Top 100 Cinda Williams Chima Quotes
#1. Can you see why I can't stand a lie? People have been lying to me all my life. Even the person I loved the most in the world."
Sometimes people lie for good reasons," Jonah said. "To keep you safe, or to avoid breaking your heart, or to make it possible for you to go on living.
Cinda Williams Chima
#2. He forgot everything: the sorcerer upstairs, the mission, his own imperfection, and the shame and bitterness that came with it.
Cinda Williams Chima
#3. I have lost everything, Han thought. Then he corrected himself. Every time I think I've lost everything, I find there's still something else to lose.
Cinda Williams Chima
#4. His father always treated him as if he were capable of great things. Which made him want to accomplish great things.
Cinda Williams Chima
#5. As if he'd guessed her thoughts, Micah said, "I've risked everything for you." His eyes spoke more than he said aloud.
Cinda Williams Chima
#6. If someone grabs you in the street, hit hard and fast, because you may not get a second chance.
Cinda Williams Chima
#7. Maybe Charlotte was right, and I was hopelessly addicted to breaking rules oprinciple.
Cinda Williams Chima
#8. They were like two pieces of a failed star, drawn together by a shared history and a memory of illicit kisses.
Cinda Williams Chima
#11. Words can hurt, but sometimes it's the words you never got to say that hurt the most.
Cinda Williams Chima
#12. Just a rat, she repeated to herself. After all, there were rats in the palace. Human and otherwise. Could be worse.
Cinda Williams Chima
#14. Love is the root of so much suffering and misery, so much loss. It's the worst thing in the world, to risk yourself by loving someone. At the same time, it's the best thing in the world - and worth the risk.
Cinda Williams Chima
#15. You're a quiet one. You keep to yourself, but when you speak up, you tell the truth: in your music and every other way.
Cinda Williams Chima
#16. My mother was from the Fells, but I've never wanted to go. They say there are monsters there."
"There are monsters here, healer.
Cinda Williams Chima
#17. More and more, there were no revelations, but simply the uncovering of truths long known but dimly remembered. Everything had been written long ago. There was nothing truly new in the world, but only the slow, circular march of time that revealed the old things once again.
Cinda Williams Chima
#18. Uh, Miss, you have second and third degree burns that need treatment,"he said.
"They'll be okay. I'll just use concealer for a while.
Cinda Williams Chima
#19. He would find a way to make it work, because he finally understood that sometimes you have to raise your expectations. And sometimes you need to make a claim on the world and the people you love to get what you most desire
Cinda Williams Chima
#21. She had never felt more alive than when she lay dying in Han Alister's arms.
Cinda Williams Chima
#22. There was something savage and elemental and feral in him. The fact that he was a savant only added to the intrigue.
I always go for the dangerous boys, Leesha thought.
Cinda Williams Chima
#23. Emma was horrified and transfixed at the same time. She was watching Jonah Kinlock doing what he did best. There was a certain macabre beauty in watching form and function wedded together. In Jonah's case, a dance of beauty and death.
Cinda Williams Chima
#24. And it's not just a matter of you hurting me. I will hurt you too, even if I don't want to, I'm not the girl you think I am. And you will remember this conversation , and wish that you'd listened to me.
Cinda Williams Chima
#25. Come on! We've had too many dead heroes. Being a coward increases your odds of survival-that's my motto. I'm counting on bieng faster than them.
Cinda Williams Chima
#26. Well now, Jack," Hastings said from the sidelines. "I'm afraid you've been beheaded. Not a good start." He sounded amused.
Cinda Williams Chima
#27. History,' Mari muttered, as if she'd overheard his thoughts. 'Why do we need to know what happened before we were born?'
'So hopefully we get smarter and don't make the same mistakes again.
Cinda Williams Chima
#28. He swept Raisa up into his arms and kissed her like it was his first, last, and only
Cinda Williams Chima
#29. Please, Kenzie, Jonah thought. Please, please, please back off from this. His life wasn't much, but it was all he had, this small safe space, walled in by secrets.
