Top 100 Bill Hybels Quotes
#1. You are the most difficult person you will ever lead.
Bill Hybels
#2. If it's the last thing I do, I will give every ounce of the rest of my life to helping leaders and churches get better.
Bill Hybels
#3. If leaders don't have an antidote for fear they will be crushed by it. What is your antidote?
Bill Hybels
#4. The tithe is a wonderful goal but a terrible place to stop.
Bill Hybels
#5. You can never underestimate the amount of energy and frequency you must give to vision casting. You can never underestimate it.
Bill Hybels
#6. Leadership in church is one of the biggest challenges that the Church is facing because without strong leadership, the church rarely lives out its redemptive potentials.
Bill Hybels
#8. God didn't make you a leader to respond to stuff all day. He made you a leader to move things forward.
Bill Hybels
#9. Your culture will only ever be as healthy as the senior leader wants it to be.
Bill Hybels
#10. It's one thing to see a vision; it's another thing to be seized by a vision.
Bill Hybels
#11. Thirty years ago, we were in a movie theater and thought it was so cool because we were finally delivered from the horrors of stained glass and wooden pews.
Bill Hybels
#12. God wants us ... to talk to him as to a friend or father-authentically, reverently, personally, earnestly.
Bill Hybels
#13. Enjoy every single day you get to lead because it will be over in a blink.
Bill Hybels
#15. To be developed as a leader, failure must be allowed. Failure only helps us improve.
Bill Hybels
#16. Live each day with an open ear toward heaven, eager to respond to any whisper from God.
Bill Hybels
#17. The only way to motivate people is to live a motivated life in front of them
Bill Hybels
#18. If you're too chicken to repent, then please don't ever say Christianity is for weak people.
Bill Hybels
#19. We all have strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. In fact, an average person has 3.4 blind spots.
Bill Hybels
#20. This is the only leadership life I get, my one and only shot at following God the way I feel him prompting me to do so. This isn't some pre-game warm-up. It's the game, and the clock is ticking!
Bill Hybels
#21. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let's not go to Church, let's be the Church.
Bill Hybels
#22. I would never want to reach out someday with a soft, uncallused hand-a hand never dirtied by serving-and shake the nail-pierced hand of Jesus.
Bill Hybels
#23. The worst days of leadership beat the best days of being an onlooker.
Bill Hybels
#24. God delights in pouring his favor on obedient risk takers.
Bill Hybels
#25. Authentic Christians are persons who stand apart from others. Their character seems deeper, their ideas fresher, their spirit softer, their courage greater, their leadership stronger, their concerns wider, their compassion more genuine and their convictions more concrete.
Bill Hybels
#26. I can write about prayer, you can read about prayer ... but sooner or later you have to fall to your knees and just plain pray. Then, and only then, will you begin to operate in the vein of God's miracle-working ways.
Bill Hybels
#27. Dignity does not float down from heaven it cannot be purchased nor manufactured. It is a reward reserved for those who labor with diligence.
Bill Hybels
#28. One thing is that life's great moments evolve from simple acts of cooperation with God's mysterious promptings-nudges that always lean toward finding what's been lost and freeing what's been enslaved .
Bill Hybels
#29. Our minds, like the needle in that compass, can focus on a variety of subjects throughout the day. But in the end, when they're left alone to settle, they'll focus on the objects of our greatest affection.
Bill Hybels
#30. You have never looked in the eyes of someone who does not matter to God.
Bill Hybels
#31. A leadership development plan has to address these three phases: Identifying emerging leaders Investing in the development of emerging leaders Entrusting responsibility to emerging leaders
Bill Hybels
#32. You're a leader. It's your job to keep your passion hot. Do whatever you have to do, read whatever you have to read, go wherever you have to go to stay fired up. And don't apologize to anybody.
Bill Hybels
#33. Wise leaders understand that the single greatest determinant of whether followers will ever own a vision deeply is the extent to which whose followers believe the leader will own it.
