Top 100 Christine Feehan Quotes
#1. Today's my wedding day, Mom," he said softly aloud. "I'm marrying the woman I always told you I would someday.
Christine Feehan
#2. The first rule for all women to know and never forget is that Carpathian males do not share their lifemates. Tour brother has much to answer for that this was not drilled into you since birth. It was is job to prepare you for my coming.
Christine Feehan
#3. Jesse, we can't do this."
"Sure we can, honey. It's the perfect night for it. You're a woman, I'm a
man. Those little twinkling things overhead are stars. I believe it's referred to as romance.
Christine Feehan
#5. Sarah, honey, I hardly think kidnappers are going to take the time to buy a memento of their stay. I could be wrong, but it seems rather unlikely.
Christine Feehan
#7. Joshua nodded with a small smile. "I know if you're with her, nothing bad can happen to her. I'll go to school with Marie and Stefan. Of course, if you took me, all the other kids would think I have a big daddy, and they wouldn't try to pick on me." He shrugged. "But Stefan's big. Maybe he'll work.
Christine Feehan
#8. I can't help it, Kate. And I'm laughing at me. I feel like one of those sappy men who run around with a big grin on his face all the time. I feel like grinning all the time around you, and it's so idiotic.
Christine Feehan
#9. I wonder how you'll scream when I tear out your heart and show it to you, Emma said, very calmly, her voice low, meaning every word.
Christine Feehan
#10. Shea eyed him warily. "You aren't getting ready to bite me again, are you? I've got to tell you, there isn't a place on my body that isn't sore." She flashed him a wan smile. "Just out of curiosity, your rabies shots are up to date, aren't they?
Christine Feehan
#11. She gave a little delicate sniff. "You're supposed to be explaining yourself. When one's lifemate refuses to claim his woman, there should be a reasonable explanation."
"You have no desire for me to claim you," he pointed out.
"That's beside the point."
Dark Lycan, Christine Feehan
Christine Feehan
#12. And maybe that was love. Being so vulnerable and allowing someone else in so far they could hurt you, but they also give you everything.
Christine Feehan
#13. The night sky was dark and cloudy and felt very much like her weeping heart.
Christine Feehan
#14. I love that your mine. I've never had anything for myself. Not one fucking thing, Evangeline. I love that when I finally have something, it's you. Your body. Your mind, Your heart. I'm going after that you know.
Christine Feehan
#15. Violence, once committed, lingered behind and subtly worked on those sensitive to its ugliness.
Christine Feehan
#16. I am not certain I liked you referring to my brother as a monster." There was a trace of humor in Mikhail's voice.
"You should hear what I call you behind your back," Gregori said, even as his arms spread to accommodate the wings forming.
Christine Feehan
#17. Thank God I didn't kill him. I wanted to bash him one but, you know, without the consequences of him dying.
Christine Feehan
#18. You just want mixed blood because you took one look at a certain woman and all brain matter went dead, Fen accused.
Zev didn't open his eyes or stop feeding. She did make an impression.
Christine Feehan
#19. Or maybe it was survival mode they both lived in, and they didn't dare allow anyone else in because if they were ripped apart a second time there would be no fixing either of them
Christine Feehan
#20. My heart is very much alive and in your hands. Do your best not to destroy it.
You are very lucky it isn't it my hands ... The only thing I know to do with hearts is incinerate them!
Christine Feehan
#21. I love that you're mine. I've never had anything for myself. Not one fucking thing, Evangeline. I love that when I finally have something, it's you. Your body. Your mind. Your heart. I'm going after that you know. Your heart.
Christine Feehan
#23. Listen, Sebastian," he whispered. "That beautiful sound belongs to us for the rest for our lives. That's your mother. She's sunshine. No matter what happens in our lives, we have that.
Christine Feehan
#25. I want you like this,crying out for me to release you but wanting it to go on for all eternity," he whispered against her skin. "Pleading with me to end this, begging me to never stop. It is there in your mind.I hear you, see your fantasies.I know each of them, and I will fulfill every one.
Christine Feehan
#26. She had the mad desire to circle his waist with her arms and just hold on to all that solid muscle. He was a rock when her world felt built on sand.
Christine Feehan
#27. When Jackson used that particular tone of voice, men died, pure and simple.
Christine Feehan
#28. You are the leader here. Obviiusly your skills are far superior to mine. I don't think I could fit into your life. I'm a loner, not the first lady.
Christine Feehan
#29. They're spreading out. Look unaware and sweet and innocent.
It's a little hard to look innocent when I'm as big as a house.
Christine Feehan
#30. If what he said was the truth, it broke her heart. If what he said was a lie, it was broken anyway.
Christine Feehan
#31. She was inexperienced and she didn't give herself lightly, but he could have her. He just wanted to be her choice.