Cinda Williams Chima
#31. You couldn't keep your mouth shut? I'm calling you Glitterhair from now on. Or Talksalot.
Cinda Williams Chima
#32. I'd rather have a go at life, so there's something to talk about once we're gone.
Cinda Williams Chima
#34. You lying lunatic bastard. They're going to kill you."
"I love you too," he murmured. "Go find Seph.
Cinda Williams Chima
#36. I go to school here, same as you,' Han said.
Micah blinked at him stupidly, the drink slowing him down. 'You? Do you even know how to read and write? They can't have lowered the standards that much.'
'Well,' Han said, 'they let you in.
Cinda Williams Chima
#37. (A)ny time you buy weapons, or build an army, you begin to look for an excuse to use them. Plus, you pose more of a threat to others.
Cinda Williams Chima
#38. Welcome to life in a small town,' Jack said dryly. 'Where everybody makes it their business to put their noses in yours.
Cinda Williams Chima
#39. None of us are free to follow our hearts,"she said. "Not really. Is that what you're saying?"
He shook his head. "No one can stop you from loving someone," he said.
Cinda Williams Chima
#40. It was one of the warm nights at the end of summer that makes promises that won't be kept.
Cinda Williams Chima
#41. Sometimes you have to get away to remember who you are. Believe in yourself, Lyss. You're strong and smart enough to do this job. Never let anyone tell you different.
Cinda Williams Chima
#42. And then Micah Bayar swept back his cloak and dropped to his knees, bowing his head, his amulet swinging forward. Fiona glared down at him like she wanted to stomp on him.
Ho, Han thought. Micah breaks with his family? That's interesting.
Cinda Williams Chima
#43. Raisa's breath caught. "They clubbed you?"
"Well." He looked sideways at her. "If you were any good, they'd miss.
Cinda Williams Chima
#45. And, like a fool, she kissed him back. Kissed him a way that would leave no doubt about the way she felt about him. Kissed him because she knew the chances were slim she'd have very many kisses like that in her lifetime.
Which is a sad thing when you're only seventeen.
Cinda Williams Chima
#47. Oh, I am getting married," Raisa said sleepily. "You promised me that if I agreed to marry you, that you would make it happen." She extended her hand, the one with the ring Han had given her, and waved it under his nose. "So. It's time to pay up.
Cinda Williams Chima
#49. Just because you're the enemy of my enemy don't mean you're my friend, Han thought.
Cinda Williams Chima
#51. Surround yourselves with trustworthy people. If you don't, all the weaponry and tactics in the world can't save you.
Cinda Williams Chima
#52. I don't believe in trading in your future for a little extra power in the present.
Cinda Williams Chima
#54. You didn't have to go to the fireworks with him. Or - or let him fondle you."
"Fondle?" Raisa raised her eyebrows, "When did I mention fondling?
Cinda Williams Chima
#55. Either he's lying, which is bad. Or he could be telling the truth, which is worse
Cinda Williams Chima
#56. No, Hanson, this is not the scene where the girl puts on a skirt and some paint and her schoolmate, who's a little thick, suddenly realizes that she is his true love."
"Oh," Ash said. "Good to know.
Cinda Williams Chima
#58. Plus he was naturally lucky at cards. As Mam had always said, lucky at cards, or lucky at life. One or the other. Not both.
Cinda Williams Chima
#60. I thought I could play at love...But I've found out I'm not made that way...I can't play this game if my heart's not in it.
Cinda Williams Chima
#61. But maybe it's better to go after something, and not get it, than to not even try.
Cinda Williams Chima
#62. If you're scared, you should've stayed at home," Byram said.
"If you're not scared, you're stupid.
Cinda Williams Chima
#63. There's something about a roof isn't there? It makes you feel like it doesn't matter what's going on below. All of those things that get in the way of your dreams - you're above them. Anything is possible.