Bill Hybels
#34. How do you pray a prayer so filled with faith that it can move a mountain? By shifting your focus from the size of your mountain to the sufficiency of the Mountain Mover and then stepping forward in obedience.
Bill Hybels
#35. The Lord's Prayer is an excellent model, but it was never intended to be a magical incantation to get God's attention. Jesus gave this prayer as a pattern to suggest the variety of elements that should be included when we pray.
Bill Hybels
#36. For a marriage relationship to flourish, there must be intimacy. It takes an enormous amount of courage to say to your spouse, 'This is me. I'm not proud of it - in fact, I'm a little embarrassed by it - but this is who I am.
Bill Hybels
#37. It takes a great deal of courage to follow another person's lead.
Bill Hybels
#38. There is nothing like the local church when the local church is working right.
Bill Hybels
#39. When Christ- followers act from a place of godly character - when they keep the big picture in mind, when they put others' needs ahead of their own, when they order lives according to kingdom priorities - things change. Big things change.
Bill Hybels
#40. The question isn't, "What do I want to get done in the next thirty days?" but, "Who do I want to become in this next season of my life?
Bill Hybels
#41. Humility enables us to learn from each other.
Bill Hybels
#42. Life's great moments evolve from simples acts of cooperation with God's mysterious promptings.
Bill Hybels
#43. Destructive fear must be stopped in its tracks or it will undermine the life God invites us to live.
Bill Hybels
#44. Leadership grit begets grit. Lead by example.
Bill Hybels
#45. Busyness is the unrivaled archenemy of spiritual authenticity.
Bill Hybels
#46. Don't get so addicted to vision that the people feel like equipment
Bill Hybels
#47. One of the greatest joys of leadership is assembling and knitting together teams of fantastic people.
Bill Hybels
#48. If there is ever a time crying out for courageous leadership, its now.
Bill Hybels
#49. Leadership is not for the faint of heart
Bill Hybels
#50. Is the ambient noise level of my life low enough for me to hear the whispers of the Lord?
Bill Hybels
#51. Every single decision you make as a leader has an effect on the spirit of those you lead.
Bill Hybels
#52. Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion.
Bill Hybels
#53. God in His grace will allow us a certain number of friendships that stick for the long haul of life. These friendships are a treasured blessing.
Bill Hybels
#54. The more varied the environments in which you exercise your leadership gift, the stronger that gift will become. You will become a far more effective leader.
Bill Hybels
#55. If you are anything like me you'll have to fight tooth-and-nail to stay in the game (evangelism). Because although the home runs have been invigorating, my batting average over the years is abysmally low.
Bill Hybels
#56. Simplified living is about more than doing less. It's being who God called us to be, with a wholehearted, single-minded focus. It's walking away from innumerable lesser opportunities in favor of the few to which we've been called and for which we've been created.
Bill Hybels
#57. Great leadership is by definition relentlessly developmental.
Bill Hybels
#58. he said we would not have to do this alone.
Bill Hybels
#59. When you get to the end will God say, "Well done," or, "What was up with that?"
Bill Hybels
#60. Leaders should never apologize for the strength of feeling that accompanies their God-given visions. God designed leaders to experience their longing, their desire, and their drive deeply, and to express it fully. And when they do, they energize others.
Bill Hybels
#61. Effective leaders do not fear passion. They welcome it. But from time to time passionate discussions digress into personal attacks, and real people get really hurt. In my view, leaders must head that off before it happens.
Bill Hybels
#62. The mark of community is not the absence of conflict. It's the presence of a reconciling spirit.
Bill Hybels
#63. Leaders are at their very best when they are raising up leaders around them.
Bill Hybels
#64. Jesus is not directing the angelic choir, taking long naps, or doing crossword puzzles. He is completely focused on building his church, the hope of the world.
Bill Hybels
#65. If your life is rushing in many directions at once, you are incapable of the kind of deep, unhurried prayer that is vital to the Christian walk.