Christine Feehan
#32. You're so sweet, Gregori, Savannah purred, her voice strong in his mind.
I am not sweet, he objected strenuously.
Christine Feehan
#33. It was against her principles to allow anyone else to fight her battles and perhaps be injured or killed in her place.
Christine Feehan
#34. I'm an observer. I read about life. I research life. I find a corner in a room and melt into it. I can become invisible. It's an art, and I am a wonderful practitioner.
Christine Feehan
#35. So now I'm supposed to believe you haven't been with another woman for five years. Get. Out
Christine Feehan
#37. Son of a bitch, you're scary," he informed Jackson. "Where the hell did you get that look? Practicing in the mirror every day?
Christine Feehan
#38. Before Elle had come into his life, he didn't even know what tea was. Now it was a staple. Worse, he actually knew the differences in teas.
Christine Feehan
#39. Rhianna flashed Rose a small smile.
Sometimes I have a chip on my shoulder. You know, the woe-is-me-I'm-such-a-martyr complex.
Christine Feehan
#40. He worked at stealing her heart to replace the one she'd taken from him.
Christine Feehan
#41. What? What's so funny? Some idiot tried to put a stake through your heart, and he didn't even hit the darn thing!"
For which I am grateful. And I am even more grateful that you rescued me. I did not like being imprisoned and in such pain.
Christine Feehan
#42. Nicolas felt awkward. If she needed him to shoot someone for her, he was her man, but comforting her was something altogether different. He didn't like feeling uncertain; it was foreign to his nature. Men didn't pet women like dogs, did they? He put his arm around her, drew her closer to him.
Christine Feehan
#43. Well I'm not. Jumping for joy, I mean,that you're my lifemate. I can't have a lifemate right now. I've got issues.
Christine Feehan
#44. That savage, he thought. Don't think you can push me aside so easily.
Shark attack! Look out, cara, he is swimming toward you. Aidan deliberately lightened the mood between Alexandria and himself.
Christine Feehan
#45. I want you forever, Kate. I want to grow old and have you here in my arms. I want children. I've wanted you for so long. I don't think that's about to change.
Christine Feehan
#46. I am not a woman who would be practical in your life, Sam. You need a home and family..."
"I'm a soldier, Azami. That's who I am. What I am. My woman will be my home----my family...
Christine Feehan
#48. Of course I can do this. I'm pregnant, not brain-damaged. My condition doesn't change my personality.
Christine Feehan
#49. And of course I'm a chauvinist, but it isn't my fault."
"It isn't?"
"No, Jack was born first and I share his genes. I can't help it if he infected me inside the womb."
Briony burst out laughing. "I should have known that would be your excuse.
Christine Feehan
#50. Raven allowed her head to fall back against his shoulder with a slight sigh. "Did you kidnap me or rescue me?"
Strong white teeth gleamed at her, a predator's smile, a man's amusement. "Perhaps a little of both.
Christine Feehan
#51. Blythe turned the tables on him. She was genuine. Sweet. Protective. Nurturing. Everything he'd never had and didn't know he needed or wanted. It was impossible not to love her.
Christine Feehan
#53. He never used a last name if he could help it because the only name that mattered to him was not his own, and unless he found a lifemate, he would not chance ever dishonoring it.
Christine Feehan
#54. Joley likes to be scared, and she can't watch them alone."
"I don't know how you can make that sound perfectly logical.
Christine Feehan
#55. You have to be more discerning, Lily, when experimenting with bondage."
He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'd make a great master.
Christine Feehan
#56. I am surrounded by my family, my beloved grandchildren, and my pack of dogs.
Christine Feehan
#57. For the first time in his existence, he knew he was drowning and he wasn't thinking about survival.
Christine Feehan
#58. If you are a vampire, then a vampire is not the creature of the legends.
Christine Feehan
#59. I can understand why you want to hang with her, but seriously, what does she see in you?
Christine Feehan
#60. She was crawling out from under the huge tour bus when he first caught sight of her. She was small, like a child.
Christine Feehan
#61. But I'm not any better at relationships than you are. We'll find our way together, even if we're fumbling around in the dark for a while.
Christine Feehan
#62. I want to come home Blythe.....we'll all need you, becauser you're you. You're like a breath of fresh air. You're everything...Let me come home.
Christine Feehan
#63. I am justice," Gregori said softly, his voice impacable in its resolve. "There can be no fight, no battle, as there can be only one outcome. Mental or physical bout, or simply a match of our wits, there can be only one end. I am justice.That is all.
Christine Feehan
#64. The first rule for al women to know and never forget is that Carpathian males do not share their lifemates. Your brother has much to answer for that this was not drilled into you since birth. It was his job to prepare you for my coming.
