Top 100 Blake Crouch Quotes
#1. Abby," Lawrence said, "do exactly what I say, right when I say, no matter how crazy it sounds.
Blake Crouch
#2. My life is great. It's just not exceptional. And there was a time when it could have been." "You killed your ambition, didn't you?" "It died of natural causes. Of neglect.
Blake Crouch
#3. Pope smiled. "You're thinking all wrong, boy. There's no such thing as law or government inside this room. It's just you and me. I am the one and only authority in your little world, whose borders are these walls. I could kill you right now if I wanted to.
Blake Crouch
#4. A millennium without air or light pollution made for pitch-black skies. The stars didn't just appear anymore. They exploded. Diamonds on black velvet. You couldn't tear your eyes away.
Blake Crouch
#5. You'd like for me to show you?" "What do you think?" "All right, Ethan. All right. But I have to warn you ... I'm going to ask for something in return.
Blake Crouch
#6. A soldier shoved him forward, said, "Stand right there and don't fucking move." "Why?" "We have to inspect you." "For what?" "Shut the fuck up.
Blake Crouch
#8. We're all just wandering through the tundra of our existence, assigning value to worthlessness, when all that we love and hate, all we believe in and fight for and kill for and die for is as meaningless as images projected onto Plexiglass.
Blake Crouch
#9. What might have been and what has been Point to one end, which is always present. Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened. - T. S. Eliot, "Burnt Norton
Blake Crouch
#11. Kate stood next to Ethan with a shotgun of her
Blake Crouch
#12. Almost fifteen months he's been gone, and every day I wake up, I still don't believe this is really happening.
Blake Crouch
#14. She loved at light-speed. No hesitation. No regrets. No conditions. No reservations. While he hoarded his chips and held a part of himself back, she went all in. Every time.
Blake Crouch
#15. The day wears on. The light fades. It snows harder with each passing hour. Up and down Main, Christmas lights wink on.
Blake Crouch
Blake Crouch
#17. At this point, I'm not even sure what to be afraid of - this reality that might actually be true, or the possibility that everything is going to pieces inside my head. I
Blake Crouch
#19. Better to start off with the glad hand than a middle finger.
Blake Crouch
#20. But I'll tell you what I do wish. Wish we could live twice, take a different path each time. That at the end of all this, when I finished serving God in the West, I could go back to that day on the beach, put a ring on Eleanor's finger instead.
Blake Crouch
#21. When you were a child, I didn't tell you about the evil in the world, all that lay in wait.
Blake Crouch
#22. Her smile reminded Theresa of a movie star smile - toothy and wide, and if you stared too hard at it, not quite real.
Blake Crouch
#23. They say all art - whether books, music, or visual - is a reaction to other art,
Blake Crouch
#24. onto his side and pushed up into a sitting position, tucking his head between his knees. Sensed the instability of the world long before he opened his eyes, like its axis had been cut loose to teeter. His first deep breath
Blake Crouch
#25. He'd been filling up his Suburban - a feat that required a small business loan at current prices - and had missed Shanna's call.
Blake Crouch
#26. The search for meaning was the cornerstone of human disquiet
Blake Crouch
#27. That's not the way the human heart works. I can't just amputate what I feel.
Blake Crouch
#28. If there are infinite worlds, how do I find the one that is uniquely, specifically mine?
Blake Crouch
#29. A question repeated in the back of Theresa's mind as she washed the purple stains from her hands. How did they finally break you?
Blake Crouch
#30. Are you with them?" he whispered again. "With who?" Abigail asked. "The men in masks. There were - Get back!" he yelled and Abigail saw the machine pistol shift to her father.
Blake Crouch
#31. Even as those five words cross my mind, I'm not exactly certain what they mean, or how to begin to consider their full weight. So I say it again. I try it on. See how it fits. This is not my world. -
Blake Crouch
#32. You in one piece?" he asked. His pack lay open in the snow and he was cinching the last strap of a crampon onto his boot.
Blake Crouch
#33. The people I bring out of suspension to populate my town won't have Facebook or iPhones, iPads, Twitter, next-day delivery. They'll interact like our species used to. Face-to-face. And
Blake Crouch
#34. Life's short. Don't be mad. It's a waste of time.
