -Marcus
'There are more calls to finish.' -Shari
"Those will wait. The sunset won't" -Marcus
Dee Henderson
#5. You don't wrestle with a problem when the answer doesn't matter to you.
Dee Henderson
#6. Sometimes life is just awful, and that's the way it is. It doesn't have to reflect so much on God, as just be noted as this is what man is willing to do to his fellow man. It doesn't mean God is like this too.
Dee Henderson
#7. My faith survived because I realized God didn't want this for us, He never had. I'm passionately looking forward to a new Heaven and Earth where only good exists once more.
Dee Henderson
#8. Depend on God, and the fear will find its right size.
Dee Henderson
#9. God has been acting honorably throughout history regrading what He wants. We're the ones at fault. God is good. And I still really, truly like Him
Dee Henderson
#10. He believed there was nothing impossible if you desired it enough to work for it. He loved helping people live up to their potential.
Dee Henderson
#13. I can tell the difference between the acts of a man and the acts of God. That's why I still believe. I could always tell the difference.
Dee Henderson
#14. If he didn't love so deeply, he couldn't grieve so deeply. But he's drowning in it.
Dee Henderson
#15. She wasn't a cowardIf she were she would have retreated back into her shell years before and pulled back entirely from life. She was a fighter. Life knocked her down, and she coped by getting up and moving on.
Dee Henderson
#16. That's all I'm doing, choosing to trust Jesus even if I don't understand what or why something is happening. Jesus wants you to choose to trust Him again. He won't take that trust you place in Him lightly.
Dee Henderson
#17. Can I do anything for you? Bake you cookies? Walk your dogs? Throw snowballs? Just generally be a distraction?
Dee Henderson
#18. Faith would get her through when she had to face tomorrow, but her grief needed the tears to fall. There was healing in those tears.
Dee Henderson
#19. Or you just not ask her."
"You might as well slit my throat.
Dee Henderson
#20. I can't change any of this.
'No. But you're giving up. I can see it happening.'
I'm temporarily retreating, Dave. Don't worry. I'll find my sea legs again.
Dee Henderson
#21. No matter what the need or when she called for help, He was there with everything she required. There was never any lack either in His love or His provision.
Dee Henderson
#24. God's been fixing broken people ever since sin came into the world. Give Him time. He's not done. God promises He will work for the good in all things. What happened to you isn't beyond His ability to recover.
Dee Henderson
#25. Think of normal as being what God intends for your life," Mark said. "Un-normal is everything that's something other than His plans for you. Life gets easier that way, Gina. Go ahead and stress about what you should care about, but ignore the rest.
Dee Henderson
#26. I love you, in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul where my dreams are born. I love you.
Dee Henderson
#27. We're going to be there for every inning. Not just the peaks and valleys.
Dee Henderson
#28. Relationships are two layers of conversations. Adapting and also speaking your mind.
Dee Henderson
#29. God is good, and I love Him. Right now, God is permitting a very hard thing. Why, I don't know, but I still trust Him.
Dee Henderson
#30. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Dee Henderson
#31. When a guy becomes a husband, he has a responsibility not to take as many chances as when he was single. It's called common sense. You'll depend on me not to get hurt or killed chasing an adrenaline rush.
Dee Henderson
#32. I think I'm honored. Or speechless. Maybe something in between there.
Dee Henderson
#33. God was just. She held on to that knowledge and the hope that the day of justice would eventually arrive.
Dee Henderson
#35. Lord, You made us and gave us breath. May we do justice, love and mercy, and walk honorably before you this day. By the precious name of Jesus, I ask for your help to do this. Amen.
Dee Henderson
#36. The fact evil exists speaks far more about man than about God. The Bible says God hates sin.
Dee Henderson
#37. This world was not designed to die; sin did that. But Jesus has beaten sin, and it gave Him the right to put on the imperishable as those verses describe. I believe the Resurrection is true. Jesus is alive.
Dee Henderson
#38. You let people hope," Sharon said firmly, "because hope is the very strong thread between earth and heaven.
Dee Henderson
#39. Curiosity was a bad character trait for a private investigator to have. It created work.
Dee Henderson
#40. They talked in the shorthand of old friends and shared memories.
Dee Henderson
#41. Then if you don't mind a suggestion - plan what you will do, and then set it aside until tomorrow," Cole said. "You tend to worry things in circles. Try to worry in a straight line.
Dee Henderson
#43. Life flows swiftly by and sometimes through tragedies, but it keeps flowing on.
Dee Henderson
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