Christine Feehan
#65. Wolves? I should have known. Of course you have wolves. Doesn't everybody?" She snapped her fingers. "The gun, Lucian. Hand it over. I've decided I have to shoot you after all. It's the only way to preserve my sanity.
Christine Feehan
#66. He tasted passion. He tasted emotion. He tasted a world he'd never imagined, one he could never enter. It was right there in front of him, suddenly open to him. Unexpected. Exciting. Scary.
Christine Feehan
#68. Life gives us choices. You either grab on with both hands and just go for it, or you sit on the sidelines.
Christine Feehan
#69. Sometimes lying was the better part of valor and the only way to save a man's butt.
Christine Feehan
#71. Men always seemed to growl and sniff around each other, bristling over nothing, and just as suddenly become buddies at the least likely moments.
Christine Feehan
#72. We could get kinky and see how bats and rats make love, he suggested in a whisper, warm breath against her neck.
You are a sick man, Jacques. Very, very sick.
Christine Feehan
#73. This is my lifemate, who remains unclaimed and quite happy about it.
Christine Feehan
#75. She didn't know how to love, to give herself to someone, to out herself in someone else's keeping and take him into hers. She didn't trust anyone with her heart - or the darker places of her soul.
Christine Feehan
#76. I know what it's like to battle everyday of my life, just for acceptance, just to survive.
Christine Feehan
#77. Victor watched them working together flawlessly, something his brothers had done from the time most of them were young. That ability to seamlessly blend their talents had allowed them to survive the insanity they'd grown up in. The gifts each of them had always astonished him.
Christine Feehan
#78. As we are in life; we are in death.
Life to life
soul to soul
life to life
Christine Feehan
#79. The ice was there. The distance between him and the rest of the world.
Christine Feehan
#80. He'd been ten years old when he'd last begged someone for something, and he'd promised himself he'd never do it again, but this was too important.
Christine Feehan
#81. In his entire life he'd never had the inclination to gather a woman up, cradle her against his chest and rock her just to soothe her - until now.
-Maxim's thoughts
Christine Feehan
#82. At her tender age she was incapable of understanding such a history,
Christine Feehan
#83. He wanted to wake up every morning to her. Go to sleep with his body wrapped tightly around hers. He wanted her to have his child - his children. He knew he wanted to live out the rest of his life with her by his side and when he died, he wanted to die in her arms.
Christine Feehan
#84. I guess it would be too much to ask to let Savannah bite my neck. Gary made an attempt at humor. He was rubbing his neck, every Dracula movie he had ever seen going through his mind.
A low growl rumbling in Gregori's throat was his answer.
Christine Feehan
#85. I happen to know what family you come from, although I know I'm not supposed to know, and I'm certain you can manufacture proof of anything you want."
"That's true. I can. But I didn't."
-Airiana & Maxim
Christine Feehan
#86. Women, real women do not have to prove anything to men. We already know we're the superior gender.
Christine Feehan
#87. Dahlia felt the cabin was growing smaller with each introduction. Each man stood tall with wide shoulders and bulky muscles. She felt ridiculous standing near them.
Christine Feehan
#88. He tasted like love to her. Like everything sensual. Dark, dangerous and wholly wonderful.
Christine Feehan
#89. Then you're mine," she said in desperation. "Then you belong to me."
"With everything I am
Christine Feehan
#90. Just when he knew he would walk into the sun without hesitation, he had been sent an angel. A slow smile softened his mouth. His angel refused to do anything he told her. She responded far better when he thought to ask.
Christine Feehan
#91. The minute I'm in a little pain ... your rough, tough, scary bad boy image totally falls apart.
Christine Feehan
#92. No one, not even Mikhail Dubrinsky, the prince of the Carpathian people, would be able to stop a war if the Lycans harmed her.
Christine Feehan
#93. There was a certain feminine satisfaction in having the last word, delivering her line smartly, and breaking the connection between them quickly and decisively.
Christine Feehan
#94. You can't turn the sheriff into a toad, Hannah. It's against the rules.
Abbey Drake
Christine Feehan
#96. Do you have a camera?" Jackson asked. "We could get some pictures and may be take a print or two if we're lucky."
Jonas shook his head. "We'd probably get a bunch of ghosts and that would just freak me out.
Christine Feehan
#97. Raven stared up at his face, drinking in the strong lines and the way he looked at her with something close to adoration. She smiled at him. "I think you've managed to put some kind of spell on me."
"If I did," he whispered, "it backfired, and I managed to ensnare myself as well.
Christine Feehan
#98. I know you so well, dragon king, you only get that particular look on your face when you're burning to give me one of your lectures."
"Do I give you lectures ?"
"Oh, I don't mind. I think you're kind of cute when you do, and I don't really listen anyway.
Christine Feehan
#100. You're in love, my old friend, and that is the downfall of all good men.
Christine Feehan
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