Cinda Williams Chima
#64. A fiction writer is never entirely alone. Her characters are constantly whispering in her ear.
Cinda Williams Chima
#65. We are invited to drink the the king's health.
To his good health or bad health? - Ash
Cinda Williams Chima
#67. Mellon is thirteen," Raisa said. "I hope you have experience babysitting, Micah, because you're going to need it. Assuming the Demonai don't assassinate you first. Married at thirteen, widowed at fourteen. Poor Mellony.
Cinda Williams Chima
#68. The time will come when you will be forced to make a choice," Hanalea said. "When that time comes, choose love.
Cinda Williams Chima
#69. His mood was so black that getting murdered was beginning to seem appealing
Cinda Williams Chima
#70. You do not respond to an attempt on your life with a slap on the hand. Or a joke.
Cinda Williams Chima
#71. We don't protect them because they're weak. We protect them because they are strong, and strong people make enemies.
Cinda Williams Chima
#73. But it's not enough to know right from wrong. You need the strength to do what's right, even when what you want most in the world is the wrong thing.
Cinda Williams Chima
#74. One more thing: Linda, can you get to Canterbury and take over my Chaucerian Society? They're at Dovecote Hostelry in the old city. We're visiting all the scenes of the great murders. Tomorrow they want to see where Becket was killed. They're a bloodthirsty lot, it seems.
Cinda Williams Chima
#76. If he weren't so thoroughly wrung out, he could kill the bastard on the spot. In his present condition, he'd be lucky to strangle a gnat
Cinda Williams Chima
#77. Well, all right, Ash thought. Maybe freeing the dragon wasn't such a good idea.
Cinda Williams Chima
#80. Crow shrugged. "What is death? The loss of a body? The loss of the animating spark? If that's the case, I am dead.
"Or is life the persistence of memory and emotion, volition and desire?" Crow went on, as if in a debate with himself. "If that's the case, I am very much alive.
Cinda Williams Chima
#81. Like a stand of lodgepole pines in a gale Raisa's followers all went down leaving her standing alone ... There's no shelter for me not from any of this. I'll stand alone the rest of my life. THE GRAY WOLF THRONE p. 163
Cinda Williams Chima
#82. One bright day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. They drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf police man heard the noise, and ran to save the two dead boys. And if you don't believe it's true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.
Cinda Williams Chima
#83. She was supposed to be writing an essay on how geography had shaped the great battles of the past, but she was having trouble concentrating. In fact, all she'd managed so far was a title. How Geography Has Shaped the Great Battles of the Past.
Cinda Williams Chima
#85. I wish I believed in something, Madison thought. I wish I belonged somewhere.
Cinda Williams Chima
#87. Do you think I'm stupid? Only a fool would use a fast-acting poison on a target with a taster. The taster goes down before the king gets it into his system.
Lila blinked at him, as if surprised by this display of logic.
Cinda Williams Chima
#88. We'll have supper in a little while, but I believe we should eat dessert first.
Cinda Williams Chima
#91. Han smiled, then, a bright, charming smile that lit up the room, more dangerous than any blade.
All you ever needed was that smile, she thought. I'd have given in immediately.
Cinda Williams Chima
#92. Just remember who you are ... The world will try to change you into someone else. Don't let them. That's the best advice anyone can give you.
Cinda Williams Chima
#93. The problem is, hope is the thing that can't be reined in by rules or pinned down by bitter experience. It's a blessing and curse.
Cinda Williams Chima
#95. I look like a Solstice cake," Jenna complained when they were finished.
"Well," Treece said, "everybody likes Solstice cakes.
Cinda Williams Chima
#96. The answer is no, I would rather marry the Demon King himself than marry you. I
suggest you look elsewhere for a bride. And heaven help the one you choose.
Cinda Williams Chima
#100. Commander! Sir! Wake up!
Jack surfaced from sleep, wondering who the commander was and wishing he'd respond so he could go back to sleep - until he remembered that he was the commander.
Cinda Williams Chima
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