Top 100 Alan Cohen Quotes
#1. Teach yourself freedom with the same zeal that the world has taught you limits.
Alan Cohen
#2. I tend to write songs fast, so the process usually only lasts around 30 minutes. In the studio is where I really can artistically breathe, and let my ideas flow.
Alan Cohen
#3. Stay aligned with your intentions and your good will find you.
Alan Cohen
#4. When you reframe problems as projects or opportunities, they will cease to bother you and begin to stimulate you.
Alan Cohen
#5. The difference between famous creators and struggling artists is that the creators know that improving the lives of others deserves the highest reward.
Alan Cohen
#6. Those who do not forgive history are assigned to repeat it until compassion replaces judgment.
Alan Cohen
#7. When you want what you want more than you fear what you want, you will have it.
Alan Cohen
#8. If someone thinks you can help or heal them, and you think you can't, choose their faith over your doubt.
Alan Cohen
#9. The words "genius" and "genuine" derive from the same root. The core of genius is authenticity.
Alan Cohen
#10. Laughter lifts us over high ridges and lights up dark valleys in a way that makes life so much easier. It is a priceless gem, a gift of release and healing direct from Heaven.
Alan Cohen
#11. Life has meaning only if you do what is meaningful to you.
Alan Cohen
#12. No matter what has happened, let today be new.
Alan Cohen
#13. Humility is born of the spirit, humiliation of the ego.
Alan Cohen
#14. Money is your friend. Your body is your friend. Life is your friend.
Alan Cohen
#15. Why wait for your ship to come in when you are already on it?
Alan Cohen
#16. Enlightenment does not ask you to be perfect; it simply asks you to find perfection right where you stand.
Alan Cohen
#17. You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself.
Alan Cohen
#18. To think you know what is best for another person is an industrial-strength ego trip.
Alan Cohen
#19. We attain freedom as we let go of whatever does not reflect our magnificence. A bird cannot fly high or far with a stone tied to its back. But release the impediment, and we are free to soar to unprecedented heights.
Alan Cohen
#20. So money is not the answer to problems; wealth mentality is.
Alan Cohen
#21. Everything will change when your desire to move on exceeds your desire to hold.
Alan Cohen
#22. If you desire to know where your spiritual work lies, look to your emotional pain.
Alan Cohen
#23. No one is too busy to do what they actually prefer.
Alan Cohen
#24. A life without change is not a life; it is a stagnant pool ...
Alan Cohen
#25. You can be helping many people, but if you are not helping yourself, you have missed the one person you were born to heal.
Alan Cohen
#26. An authentic life does not require anyone else's approval for your creative choices.
Alan Cohen
#27. Keep memories of insult on a short leash, and memories of blessing on a long one.
Alan Cohen
#28. Upgrade your past by seeing it with appreciation.
Alan Cohen
#29. You are not a black hole that needs to be filled; you are a light that needs to be shined.
Alan Cohen
#30. Humility moves more mountains than arrogance.
Alan Cohen
#31. This moment has nothing to do with the last one unless you choose the past to continue.
Alan Cohen
#32. The first step to boosting your income is to identify where your passion lives and to be true to it.
Alan Cohen
#33. What happens to you happens from you.
Alan Cohen
#34. Since you are the one who has to live with your choices, be sure they are your own.
Alan Cohen
#35. Nothing in the outer world makes you feel any way. You decide what you want to feel, and then use outer people and events as permission slips to execute your feeling agenda.
Alan Cohen
#36. Abundance is not a situation- it is an attitude.
Alan Cohen
#37. Do what is healing to your spirit and without effort you will bring the world healing in return.
Alan Cohen
#38. The cause of poverty is not scarcity. It is fear and small thinking.
Alan Cohen
#39. Live your spirit's dreams, not your mind's.
Alan Cohen
#40. Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.
Alan Cohen
#41. Put aside ambition for public recognition, and simply do what you do because it feels good inside.
Alan Cohen
#42. The only thing more important than being good is being real. Authenticity is kinder than resignation without conviction. Truth leads to good faster than good leads to truth. Ultimately truth is good, but you have to live it from the inside out.
Alan Cohen
#43. When your sense of worth exceeds your conditions, conditions will shift to match your vision.
Alan Cohen
#44. If you sense there must be more, there is more.
Alan Cohen
#45. Happiness has little to do with what is going on around you, and a lot to do with what is going on inside you.
Alan Cohen
#46. Your thoughts do not create reality, but they do create your experience.
Alan Cohen
#47. If one person is happier because you have lived, it is all worth it. And if you are that person, God is well pleased.
Alan Cohen
#48. True progress comes not through action, but through awakening.
Alan Cohen
#49. We hurt ourselves not by what we ask for, but what we settle for.
Alan Cohen
#50. What you go through is nothing compared to who you are.
Alan Cohen
#51. If you know something is true, you don't need to convince anyone of it. If you are trying to convince anyone, it is probably yourself.
Alan Cohen
#52. All hatred of others is a reflection of self-hatred. All love of others is a reflection of self-love.