Blake Crouch
#35. always puts me in mind of that F. Scott Fitzgerald line: Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. The
Blake Crouch
#36. Like the first day of any new thing, it has been a long one, and he's glad to see it end.
Blake Crouch
#37. The cabins scattered across the lower slopes lie buried to their chimneys, and with not a one of them smoking, the air smells too clean.
Blake Crouch
#38. I hate clowns!" "That's not a real clown," another boy said. "That's just some guy dressed up like a clown!
Blake Crouch
#39. Inside, the air-conditioning was set to blizzard.
Blake Crouch
#41. And the hair on his arms stood erect and some primal siren sounded in his brain, but mistaking terror for adrenaline, he walked down into the darkness because he'd never felt more alive.
Blake Crouch
#42. All your life you're told you're unique. An individual. That no one on the planet is just like you. It's humanity's anthem.
Blake Crouch
#43. Both, in their own way, thinking, This is hell - the absolute loss borne from all those slivers of perfection that passed unnoticed, unrelished. In
Blake Crouch
#44. Since the Industrial Revolution, we've treated our world like it was a hotel room and we were rock stars.
Blake Crouch
#45. You've killed a hundred and thirty people, and you're getting squeamish at sticking your finger up a girl's ass? Some people pay to do it.
Blake Crouch
#46. It was nothing more than a beautiful prison, run by a psychopath.
Blake Crouch
#47. They haven't been unhappy these last few years, quite the opposite. But it's been a long, long time since she felt that sense of giddy love that effervesces in the pit of your stomach and spectacularly upends the world.
Blake Crouch
#49. He figures she must contain a carbon core. A soul as hard as a diamond. So what happens when a diamond finally breaks?
Blake Crouch
#51. We're more than the sum total of our choices, that all the paths we might have taken factor somehow into the math of our identity.
Blake Crouch
#52. For every perfect little town, there's something ugly underneath. No dream without the nightmare.
Blake Crouch
#53. What's the demographic?" "Men. Women. Children." "High-velocity GSWs?
Blake Crouch
#54. Actually, they're just as real as the one you and I are experiencing at this moment.
Blake Crouch
#55. He reaches into his greatcoat, pulls out a tin of Star Navy
Blake Crouch
#56. I would rather die today than live in that sick illusion of a town for one more hour. Like prisoners. Like slaves.
Blake Crouch
#57. Nature doesn't see things through the prism of good or bad. It rewards efficiency. That's the beautiful simplicity of evolution. It matches design to environment.
Blake Crouch
#58. Because no matter what had happened in the past, in this harrowing present, everybody needed everybody.
Blake Crouch
#59. The lights of Wayward Pines glowed against the cliffs that boxed it in, and for the first time, those steep mountain walls seemed inviting. Fortifications
Blake Crouch
#60. Money can't buy you happiness, darling. Believe me, I've tried." "But it affords your own brand of misery.
Blake Crouch
#61. We're a part of something here, Mr. Burke. Something that matters. All of us." "Here's the thing, Marcus, and I don't want you to ever forget it. Nobody fucking asked me or anyone in that valley if we wanted to be a part of this.
Blake Crouch
#62. I wish we lived in a world where actions were measured by the intentions behind them. But the truth is, they're measured by their consequences.
Blake Crouch
#63. It's like we get so set in our ways, so entrenched in those grooves, we stop seeing our loved ones for who they are. But tonight, right now, I see you again, like the first time we met, when the sound of your voice and your smell was this new country.
Blake Crouch
#64. my old world is feeling more and more like a ghost. You know how a dream feels the farther you get from it? It loses its color and intensity and logic. Your emotional connection to it fades.
Blake Crouch
#65. What about the abbies?" Ethan asked. "As a food source?" "Yeah." "First off, gross.
Blake Crouch
#66. I'm a special agent with the United States Secret Service." "You mean those guys who guard the president?" "That's only one of our duties.
Blake Crouch
#67. You know, you remind me of my younger brother. I miss that kid, so much that I sometimes regret killing him.
