Top 18 April Nichole Quotes
#1. We can hear your voice
We can hear it through the songs of praise
We can hear it through the birds
We can hear it through the wind
We can hear your voice in our hearts
We can hear your voice in our minds
We can hear you through everyhing
April Nichole
#2. These hands are unlike any other
but gentle
and understanding
April Nichole
#3. Look upward to him
Look upward on our goal
Keep your eyes on him
Look upward to him
April Nichole
#4. In another land there is glory
In another land there is happiness
In another land we all get along
In another land we will stand with others
April Nichole
#5. Look upward to him
Look to him for everything
Look to him for help
Look to him for comfort
April Nichole
#7. You said one day you would come back for us
The ones that believed in you
The ones that asked you into their hearts
The ones that served you
April Nichole
#8. Today I want to leave the world
I want to leave the pain
Leave the heartache
I know where it is going
I want to see my Savior
April Nichole
#9. We need your patience
Your knowledge
we need your caring heart
April Nichole
#10. To be held in his arms
I long for that day
The da that I get to see
more wonderful things
April Nichole
#11. Knowing that you knew everything about us before we were born
Lord, your love is amazing
April Nichole
#12. You have my life,
My heart,
My soul in your hands
April Nichole
#13. You are my strength when I am weak
You are my shield when I am hurting
Whatever you say unto me Lord
I will do
April Nichole
#14. A nation established under God
A nation that will only win
if we stand together
April Nichole
#15. I can look beyond the clouds
to feel your love
the sun will rise again
to end the darkness
April Nichole
#16. These hands will never go away
they will scoop you up at anytime
anytime that you want to be loved
April Nichole
#17. When I stand strong in you
I can look beyond the clouds
With your words
The sun will rise again
April Nichole
#18. Letting go
I can have a firm foundation
To honor you
And hold you in my heart
April Nichole
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