
Top 100 David Berg Quotes
#1. We can't really understand just how wonderful Heaven will be unless we first know how wonderful each of us will be when we get there.
David Berg
#2. We're leaving this Hell of a mess before long and we're going to go to our Country and our City to be with our King!
David Berg
#3. Most people are not really conceited, but feel a certain amount of inferiority and tend to get a little discouraged with themselves, therefore encouragement is a very important thing! I do it all the time! I praise everybody for everything they do that I see is good.
David Berg
#4. In Heaven, you're going to get just about whatever you want. Heaven's the place where all your heart's desires will be fulfilled - if they're good ones. Put in your order now!
David Berg
#5. Death is the best healing of all, so try not to worry about it. When we die, that's the final, permanent healing. Our old body finally dies and we are rid of it and free. Then we don't have any more diseases or troubles. We won't hurt anymore because we will be in our spiritual body, our new model!
David Berg
#6. Our heavenly bodies are going to be similar to our present ones, only better. We'll look enough like we do now to recognize and identify each other. We're going to have a lot of the same characteristics that we have now.
David Berg
#7. Even Heaven would be Hell to some people because they'd be too close to God!
David Berg
#8. While the prosecution has said this is about the defendants lies, one worries that those lies already have been buried under too much discussion of technical issues. The jury may be lost already.
David Berg
#9. We are in the more blessed category, the upper class who lived by faith and believed even though we hadn't seen!
David Berg
#10. There're going to be animals in God's Heaven on Earth, a New Heaven and a New Earth! God's not going to have His Creation defeated. He put those animals here for pets and playthings and companions for you and your children, and you're still going to enjoy the animals.
David Berg
#11. It will be full of precious stones and jewels, and best of all, full of precious souls!-Immortal souls, saved souls that love Jesus and that you won to the Lord.
David Berg
#12. There will be no transportation problems in Heaven-you can either glide along, float along or fly!
David Berg
#13. We have in effect renounced our Worldly citizenship when we receive the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, God of Heaven, Son of Righteousness and the Kingdom of Heaven into our hearts, and have made the Heavenly City our Home!
David Berg
#14. All the disappointments, broken dreams and deep dark experiences will soon be forgotten and blotted out like a bad dream, when that glorious dawn of Heaven arrives!
David Berg
#15. Your body is not the real you. It's just the physical house you live in. The real you is your spirit, which will live on forever.
David Berg
#16. When you get to Heaven you won't need faith because you'll be able to see it and know it all then. You won't need hope because it's already arrived, but there'll still be love because the greatest of these is love! (1Cor.13.)
David Berg
#17. What exhibit buildings God will have! The historical exhibits, the scientific exhibits, the spiritual exhibits, to be able to see the marvelous wonders of the Spirit World!
David Berg
#18. There'll be no more big powers and oppressed poor - only fairness and justice for all, and eternal happiness. So if you're looking for the perfect city and the perfect government in the perfect country with perfect people, just wait a little while longer - it's coming
David Berg
#19. There's nothing man ever dreams of that God hasn't already thought of!
David Berg
#20. The New Heaven and New Earth are like a double Millennium, Millennium for ever!-Double your pleasure, double your fun, double your Heaven that's never done!
David Berg
#21. I belong to the Kingdom of God, that's my Country! I'm from Space City, that's my City! I'm from the City that hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God!
David Berg
#22. People moving in Heaven move with grace and beauty and slowly glide along with their feet hardly seeming to touch the ground!
David Berg
#23. Heaven'll be our last move!-No baggage, no luggage, no hard journey, no packing, no long travel! It may be a long way, but it may be closer than you think!
David Berg
#24. The whole point of Heaven is to relieve us of the suffering, pain, death and tears brought into the world by the evil of humanity. That is why God says that in Heaven there will be no more sorrow, pain, death or crying.
David Berg
#25. Heaven is a pretty practical, common sense, down-to-earth place!
David Berg
#26. The more of Heaven we cherish, the less of Earth we covet.
David Berg
#27. Contrary to popular belief, the moment we land in Heaven we don't immediately know everything! If we did, we'd be God Himself - all-knowing.
David Berg
#28. The Heavenly City will vie with the moon and even the sun for beauty and splendour!
David Berg
#29. In Heaven we shall not rest from our work, but from our labors. There will be no toil, no pain in the work.
David Berg
#30. Heaven would be a very hell to a wicked person.
David Berg
#31. You can't take it with you! Whatever you have there you will have already sent ahead in the way of souls won, victories won, battles won and rewards won for your service here!
David Berg
#32. We can enjoy Heaven now. We can have half of the enjoyment ahead of time by looking forward to it, thinking about it, reading about it and anticipating it.
David Berg
#33. It certainly seems like a good idea to talk about Heaven, meditate about Heaven and read about Heaven, because, after all, that's where we're going to spend eternity.
David Berg
#34. God put many animals here [on Earth] for pets, playthings and companions for us and our children, and we're still going to enjoy them [in Heaven].