Alan Cohen
#53. Joy is not the result of getting what you want; it is the way to get what you want. In the deepest sense, joy is what you want.
Alan Cohen
#54. You won't be happy anywhere until you're happy somewhere.
Alan Cohen
#55. You cannot judge what should bring others joy, and others cannot judge what should bring you joy.
Alan Cohen
#56. Money is not the root of all evil ... ignorance is the root of all evil. People do cruel and foolish things for money because they feel oppressed by a sense of lack. If people knew their power to generate wealth, they would never fight or hurt each other over money.
Alan Cohen
#57. What a doctor or healer tells you is a reflection of the beliefs and expectations you hold. Change your beliefs and you change the prognosis. Who is the doctor? The mind of the patient.
Alan Cohen
#58. Mind is the cause; everything else is effect.
Alan Cohen
#59. Give people permission to be who they are and they will love, thank, and respect you forever.
Alan Cohen
#60. Today I set my mind and heart on a new path. I focus my energy on love, appreciation, and my highest possibilities.
Alan Cohen
#62. Our culture has more to gain from inner stillness than incessant pushing.
Alan Cohen
#63. Be clear on where you are and where you want to go and you will get there. It can be the best year of your life.
Alan Cohen
#64. The ego romanticizes the past to avoid the true romance of the present.
Alan Cohen
#65. If you are losing your peace in your quest for peace, you are not on the road to peace. The road to peace is peace.
Alan Cohen
#66. I claim my heart's desire, and I choose my direction. I will attain my chosen goal.
Alan Cohen
#67. Successful people pay more attention to their visions and goals than to history and the opinions of others.
Alan Cohen
#68. Ask for peace first, and you will clearly see your next step.
Alan Cohen
#69. Guilt: punishing yourself before God doesn't.
Alan Cohen
#70. Grace is the state of being in which we are loved unconditionally and all that we need is provided for us by the benevolent hand of God.
Alan Cohen
#71. Great masters neither want nor need your worship. Your greatest gift to them and yourself is to emulate their divinity by claiming it as your own.
Alan Cohen
#72. You are destined to become the peer of those you most respect because the greatness you perceive in them is your own.
Alan Cohen
#73. My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today Have but one purpose; to be given Christ To use to bless the world with miracles. - W, LESSON 353
Alan Cohen
#74. Anyone in a state of seeking can never be happy. Only those who are constantly finding are fulfilled. And finding is not something that happens to us - it is something we do.
Alan Cohen
#75. Eternity does not start after you die; it begins when you really live.
Alan Cohen
#76. Don't use the past as an excuse to miss out on your future.
Alan Cohen
#77. When we make the choice to care, we set into motion a snowball effect that touches many people, most of whom we will never know about ... never underestimate the importance of a kind act.
Alan Cohen
#78. The more you invest in your happiness, the more happiness will invest in you.
Alan Cohen
#79. Apply analysis when appropriate, but keep it on a short leash when joy beckons.
Alan Cohen
#80. While there seem to be many things to manage in the world, the most important thing to manage is your consciousness.
Alan Cohen
#81. If you want peace, look for it where it is, not in conflict.
Alan Cohen
#82. Any problem you recognize represents but a tiny blip on the radar screen of your well-being. Even while you are experiencing a difficulty, homeostasis is working on your behalf to return you to perfect balance. Your role is simply to relax and allow nature to take its healing course.
Alan Cohen
#83. Take care what words you speak that follow "I am." In so speaking you create your life.
Alan Cohen
#84. Be at peace with your choices.
They all serve you.
Alan Cohen
#85. Waiting does not exist in the experience of those who recognize the presence of love wherever they are.
Alan Cohen
#86. One of the best ways to realize that age is an illusion is to have your body get older and realize that you are who you always have been.
Alan Cohen
#87. To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past. Your history is not your destiny.
Alan Cohen
#88. I give myself the kindness and forgiveness I would show others.
Alan Cohen
#89. Truly creative people care a little about what they have done, and a lot about what they are doing. Their driving focus is the life force that surges in them now.
Alan Cohen
#90. In the end, we are not the roles we play. We are the light that animates every soul in the dance we call life.
Alan Cohen
#91. Focus on the highest, clearest, and most meaningful teaching you can find, and let all else go.
Alan Cohen
#92. It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
Alan Cohen
#93. The difficulties of life do not keep you from greatness. They show you to its door.
Alan Cohen
#94. After a certain point you quit trying to prove yourself to anyone and you simply live in the way that makes you happy.
Alan Cohen
#95. If you are a misfit in one place, you will be a great fit in another.
Alan Cohen
#96. Life is a gift from God, an unlimited series of opportunities to find the good in ourselves and others. There is good in everything, if we are willing to see it.
Alan Cohen
#97. Agony is not something that happens to you.
To agonize is a choice.
Alan Cohen
#98. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
#99. Happy people do not demand a lot from the world because their happiness proceeds from a place deeper than the world can touch.
Alan Cohen
#100. When your intention is clear, so is the way.
Alan Cohen
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