Top 3 Bruce Parry Quotes

#1. I could be accused of being a wannabe tribesman, of wanting to be a tribal dude, but that is not how I see it. I see it as me doing what they wanted me to do, showing them respect and hanging out with them.

Bruce Parry

Bruce Parry Quotes #484346
#2. If I had to pick one tribe to go back and live with permanently - and I hate doing this, it's not a contest - it would be the people of Anuta, in the South Pacific. It's got white beaches, blue seas, good food and gentle, friendly people who have a wonderful philosophy of sharing. And it's warm.

Bruce Parry

Bruce Parry Quotes #741974
#3. I couldn't get to sleep at night without saying the Lord's Prayer because, when I was young, I felt I was touched by the hand of Jesus, and hated myself for challenging it.

Bruce Parry

Bruce Parry Quotes #1391124

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