David Berg
#35. You'll never get tired of seeing all of God's exhibits in His great Fairground of the Heavenly City on Earth where you can really learn the facts and the truth about everything the way it really was. How's that for a great Heavenly Fair in Heaven so fair?
David Berg
#36. Heaven and the spirit world are much more real, beautiful and lasting than the world which you can see with your natural eyes at this very moment.
David Berg
#37. We live like Heaven already, a little bit of Heaven right here and now! What could we have more?-Only more of the same and better!
David Berg
#38. The only place where we're going to be completely relieved of pain is in Heaven.
David Berg
#39. Musicians can look forward to playing with the best musicians that ever played. They can even have their own band!
David Berg
#40. We who have found Jesus and faith in God and love Him have found Heaven on Earth!
David Berg
#41. I don't know how perfect everybody is going to be in Heaven, but anyhow, certainly a lot better than here!
David Berg
#42. It looks like half the enjoyment is just having Heaven in our hearts and Heaven in our Homes, feeling Heaven in our bodies in the thrilling love and love-making that we have here and now on Earth in those ecstatic orgasms of the Spirit and the flesh, but also looking forward to Heaven to come!
David Berg
#43. Heaven is a place where you can get all you want of whatever you like. Heaven is not the end: it's only the beginning.
David Berg
#44. This life is just your schooling for what you have to do when you graduate.
David Berg
#45. The leaves on the Tree of Life are for the healing of the nations, but what are the fruits for?-They must be just for the pleasure of eating!
David Berg
#46. My idea of Heaven is what we've got right now, right here!-All this beauty and pleasure and fun and inspiration and spirit and fellowship and joy, all of this and more so and more of it!
David Berg
#47. What a pleasure to have children in Heaven and to watch them grow and develop without the Devil and all his imps around and without sin and the Curse and all the pain, sorrow and crying! It will be pure pleasure to have children in Heaven!
David Berg
#48. Heaven is something that we can easily get excited and thrilled about and look forward to. It will be like Christmas is for children, only it will be the greatest Christmas we've ever had!
David Berg
#49. We'll have all the best of this and Heaven too, the best of two Worlds!-Heaven now and Heaven to come!
David Berg
#50. Can you visualize a world with no more death, no more pain, no more hunger, no more fear, no more sorrow, no more crying nor sickness, a world where everything is a joy and a pleasure? - A society where everybody works together in harmony, cooperation and love? That's Heaven!
David Berg
#51. We're still going to be learning in Heaven. We will still be developing and are not yet absolutely perfect. That's what the future is all about - to continue the learning process that we have begun here. We've all still got a lot to learn!
David Berg
#52. There are a lot of good people going to Hell, and a lot of bad people like you and me going to Heaven!
David Berg
#53. What shall I give Thee, Master?
Thou who didst die for me!
How can I give less than give of my best,
When Thou hast given all to me!
What shall I give Thee, Master?
Thou who didst die for me!
How can I give less than all of my best,
I must give all to Thee!
David Berg
#54. Our Heavenly bodies will be able to dematerialise, pass from dimension to dimension, walk right through walls and locked doors as Jesus did, appear and disappear at will and travel with the speed of thought!
David Berg
#55. Death from this life is just graduation from this grade. It's our release, our graduation, our promotion. School is out! We've finished our schooling in this grade and we pass on to the next grade.
David Berg
#56. A lot of people think Heaven is sitting around on a cloud playing a harp all day, doing nothing except being holy - and they don't find it very appealing! Thank God that is not what Heaven is like!
David Berg
#57. Death is the funeral of all our sorrows.
David Berg
#58. In Heaven we'll understand why we've suffered on Earth. The Apostle Paul explained, For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then, face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known [of God] .
David Berg
#59. You are still going to be you. You'll look a lot the same, only better - much better!
David Berg
#60. I want to declare my Citizenship in the Kingdom of God and my allegiance to His Kingdom and His City!
David Berg
#61. This World is not our home, so we don't have to worry about whether it's good or bad. The BETTER it is, the HARDER it is to leave it. The BADDER it is, the EASIER it is to leave it!
David Berg
#62. I think anything's possible! Whatever you dream up, the Lord will have for you!
David Berg
#63. Thinking about Heaven can inspire and encourage us to be more heavenly-minded and realize that Heaven is a real place where we're really going to live.
David Berg
#64. From the accounts of those who have had glimpses of Heaven in visions and revelations, it seems that we do mature somewhat in Heaven. Those who arrive in their youth grow to maturity, while older people appear more middle-aged, in the prime of life.
David Berg
#65. What are you going to be like in the Hereafter?-You're going to be like Jesus!
David Berg
#66. God has left that for the rest of time and eternity in order to give us something to do in the hereafter. We'll be able to learn more about the past and why things happened, as well as God's logic and purposes and the meaning of it all.