Bill Hybels
#66. I hate thinking about it, teaching about it, and writing about it. But the plain truth is that hell is real and real people go there for eternity.
Bill Hybels
#67. Vision is the most powerful weapon in the leader's arsenal.
Bill Hybels
#68. Nothing that matters in this world happens unless leaders lead it.
Bill Hybels
#69. The Church will never reach her full redemptive potential until men and women with the leadership gift step up and lead.
Bill Hybels
#70. Personally, I've never understood inactivity. Why a person would sit when he could soar, be a spectator when he could play, or atrophy when he could develop ... is beyond me!
Bill Hybels
#71. There isn't a single motivation, thought, act, or word that has slipped out of your being and escaped the full, undivided attention of God.
Bill Hybels
#72. Self awareness allows you to self-correct.
Bill Hybels
#73. God wants to father all of us until we're dead sure of his approval, his guiding power and his promise of heaven.
Bill Hybels
#74. You may well have to simplify to live the life God is inviting you to live.
Bill Hybels
#75. God led Jesus to a cross, not a crown, and yet that cross ultimately proved to be the gateway to freedom and forgiveness for every sinner in the world.
Bill Hybels
#76. Don't steamroll your way into a conversation before establishing any relational credibility.
Bill Hybels
#77. My selection process is based on "three Cs": first character, then competence, and finally chemistry with me and with the rest of the team. Character. Competence. Chemistry.
Bill Hybels
#78. People join organizations, they leave managers.
Bill Hybels
#79. Your energy and the ability to energize others is more valuable than your time.
Bill Hybels
#80. Legacy leaders are the only ones wiling to pay the price to fix a broken culture.
Bill Hybels
#81. Leadership is the catalytic gift that energizes, directs, and empowers all the other gifts.
Bill Hybels
#82. The Christian life is one of faith, where we find ourselves routinely overdriving our headlights but knowing it's okay because God is in control and has a purpose behind it.
Bill Hybels
#83. Coaching is the most important servant/leadership element in helping people accomplish their goals.
Bill Hybels
#84. Whenever you see something going well - whenever light begins to chase back the darkness that threatens to engulf our world - look closely. There stands a leader who is holding that candle.
Bill Hybels
#85. I look at tens of thousands of church leaders who still do need a bit of an awakening.
Bill Hybels
#86. Many leadership problems are driven by low self-awareness.
Bill Hybels
#87. If you are too busy or too proud to pray with your children, you are too busy and too proud.
Bill Hybels
#88. Storms draw something out of us that calm seas don't.
Bill Hybels
#89. Those churches have closed down or have been merged with a church that has a more positive vision.
Bill Hybels
#90. Truly, spiritual courage is on the endangered character-quality list.
Bill Hybels
#91. Deep friendships are forged in the fire of pain. If
Bill Hybels
#92. Visionary people face the same problems everyone else faces; but rather than get paralyzed by their problems, visionaries immediately commit themselves to finding a solution.
Bill Hybels
#93. If the request is wrong, God says, No. If the timing is wrong, God says, Slow. If you are wrong, God says, Grow. But if the request is right, the timing is right and you are right, God says, Go!
Bill Hybels
#94. Everyone wins when a leader gets better
Bill Hybels
#95. Savor every day you have the privilege to lead.
Bill Hybels
#96. The local church is the hope of the world, and its future rests primarily in the hands of its leaders.
Bill Hybels
#97. Develop your reflective will and gain better insight before you say or do something.
Bill Hybels
#98. We live in a world that is crying out for better leadership.
Bill Hybels
#99. It's time to make a decision: I will learn what disciplines are necessary to fuel my prayer life, and I will practice these disciplines regularly, without fail.
Bill Hybels
#100. I can usually sense that a leading is from the Holy Spirit when it calls me to humble myself, serve somebody, encourage somebody or give something away. Very rarely will the evil one lead us to do those kinds of things.
Bill Hybels
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