Blake Crouch
#68. Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Julian "Cannonball" Adderley, Paul Chambers, Bill Evans, and Jimmy Cobb playing "All Blues," a moody, blues form piece in 6/8, off the 1959 album Kind of Blue.
Blake Crouch
#70. I'd hate to meet one of those thriller writers in person.
Blake Crouch
#71. In some environments, safety and truth are natural born enemies. I would think a former employee of the federal government could grasp that concept.
Blake Crouch
#72. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.' Albert Einstein
Blake Crouch
#73. They say that what you mock Will surely overtake you And you become a monster So the monster will not break you
Blake Crouch
#74. He'd meant to pray, meant to fix his thoughts on something beautiful, like the future and the new world and the woman he would be sharing it with.
But like every important, defining moment in his life, it had all roared by too fast.
Blake Crouch
#75. Your sensitivity is overwhelming," Ethan said. "Someday remind me to explain to you what empathy is.
Blake Crouch
#76. Theresa wipes her face and turns away from the window.
Blake Crouch
#77. Do you know how a gun works?" "They hurt you." "They can. I shot a bullet into the back of Molly's head so she wouldn't be sick or sad anymore." "Did it hurt her?
Blake Crouch
#78. The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. - JOHN MILTON, PARADISE LOST
Blake Crouch
#79. We all have evil in us," Steve says. "Some more than others. I never knew I had this in me, and it scares me, because I wonder how much of it is still inside. Waiting to come out.
Blake Crouch
#80. I think he's trying to preserve our way of life." "For who? Us or him?
Blake Crouch
#81. People leave. They die. Their dwellings crumble. That's the storyline, the only plot there will ever be.
Blake Crouch
#82. Theolonious frowned. "So is a werewolfskunkdeer a person who changes into something that's a wolf, skunk, and deer all at once, like it has fur and Bambi eyes and sprays skunk spray, or is it a person who can change into a wolf or a skunk or a deer?
Blake Crouch
#83. I'd found something I didn't even know I was searching for
Blake Crouch
#84. We all live day to day completely oblivious to the fact that we're a part of a much larger and stranger reality than we can possibly imagine. She
Blake Crouch
#85. What it comes down to for me is that I'd rather us make bad decisions as a group, than to live in the absence of freedom.
Blake Crouch
#86. Paul Wilson) The Serial Series (with J.A. Konrath and Jack Kilborn) "Serial" (short story) "Bad Girl" (short story) Serial Uncut (novella) Killers (novella) Birds of Prey Killers Uncut Serial Killers Uncut (double novel)
Blake Crouch
#87. They were just two people sharing a table, trying to limp through the awkwardness.
Blake Crouch
#88. I've always known, on a purely intellectual level, that our separateness and isolation are an illusion. We're all made of the same thing - the blown-out pieces of matter formed in the fires of dead stars.
Blake Crouch
#89. How would one publish a living book, whose stories never ended?
Blake Crouch
#90. Letty had barely touched her food. Javier stared down at her through a pair of aviator sunglasses. "You forgot something," she said. "What's that?" "My name. Who will they be expecting?" "Selena Kitt. S-E-L-E-N-A K-I-T-T. But you won't be carrying any identification.
Blake Crouch
#91. [ ... ] suspicion leads to bias, and bias doesn't lead to truth
Blake Crouch
#92. I'm running a battery of tests, but everything appears to have come through fully preserved.
Blake Crouch
#94. As long as I'm with you, I know exactly who I am.
Blake Crouch
#95. And maybe I can let go of the sting and resentment of the path not taken, because the path not taken isn't just the inverse of who I am. It's an infinitely branching system that represents all the permutations of my life...
Blake Crouch
Blake Crouch
#97. I have everything I need here," he said. "Warmth. Drink. Food. Books.
Blake Crouch
#98. He'd never hit a woman in his life, but as Pam moved in for more, he couldn't shake the thought that it would feel so satisfying to connect his right elbow with this bitch's jaw.
Blake Crouch
#99. A sword and a shotgun lay across brackets in the wall, the rhinestones that covered them glittering under the overhanging lightbulb. Ethan startled
Blake Crouch
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