David Berg
#67. I want you to really be able to grasp the wonder of it, the marvel of it, the size of it and really be able to get a good conception of its magnificence and it tremendous colossal gigantic stupendous size and beauty and splendour!
David Berg
#68. The City that God is building for you and me, not even death can pass its gates! God's City of Tomorrow, His garden of the gods, will have no pain nor death nor sorrow!
David Berg
#69. There will be no more danger, pollution or destruction, none of these things that we suffer from so much today. Everything will be heavenly, beautiful and natural, the way it was when God first created the earth.
David Berg
#70. Always remember, everyone is hungry for praise and starving for honest appreciation.
David Berg
#71. Heaven is not so terribly different from this present existence to where we can't even comprehend or understand it. Otherwise, when we arrived there, we would be completely lost and we wouldn't be able to relate to it.
David Berg
#72. Probably hundreds of thousands of saved pregnant mothers are going to be going up in the Rapture, and you know good and well they are going to have their babies either in Heaven or when they get back to Earth in the Millennium!
David Berg
#73. Heaven is a beautiful place to be, full of beautiful people having a beautiful time!
David Berg
#74. Successful trial lawyers are like heat-seeking missiles carrying payloads of information prejudicial to their opponent's case, constantly looking for the chance to unload their cargo, right up until the final moments of trial.
David Berg
#75. The sky is not the limit, only Heaven's the limit, and there's no limit in Heaven!
David Berg
#76. I just can't imagine a Heaven without children!-What a dead lifeless place without babies and kids!
David Berg
#77. In Heaven you're going to be the same make, but a new model!
David Berg
#78. Heaven is simply going to be an intensification, amplification, magnification and extension of all the thrills and joys and pleasures of this life, the Heaven on Earth that we're now enjoying, only it will be even more Heavenly there, and forever, praise God!
David Berg
#79. The Apostle Paul wrote, The things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). The physical dies away, but the spiritual is forever.
David Berg
#80. Paul observed, We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out (1 Timothy 6:7). He was referring to material things, wealth. However, we will take our knowledge and experience and training from this life with us into the next life.
David Berg
#81. Heaven is going to be like this life, only better. It will be like this life with all its joys and beauties and pleasures, but without the drawbacks - with all the assets but none of the liabilities.
David Berg
#82. God just turns on all the beauty He can possibly create, and that final Heaven on Earth, the eternal one of the New Heaven and the New Earth will be the most beautiful of all and the most perfect!-The perfect government of God administered directly and in perfection in every way!
David Berg
#83. We will be able to travel backward or forward in time and see what has been and what is going to be, as well as experience the glorious wonderful present! We will see, hear, feel and experience the very events of the past, just as they happened.
David Berg
#84. Those who love God never meet for the last time.
David Berg
#85. Even in Heaven, the most perfect City in the World, there are going to be different levels, different classes, different stages, some very high, some very low.
David Berg
#86. The Heavenly City already exists and the departed Saints are already there!
David Berg
#87. I have another proof that we're going to have food in Heaven! And man did eat angel's food.-Manna! So angels can eat food!
David Berg
#88. God is a racist! He has a special elite race of supermen who are going to live above all others in the Holy City, the magical, mystical, marvelous, mysterious Space City!
David Berg
#89. Heaven is here to stay and sex is here to stay! We'll be able to enjoy many of these so-called fleshly pleasures on the other side, like Jesus did!
David Berg
#90. There are going to be animals in Heaven. The prophet Isaiah said that the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, ... and the lion shall eat straw like the ox (Isaiah 11:6-9).
David Berg
#91. In Heaven there is no need for sex because there is no need for a shadow or illustration-just a need to enjoy it!
David Berg
#92. God has a lot of things to teach us in Heaven, things we didn't learn in this life.
David Berg
#93. The whole inside of the Pyramid on the ground level on the New Earth is one great Garden within the City, a great City Park!-His Heavenly Fair in His Heaven so fair!
David Berg
#94. In Heaven, our bodies are going to be the same make, but a new model. Our old, decaying, worn-out natural, physical body will go back to the dust. We will trade it in for an entirely new heavenly model!
David Berg
#95. My Country's trying to save the World, stop the wars, relieve the poor, feed the hungry, heal the sick and liberate the captives that are bound by countries like America!
David Berg
#96. Even the worst neighborhood of Heaven will be better than the best neighborhood of the fanciest town on Earth!
David Berg
#97. The reason the church doesn't deal with some of these questions about Heaven is they're afraid of the answers! If you could have babies in Heaven, then you could have sex in Heaven!-And that's horrifying to the churches!
David Berg
#98. Have your name put in the Lamb's Book of Life in Heaven so you'll be sure you've got your reservation confirmed for one of those mansions in God's golden Space City!
David Berg
#99. The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but that doesn't mean you can't have meat and drink in the Kingdom!
David Berg
#100. Isn't that ridiculous to show Peter standing at the gates of Heaven with a ring of keys? The doors are already unlocked for us, all we've got to do is walk in through the front gate!
David Berg
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